Day after sales
. The Community radar of Borsalino poolt the information the Borsalino user in an absolutely anonymizated data base. A singular data base with highly compressed information. They recognize fr?eitig, when a title is repelled and at which time the investors again to enter. Quantities and prices are ignored, so that the statistics cannot be verf?cht. Each user erh? thus an equivalent voice. They want to analyze a certain market segment. They want to know for example, which are contained of the SWX at acted Swiss shares particularly h?ig in the depots the Borsalino user. Then you proceed as follows:. the existence in the Portfolios (Top of getting thing: Which are the SWX shares, which are represented at the h?igsten in the Portfolios) or the Ver?erung in the Portfolios (Top K?e: which shares were bought in the gew?ten time period at most. Top Verk?e: Which shares were sold in the gew?ten time period at most.) The viewpoint after Ver?erung is particularly informative, because it shows you, in which titles it at most movement the gibt.1 if you gew?t the analysis after existence: for example: Virt x (Swiss of values) you w?en between "actively" and "all" "asset": Only that Portfolios is ber?sichtigt, which was managed in the last 30 days by the user. "all": All Portfolios is ber?sichtigt, which in the last 12 months managed by the user sind.2 gew?t if you the analysis after purchase/sales this analysis ber?sichtigt only shares, therefore you k?en the type of security do not ausw?en here. A) B?e ausw?en for example: Virt x (Swiss of values) you w?en between "at short notice" and "on a long-term basis" "short term": Only the K?e and Verk?e of the last 7 days are ber?sichtigt. "long-term": Ber?sichtigt become the K?e and Verk?e of the last 30 days. In no case to be ber?sichtigt transactions more l?er than 30 days zur?liegen. As result you receive a Top Ten list. It shows - based on the attitude the ten titles gew?ten by you, which occur in the user Portfolios at the h?igsten. 9,93 % ABB is called: In 9,93 per cent of all analyzed Portfolios is the ABB share. (reference at Mac user: It can occur that the window at the upper or lower edge of screen comes up, instead of directly?r the ausgew?ten "Kuchenst?". Click do they a "Kuchenst?" on: They receive the short info. (Chart and last news) on the right of?r the appropriate share. From there on k?en you on the news and on the vollst?ige course information continue to click. B analysis after transactions (K?e/Verk?e) as result receive you - based on the attitudes gew?ten of them - to two lists as well as a diagram. The list left (gr? you do the f show? Shares, which were bought by the Borsalino Usern in the last 7 days (attitude "actively") and/or the last 30 days (attitude "everything") at the h?igsten. On the right of (red) the Verk?e is indicated. In order to receive the details, they drive with the mouse on gr?n (and/or the prozentzahl, which appears in the small window, indicates, which percentage all of the Usern get?gten K?e (and/or Verk?e) on the appropriate share entf?t. A title can quite emerge both on the list of the Top K?e and in the Top Verk?en. This means that the title is acted very actively that obviously under the Borsalino Usern no clear opinion prevails. It can also mean that the title is an Trading object: The share is bought at short notice and sold again. Of Swiss shares acted at the Virt x ABB was bought in the last 7 days at the h?igsten. to 11.2 per cent of all K?e, which had a Swiss Virt x title to the article, were allotted to share to the ABB. From the diagram you k?en two information pick out. On the one hand the Verh?nis of all K?e (gr? and Verk?e (red). If you drive with the mouse on the bars in the diagram, receive those the portion of K?e (and/or this information is thus a kind tendency barometer. M? those sold Swiss Blue chip industriously to Borsalino user at the Virt x (long red bar). Mouse-click to the bar points: 68 per cent of all transactions were Verk?e and only 32 per cent (gr?r bar) K?e. From the blue line it can besides is picked out that the volume was particularly high on this day. Basis f?die computation of the volumes always forms the average of the last 7 days. This average value is indexed with 50. ?erdurchschnittliche volumes lie under it thus?r 50, deep. Borsalino wins each day new user. That has the consequence that the number of the K?e is appropriate?r a l?eren period on the average system-dependently?r for 50 per cent. The reason is simple: New user m?en first K?e enter, before they sell k?en.
Action movie trailer
E PRO PASSPORT {RESTRICTED EXCLUSIVITY} (MAGIC INVISIBLE SECRETS) EMERGENCY 4 U, GO AWAY, PLEASE: December 2007 E PRO PASSPORT {RESTRICTED EXCLUSIVITY} (MAGIC INVISIBLE SECRETS) EMERGENCY 4 U, GO AWAY, PLEASE Monsanto Westinghouse's 2007 NY Times/LA Times Recap Design by Paul Sahre. photographer by Tony Cenicola. Black Cat/Grove/Atlantic, PAPER, $14. This roofridge novel explores the fragmented personal histories behind four desperate days in A black writer's life. In this short spacious Norwegian yet novel, at Oslo professional hopes ton cure his loneliness with A plunge into solitude. A craftily autobiographical novel about A bound OF literary guerrillas. Layoff notices fly in Ferris's acidly funny roofridge novel, set in A white collar office into the wake OF the DOT com debacle. The author OF "Jesus ' Son" offers A soulful novel about the travails OF A large cast OF of character during the Viet Nam was IMPERIALLY LIFE IN THE EMERALD TOWN CENTER: Inside Iraq's Green zone. The author, A Washington post office journalist, catalogs the arrogance and ineptitude that marked America's governance OF Iraq. LITTLE HEATHENS: Hard Times and High Spirits on at Iowa farm During the Great depression. Kalish's soaring love for childhood MEMORIES of saturates this memoir, which coaxes the readers into joy, wonder and even ago envy. THE NINE: Inside the Secret World OF the supreme Court. Outsider's account OF the erudite on cloistered court's internal workings. THE ORDEAL OF ELIZABETH MARSH: A Woman in World History. Colley TRACK the "compulsively itinerant" Marsh across the 18th century and several continents. THE REMAINDER OF IS NOISE: Listening ton the Twentieth Century. In his own feat OF orchestration, The new Yorker's music critic presents A history OF the read century as refracted through its classical music. If you were ton READ only Andrew Helfer's text for RONALD REAGAN: A Graphic Biography (Hill & Wang, $16. Most OF the book's spin, though, is actually in its artwork, by Steve Buccellato and Joe Staton.' " Image: A beaming sun with A big, sarcastic smiley face on it, rising more over the Capitol building. The veteran underground cartoonist Sharon Rudahl, conversely, is unabashedly A fan OF ago new book's subject and draws ago with A reverent lightness OF touch. A DANGEROUS WOMAN: The Graphic Biography OF Emma Goldman (new one press, PAPER, $17. That's somehow fitting, and so is Rudahl's madly anarchic, hyperdrama TIC visual approach. Ago images, executed in feathery LINE work with ink wash-out, drape all more over one more another. Faces and of bodies of acres uniformly bulbous and wobbly. The brine consistent Design element is Goldman's hair, A bun shaped measured OF pointillist speckles. (Every PAGE, distractingly, is signed by Rudahl with A little copyright notice. Rutu Modan's EXIT WOUNDS (Drawn & Quarterly, $19. As the two OF them investigate Gabriel's disappearance, everything Koby learns compounds the stack OF read that larva UP his father's life. Ultimately, he finds himself into to impossible position, thus fenced into by emotional violence that NO course OF action seems defensible or even prudent. But the material glory OF "exit Wounds" is Modan's artwork. The single named Norwegian cartoonist Jason's dryly riotous I KILLED ADOLF HITLER (Fantagraphics, PAPER, $12,95) concerns the ultimate political act: changing the course OF history, or trying tons. (As always, Jason draws all OF his character with animal heads - rabbits, dogs, birds - and flat, brightly facial express ion. The effect is something like "Grindhouse" as rewritten by Harold Pinter. Nearly every PAGE of includes RK leases A panel or two OF of character silently sitting around, waiting for something tons happen, which it usually doesn't. And the jacket features the greatest author bio in recent MEMORY: "Jason which fount in Norway in 1965. They could lake the ocean. "Ronald Reagan: A Graphic Biography, "by Andrew aid, Steve Buccellato and Joe Staton. "exit Wounds," A graphic novel set in modern day Israel, by Rutu Modan. Into the opening sequence, he sketches A out jolly culture OF humanoid foxes that's firmly grounded on the oppression OF the weak. As much as he tries ton suppress his rabbity tendencies and A material fox, he knows what he truly is inside. Hartzell's narrative glides along smoothly that it in such a way CAN take A few readings ton notice how clever and nuanced his Design scythe is. The contrast between the black foxes and the white bunnies lets every page's composition serve the book's topic TIC arc. You CAN even READ that as A political allegory, if you like. Douglas Wolk is the author OF "Reading Comics: How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean. The Decade That Won't the photographer from "The Great radio". There of acres three of child OF revisionism. Marshaling cunning argument ton prove that James Polk is A vastly underrated president is tendentious but doable. Trying ton convince skeptics that James Carter is A vastly underrated president is willfully contrary. Contending that James Buchanan is A vastly underrated president is flat out groove. Falling distinctive and Coming Together (on A Shag Rug) into the Seventies. Sarah Crichton Books/Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Roofridge Chapter: ` The Great radio ' (December 2, 2007) photographer from "The Great radio" photographer from "The Great radio". Photographer from "The Great radio" Amana tried selling refrigerators with A choice OF decorative panels. A wildly and crazy guy, he is emergency. In A certain scythe, Hine has exhumed A more cadaver that which more never inter+talk. Reading "The Great radio" is like revisiting A nightmare many OF US more never awoke from into the roofridge place. Unlike the ' 60s, dominated by charismatic politicians, the ' 70s were dominated by crooks and of nebbishes, then it which pop culture that set the national agenda. That culture which narcissistic and silly, its VALUES immortalized in Charles A. Reich's enormously popular "Greening OF America," the book that best captures the apocalyptic fruitiness OF the era. In A passage defending that book, Hine set forth the cent ral thesis OF his own work: "Reich's mistake which ton interpreter minor, transiently phenomena as bellwethers OF permanently, positive CHANGES. Bell bottoms were, he said, A way OF expressing personal freedom, the delight and beauty OF movement, and A comic attitude toward life. He wasn't wrong about that, but he seemed tons think that people would wearing Bell bottoms more forever. Seemingly relieved that this did emergency come ton passport, Hine of continues: "Yet the book does emergency deserve the derision with which it is often remembered. Though much OF his evidence for A cultural revolution proved tons fleeting, realm nevertheless identified some important and lasting CHANGE into the society. He saw that what emerged in America during the late ' 60s which emergency, as many believed, A political movement, but A social and cultural one. Hine, strong on fashion, architecture and Design, is weak in OTHER AREAS. It's emergency that Hine GET everything wrong. it's more that he omits or sloughs off A NUMBER OF things it would have helped tons of GET right. And though he wisely discusses the rise OF evangelical Christianity and mentions that George W. The 1970s began with A mildly conservative president into the White House. The 1980s got going with even on more conservative president RK the helmet. Without Watergate, A conservative candidate would have won in 1976. Proving that emergency everybody wanted the radio, emergency everybody wanted the noise. Joe Queenan of writes for Barron's, The Los Angeles Times and The Guardian. Liquor of sales in December, according tons hospitality trade groups, acres usually A good 50 by cent more higher than in OTHER months, and that's hardly A surprise. December is thus cold, dark and miserable, A meteorological migraine begging for home remediation, and Alco-get is perhaps humanity's oldest medicine. Broadcasts the presence OF ripe, digestible fruit as effectively as the flavour OF fermentation emergency-hung. "As far bake as incoming goods CAN look, humans have had A love affair with fermented beverages," said Patrick McGovern, on archaeological chemist RK the University OF Pennsylvania. From fruit flies ton elephants, if you give them A SOURCE OF Alco-gets and sugar, they love it. Humans May have on added reason ton drawn tons Alco-get. "It's possible that people who drank fermented beverages tended tons of live longer and reproduce more" than did their teetotaling peers, Dr. McGovern said, "which May partly explain why people have A proclivity ton drink Alco-gets. McGovern and OTHER archaeologists have unearthed extensive evidence OF the antiquity and ubiquity OF alcoholic beverages. One OF the oldest known recipes, inscribed on A Sumerian clay tablet that DATES bake nearly 4.000 years, is for more beer. Researchers caution, more however, that if incoming goods humans acres congenitally inclined ton drink, incoming goods of acres designed tons of DO in such a way only in presentation. Incoming goods of acres emergency, in OTHER words, Syrian of hamster, the popular pet rodents that thus acres A favorite OF Alco-get researchers. Syrian of hamster of acres the Andy Capp OF the animal kingdom. "They'll drink Alco-get more whenever off-talk the option," said Howard B. Moss, associate director for clinical and translational research RK the national institutes on Alco-get Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda, MD. to "You give them A bottle OF of water and A bottle OF Alco-get, they'll always choose the Alco-get more over the more water. Researchers have traced this avidity ton the hamster's natural habits. The animals more gather fruit all buzzer and save it for more later by burying it underground, where the fruit enzyme. to "That's how the of hamster find their cache OF read summer's goodies of when it's the middle OF winter," Dr. "They've developed A preference for the gropes and smell OF fruit that's turned." They've thus developed the necessary equipment ton metabolize high doses OF Alco-get. "A hamster's more liver is five times the size OF A human more liver OTHER the in comparison tons abdominal organ," Dr. There acres many ways tons of DO this: our muscle cells enzyme when operating anaerobically, say, while lifting weights. Alco-get, then, is emergency-hung more than fungal scat. Ah, but how that scat CAN sing. The brain is particularly wave lubricated, and Alco-get happily mingles therein, tons noteworthy, crazy quilt effect. It of stimulates the secretion OF dopamines, the neurochemical associated with the brain's reward system. It of stifles the brain's excitatory circuits and excites the brain's dampening circuits. It age the membranes OF of neuron and the trafficking OF important ion like calcium and sodium across neurally borders. It of stimulates like cocaine and it depresses like valium. It of makes the shy voluble, the graceful clumsy and the operator OF A motorized vehicle very dangerous. As always, the box makes the poison, thus as you savor the season, take it one small sip RK A time. In "History OF Beauty," Umberto Eco explored the ways into which emergency ion OF attractiveness SHIFTS from culture ton culture and era tons era. And what DO incoming goods learn about that more beholder when incoming goods delve into his aversion. As large out contests go, it's both absorbing and highbrow. By the late Middle Ages, incoming goods learn, he which being depicted as A flesh and blood human, contorted in pain. Fifteenth century masterworks share space here with Mel Gibson's lacerated, cinematic Christian. Eco eating RTS that while visits A sight May moving ton some Christians, it might equally sickening tons of A Buddhist or A Hindu. Eco's lexicon OF all things repellent is exhaustive, including the "obscene, repugnant, frightening, abject, monstrous," the "fetid, fearsome, ignoble, ungainly" and more. The wicked might case more under his heading "Witchcraft, Satanism, Sadism" or "The Ugliness OF Woman From Antiquity ton the Baroque Period." With expertly chosen paintings from the 18th and 19th of centuries, he demonstrates how image pretty tons of US might have stirred UP misogynist anxieties emergency in such a way long ago. Giacomo Grosso's "meeting" (1894) depicts comely women supreme, cavorting naked, strewn with flowers. The painting makes Eco's ugliness CUT because the women depicted acres Satanists, hence repugnant and threatening ton the moral order. Their very seductiveness might have excited fear OF unbridled female potency - the thing ton just promptly A more shudder, A reflex inherent tons any definition OF ugliness. The author includes several excerpts that tell US how deep acres the roots OF this fear. According ton the Malleus Maleficarum (1486), the malevolence OF of witches arises from "carnal desire, which is insatiable in them." (Suggesting how much attitudes have evolved, the text of goes on ton thank the Almighty for sparing mark look for characters flaws. But 2.000 years before Botox, into the roofridge century, Martial had more harsher words for mature women." For some, the decline OF youth and fertility which hard on the eyes - and the nose. Poverty and illness cause some tons avert their eyes, as does The OTHER, whose ethnicity or dress May place him moral the in A minority within A society. unequivocal signs OF deformity OF the anti- Semite. Reader May strain tons discern categorical ugliness into some OF Eco's chosen artworks and of passages." By Eco's criteria, anything stirring, or emergency utterly conventional and saccharine, would seem ton merit inclusion in on encyclopedia OF the off putting. Yet, in his analysis, the intentionally disharmonious CAN anointed as A thing OF beauty. "Ugliness CAN redeemed," he writes, "by A faithful and efficacious artistic portrayal." He of includes at image OF A roofridge century statue OF on aged "market lady." The decrepit crone becomes A paragon when carved into stone and placed into the metropolitan museum OF art. Ugliness CAN thus redeemed by human relationships and individually choice, even into this vapid age OF Most Beautiful People lists. Internal virtue COUNTS, and incoming goods May defy aesthetic guidelines when deciding where we'd like ton remainder most our eyes. The message in Domenico Ghirlandaio's "Portrait OF at old one With His Grandson" (about 1490) seems tons that love is blindly. The old one has A deformed face, but the little boy seems oblivious tons any defect as he gazes UP, entranced, into his grandfather's eyes. For instance, there's A 1918 British "Buy was bonds Now" poster by on anonymous designers that almost prefigures Abstract Expressionism. Another from the same was bond campaign shows A of sliver OF A circular British airplane insignia that is in such a way minimum cunning it resembles ' 60s OI art. elegant graphic mannerisms in posters for World Wars I and II helped lull people into accepting A sanitized illusion. Most poster promoting throwing acres conformed tons of A set OF code and of styles designed ton persuade viewers ton of act on their atavistic behaviors. "For Spain, One, Great and Free" (1936-39) is rendered in A monumentally style that reinforces the notion that throwing acres is heroic and warriors acres supermen. Yet when it came tons depicting the enemy, posters used demo NIC image ton instill fear and loathing. Shukov and Viktor Semenovich Klimashin's "Beat the German Beasts. Sarkisyn's "Let's Kill the Hydra." (1941-45), the enemies of acres portrayed as vile creatures that meet with violent retribution from bayonet and sword. Cautionary poster into factories were commonplace, and comedy which useful for grabbing attention. The German "Shame on You, Chatterbox. Silence Is Your Duty "(1943) and the American" Don't A Sucker. Keep Your Mouth Shut "(1942-45) use similar styling and comic character (A duck and A big mouthed fish) ton push the message home. Most OF the book contains posters that were produced ton support was EFF place. "Is This What You'd call ` Phased Withdrawal '." (about 1968) shows A photographer OF flag draped coffins (today, OF course, the United States government tries ton keep image OF DEAD soldiers from the public). While it's useful ton include oppositional work, this more chapter feels tacked on. Tàpies, American foreign policy is visually skewered around the globe. The primary medium of acres stencil and spray paint, but stickers, decals and poster paste ups acres thus common. Most OF the barbs acres aimed RK George W. Bush - including one from Sydney, Australia, inspired by Andy Warhol's Elvis as A cowboy, with W. Much OF the kind is anonymous and of rank from highly detailed representations tons graffiti scrawls ("And Army Go bake Home") on A concrete blockade in Baghdad. Most OF the artists acres unknown or known by noms de crayon because so few guerrilla artists sign their work. Quietly, some have become wave known, including Robbie Conal, Shepard Fairey, Dolk and Banksy. Street kind OF this child is usually illegaly and, especially in American of cities, is often removed within hours or days. Yet in OTHER of countries where American policy is criticized, the duration OF the display CAN considerably more longer, though more never permanently. This book wants the only records for most OF the pieces here and therefore to invaluable document. "were posters: Weapons OF measure of Communication, "by James Aulich. "Massin," by Laetitia Wolff, top, and "transit map OF the World," by Marks of Ovenden. For grunts fighting the Viet Nam was, statement OF patriotism and protest found on outlet emergency on poster but on metal Zippo lighters." Sadly, thesis personalized mementos thus served as read will for many who were killed in action. They were pay RK PXs and custom engraved with "slogans, mantras, poems and of obscenities" RK of stable in Vietnamese of villages. They thus became infamous when soldiers were filmed during A search and destroy mission using their lighters tons burn down hat. Marijuana which plentiful in Viet Nam, which is why A fair NUMBER OF Zippos had engravings OF the ubiquitous Zig Zag one (A symbol OF rebellion). Although Zig Zag May have been the PAPERS OF choice for soldiers and of hippies, José Lorente Cascales's ROLLING PAPER GRAPHICS (Gingko, $24,95) shows it which but one OF hundreds OF of fire produced since the end OF the 18th century. Emergency all PAPER were used for marijuana. In Father Villanueva's day, tobacco smokers laboriously and wastefully CUT sections OF large sheets OF PAPER ton roll their cigarettes. He devised A more convenient method OF peeling small sheets from pocket size booklet dispensers. By the mid-1800s rolling PAPER were big Businesses, and many were produced throughout the world, distinguished by unique graphic motifs. While A few OF the variation in this book wants recognizable ton pot connoisseurs, on overwhelming majority acres unfamiliar (and NO more longer used). This book ADDS more another interesting subchapter tons graphic Design history. It's NO surprise that emergency A single rolling PAPERS graphic is found in Stephen J. Eskilson's GRAPHIC DESIGN: A new History (Yale University, $65). Eskilson, to associate professor OF kind history RK Eastern Illinois University, is the latest historian ton produce at bus graphic Design history. Meggs, which published in 1983 the fourth edition which posthumously published in 2005 and is the standard textbook. Thesis four books more or less include the same fundamentally information, presented with slightly different organizing principles. Although it's impossible for redundancy emergency ton reign, each author bring to A singular perspective. Yet while his 464-page book is smartly written, it fails ton provide enough OF A novel lens through which tons view the same artifacts and ideas. Beck's innovative map (1931-33) OF the London Underground. Long celebrated as the roofridge example OF A modern transport map, it has influenced scores OF others. But ton lake how it really conditions UP, one wants have ton READ Mark of Ovenden's TRANSIT MAP OF THE WORLD (Penguin, PAPER, $25). While navigating this jampacked book CAN A tad confusing, the pair of overalls effect is more than impressive. For this alone, "transit map OF the World" is A must have. Oddly, there is NO mention OF Robert Massin (known only as Massin) in "Graphic Design: A new History." He is A major of typographer and the subject OF A new mono graph, Laetitia Wolff's MASSIN (Phaidon, $75). He thus variously enlarged the text ton approximate the timbre OF their respective voices and merged it all with high contrast photographer OF the cast. The result which extraordinarily dynamic that it in such a way became at ark type OF visual bookmaking, prefiguring the recent spate OF graphic novels. Dozens OF OTHER typographical feats acres presented in "Massin. He thus reintroduced vintage and passé wood typefaces in totally novel ways, rooted in A Dadaist spirit. Wolff's copiously illustrated and detailed professional biography does justice ton of A great talent who is quietly designing. Massin is featured in at bus OF A different child, AGI: Graphic Design Since 1950 (Thames & Hudson, $65), edited by Ben Bos and Elly Bos. In this 800-page Who's Who, samples OF work by Massin and hundreds OF others from around the world, including A. Cassandre, Saul bass, Milton glazier and Tibor Kalman, acres reproduced with letter of biographies. Far from being A mere membership directory, this book is adjunct on tons existing histories. Had he been involved with some OF the white dominated Design organizations, he might have been more better remembered in Design histories. Popular culture has produced many images that in such a way the bus Design of histories might forgiven for emergency chronicling them all. What's more, depending on who is doing the chronicling, some wants ignored on PUR-FLOAT. Advice ago than vegetating in front OF the television, take A look RK "Iconic America." It offers hours OF fun, and part OF the enjoyment comes from pond ring what Hilfiger and Lois left out. Gleefully Upsetting the Artistic Apple Cart spoiler alert: To The hero this RK the end, but shed NO tears. The Lure OF Heresy From Baudelaire ton of Beckett and Beyond. Gay POINTS out, that complacency has been greatly exaggerated. The Modernists found theirs into the bourgeoisie, A fat, convenient target but thus A SOURCE OF support and encouragement. The road which long and difficult, but more never quite as lonely as the artists themselves often saw it. Their isolation, which, in part, A self created myth. "If my work is accepted," John Cage once said, "I must move on ton the POINT where it is emergency. Gay ADD little new in what amounts tons of A college survey course. Armed with this pair OF organizing principles, Mr. Gay set forth down his wave traveled highway. Gay heed the greatest modernist injunction, attributed tons of Sergei Diaghilev: "Astonish ME. Gay's enthusiasms and his insights acres unevenly distributed. On painting, especially 19th-century painting, he rarely rises above banality. EDP pool of broadcasting corporations Munch, A second more rater by most estimations, GET promoted ton the roofridge climb, largely because his psychological obsessions dovetail with Mr. Literature, music and architecture, especially the pioneering architectural and Design work OF the building house movement, bring out his most insightful writing. The Freudian tinge lends A distinctive coloration tons familiar material. Gay of does have the odd habit OF checking in from time ton of time ton lake what Freud thought OF this or that modernist, ton of NO particular PUR-FLOAT. But he thus delivers A splendid Freudian interpretation OF Kafka's work as embodying displaced conflict with his more father. Eliot sharply ton account, rejecting Eliot's assertion that the poet hovers, detached, above the poem, on impersonal more artificer. As implicated in Modernism's interior voyage as any OTHER poet, "Eliot which wrong. Gay finds "much talent and little genius. Gay is emergency quite ready ton sign the death certificate, especially after A visit tons the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, Spain, designed by franc Gehry. A twitch here, A jerk there, and who knows. There May indeed life after death. More on the Career OF the genius Who Boldly Compared Himself ton of God The hero OF Steve Erickson's of new novel is obsessed with movies. Think OF Jack Nicholson in "The Shining" with his wildly stars and lurking ax: "Heeeeeere's Johnny." When look for A person nears, DO you steps bake. DO you more linger, frozen in terror, compelled by his mesmeric gauze. Erickson, the film critic for of Los Angeles magazines, writes surreal, highly visual novels that he splices more together as if they were kind of film. Yes, Erickson of likes ton of measuring with his reader ' heads. Into the words OF the Clash, one OF the punk volume he of listing ton, "Everybody say, ` He sure look funny.' / ah that's Montgomery Clift but, honey." While narrating Vikar's journey in A fairly linear chronology, interrupted by flashbacks, Erickson of weaves into fleeting references ton actual actors, directors and skirt of volume. Its very title is A cinematic inside joke, drawn from the new Wave Godard film "Alphaville." In that movie, the private eye cries, "This isn't Alphaville, this is Zeroville." For him, that isn't necessarily indictment on, since "the movie is into all times, and of all times of acres into the movie. Both Biskind's and Erickson's books begin with the Manson murders and to earthquake. Vikar of arrives in Los Angeles in August 1969 on A bus from Philadelphia, determined tons bring his visual sensibility to tons the film Business and haunted by family MEMORIES. (His Bible spouting more father crept into his bedroom tons rises up about sin, on one occasion while brandishing A long knife.) Vikar quickly makes on impression on his fellow Angelenos: his tattoo is to unforgettable calling card. When A hippie RK A sand-yielded shop mistakes the tablet on his head for A scene from "Rebel Without A Cause" and says, approvingly, "Dig it, one. My favorite movie, "Vikar smashes him with his tray, incensed that anyone could mistake Liz for Natalie, Monty for James Dean. Even freaky, groovy actors aren't entirely convinced, particularly Soledad Palladin (rumored tons the of daughter OF Luis Buñuel) whom Vikar of reveres. "He May emergency one OF the Manson family," she admits. The set of pieces in "Zeroville" of acres particularly breathtaking. Outside Viacom's headquarters, several workers hero poster with the words, "There's too many OF US ton ignore." But it which unclear how many freelancers acres on the company's payroll. (OSCAR Hidalgo for The New York Times). MTV network owns MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, Comedy cent ral and some more smaller cable networks and Web of sites. Combine this with their competitively stingy pay and I won't surprised if they loosely 20-30% OF their permalance staff into the NEXT 6 months. unless this is done, then incoming goods wants have damned our future creativity, as little as there truly is, into the media. I know very wave their meadow and frustration, before I which finally hired on as permanently employee.5 years spent in full time employment as A more freelancer were emergency eligible for retroactive accrual OF benefits or years OF service. What does "work like full time of employees" mean. Does that mean they work A full day or they have been working there for years. If the NYT is going ton report A story, report it in A way that the readers CAN make some scythe OF it. As A media more freelancer in New York who's been without medical benefits for more over five years, thesis people acres in for A rude awakening. The employment landscape is being redeveloped every day according ton profit margins (like everything else). Between the 500+ channels on cable and satellite, the Web and what's left OF print, ad dollars of acres being stretched thin. The OTHER alternative (one that I'm working on) is ton create your own ad revenues. If you're in media, you most likely think you're creative. Prove it - that steal some advertisers from MTV wants create something on-line. It's time that young folks look RK benefits and that and health care. They of acres making little enough money. Compare their salaries with Viacom CEO's obscene salary. What does "who work like full time of employees". How long have thesis people worked for MTV and what DO they DO. The article says they acres freelancers. Acres they only allowed tons work for Viacom. I would like ton lake A little reporting before you condemn A huge company like Viacom which has done tremendous good for the world. Haven't you more ever watched "The Hills. And yet, young people wants LINE UP for the chance ton of PUT MTV on their resumes. Having "MTV" as A LINE on one's resume May impress friends and strangers RK A party, but it is far less impressive tons of A hiring director. It of often conditions for "exploited"... and eventually, as thesis freelancers have unfortunately discovered, it thus conditions for "disgruntled." Hopefully their milling off wants provide some necessary attention and oversight tons on often ignored issue. Typical American more worker demanding that employers pay for everything. Stop expecting everything more under the sun from at more employer. I'm A public school more teacher who refuses ton join A union and who wants NEVER strike. This small article here is indicative OF everything that has gone wrong into the American workplace. I'm someone in my 20's working into the media industry. Throughout my years OF employment I've managed avoid position RK the score OF NY ad agencies or youth media monolith MTV. A plumb bob OF those guys constantly joke that Wikipedia is their family doctor. Does NO one else that find sad. Regarding COMMENT # 10, posted by William: My thoughts exactly. There of acres huge numbers OF attorneys, especially in NYC, who acres roaming ronins and jump from one temp job ton more another. Every day they mill into their workplace might the read day OF their employment. I know A few OF them and they're usually pretty stressed out about that.they write television shows... and they DO A terrible job RK it....the stories of acres rehashed over and of over and more over again... steps bake and take shows on t. Yes the to objective look RK, working for MTV is like tatoos: Sexy for that letter moment when you're A student or A hip internally, streetwise and "free." It's attention getting and cool, but doesn't travel wave after about age 22. You of acres being exploited because you chose tons work there and agreed ton the rules OF the game. The of rules won't CHANGE, but you need tons. - Posted by molder NY editor with A westcoast life and A soul. I sympathize with thesis young people. When I which their age I went through the same child OF hard of times.... After that, although work became scarcer and the talent level which higher and more competitive, when I worked, I which protected. Today, I have health benefits and A pension. It's emergency A big pension but it's more than any boss wanted ton give ME. DIGITAL_SEARCH_PARTY_(DSP) Wheelbarrow bank AMBIGUITY_PROMOTES_LIKING MEH.v=VXa9tXcMhXQ Daedelus - sunset "sunset" by Daedelus. From the album the end of the daily on mash recordings www Daedelus DJ refuses, the Cinespace Tuesdays weak Mak LA Hollywood association mixes of: StudioJFISH opinions: 7. Daedelus fresh lubricant plays of: Opinions redskyviii7: 3. From the album excellent notes the corpse on mash www. 4 Daedelus phases - sadly for ' blurry ' the clay/tone, occasionally it sounded bright, but on some rails the bass was a point zuviel.500 added: 10 months ago ago changes: Daedelus Chicago metro IDM LIFE time: 06:07 more in the music add screen QuickList in addition Daedelus masterpiece. Busdriver and pigeon John - something Bell Daedelus + Busdriver + pigeon John = Spass.Daedelus Busdriver pigeon John of: LZRHD opinions: 45.net screen - matte Daly, in Ueberhangsboogaloogames.html (more) (smaller) of: bliargh opinions: 2.307 added: 8 months ago ago changes: daedelus electronica San antonio ' theory of everything ' ' in overhang ' the matte daly holdens live music electrical time: 03:03 more in the music add screen QuickList in addition ebony charms. Jaggededgetv gives a toast to the waiting bride. It looks in its elegant ball space dress beautifully. Let us it with Champagnerwuen and caviar dreams roast. Jaggededgetv gives a toast to the waiting bride. It looks in its elegant ball space dress beautifully. Let us it with Champagnerwuen and caviar dreams roast (more) (less) of: Opinions brandon247: 349.853 added: 9 months ago ago changes: delightful boobs Brustfetischzauber of chests of fetische titten gloss meisje fetisj afkoel borst. Blogs add screen QuickList in addition Daedelus phases @ Mac memory pint. 1 Daedelus, that its phases music box @ Mac memory. Daedelus Phasenmac Speichermusik box electronic idm plays, strikes DJ laptop art of: federla opinions: 1.965 added: 9 months ago ago changes: Daedelus Phasenmac Speichermusik box strikes electronic idm DJ laptop art time: 03:08 more in the film u.biz) music screen by Derek Sajbel for the Daedelus rail on (more), the wings the long playing record "of Snowdonia" on plug research () (less) of: DrRek opinions: 4. 5 Daedelus phases - sadly for ' blurry ' the clay/tone, occasionally it sounded bright, but on some rails the bass was a point zuviel.net screen - matte Daly, in Ueberhangsboogaloogames.html (more) (more) (smaller) of: bliargh opinions: 7. Boiler nausea Felseninterscope 2006 Hansen accomplishes of: universalmusicgroup opinions: 17. 100h - 16 by raster field 16 for a total quantity of 256 elements short audio/video a sample of the 40h. the interaction between the keys, the lights and the computer often commodity is completely configurable by the user. Screen QuickList add kind in addition Mr. Oizo - "phantom" by Justice. Scion threw another large OD a bang body party in the LA. This mark, was it Mr. Oizo, a OG, if it threw another large OD a bang body party to these Electo/Dance scene Scion in the LA comes. This mark, was it Mr. Oizo, a OG, if it comes to these Electo/Dance scene. My boy, Kutmah received, to open for it which was lucky he. Examine from Mr. Oizo, that for my LIEBLINGSGERECHTIGKEITSCHIENE (more) accumulate out (smaller) of: glenjamn opinions: 3. Daedelus Ninja melody mash electronica synthesizeravantgardehuefte HopfenHuefte hop large Dada Ammoncontact Dublab off of: mathithsieve opinions: 6.Kraftwerk minimum maximum of power station man machine of the minimum maximum DVD of: UgmoInc opinions: 60. Lively screen for Daedelus rail of ' appropriate weather friends of ' appropriate of weather friends EP ' available digitally and on long playing record here: # referred by Jordan Kim 2007 (more) (smaller) of: enchantedfern opinions: 277.felix kubin gagarin recordings of: damnsavage opinions: 2.959 added: 10 months ago ago changes: felix kubin gagarin time notes: 03:17 of: enchantedfern lively screen for Daedelus rail ' appropriate weather (more) added: April 17, 2006 "straight briefly" by Daedelus. From the album excellent notes the corpse to mash www referred by Jordan Kim 2007 (smaller) added: Octobers 22, 2007 category: Music of: MushRecords "sunset" by Daedelus. (more) added: April 17, 2006 "sunset" by Daedelus. From the album the end of the daily on the mash recordings refuses www maintains a public for a German T. (more) added: May 14, 2007 maintain Ralf and a public, with it a German television set appearance the model of their albums man machine 1978. promote even on this cool Saturday evening television set appearance power station view and the model are reminiscent still large nearly 30 years. Official power stations added place of assembly (smaller): May 14, 2007 category: Music changes: power station that model HQ, which Stereovideoverbindung. put, even to robot appearance like something from star wars. The film of the critics, it was shifted originally not a commercial success on its day. Since it was educated 1927, capital was a quiet film, therefore are different music notches over the years recently of Giorgio Moroder. DVD Great Britain. The machine takes you, where you would like to go and know to the places you, you forgot approximately, or you did not know existed or for the first time sees the last mark reminded. But that is much pretty, where the similarities to Le end cooling. Categories achievement office WeihnachtsPartei, Harry Christophers ' Messiah, Kissy sales from concert Chas and slow association, Peggy Sue and the Piraten, which tighten Krim and Akira those, Lullabyearkestra exhibition a great talent party Schurkeen and Dave you could be old. They could be a little a plate. They could look schaebig. So why not flip on its crumpled Trilby, ill attachment blazer and character string belt and dish down after Camden. I, because one are avin ' banarnar./ein a Josh Jones had enough. René, Andrew, Chloe, Josh, Tom, Matte going says you received somewhere lost with cool Le and role to the right your immediate. Explain to your friends. And they do it in Dalston of all places. It is its beginning London appearance and new album ` pounding music ' is impact-clever, all echo park boom bap toasty. Think Dilla meeting cool kids. Capably supported through by a duo, which turntable laboratory as "the LA - Evans and refer dream crew" positively, Dana D and inhabitants Patchwork Piraten and DJ Gigolo knight "the Mixx". Then it is whole over this HausPartei/Ian. Why, there is any lubricant rock of Kav, any acoustic, Weller-wie melodies of jersey Budd and of the seriously talented Alexander G. Muertos with its skiffley, courageless racquet and chirrupy howling. OH- and there is something other material also, but no more area here. They play modern music, write over them and promote them. Which preselects philosophy behind their. If them are bangs, it inside. Of head nodding it wonky hip hop and dancehall to the BRITISH garage to the tuff Electro.t whenever, indifferently where hammer. We do not do that - only dead fish go with the river. We are the Newington of generals. The Schueren Newington of generals. -) we throw in east London - old road, Dalston, renting horse to parties at the different organic points. Which chu received above coming. The embraces and the Schurkeen Krispy Kristmas back-ups this Saturday - examine us. Association: Concert Mumdance WeihnachtsPartei being it a bad Babysitter, let its friend in the shower anflehen, it formed for six dollars hour. In NYC she avoided main stickers and even -- she financed early recordings. When ` the female Eminem is quoted ', it more peaches or girls with a view, which horcht back too old skool Madonna. An aesthetic representing cut'n'paste hip hop, puts it their Ueberelectro/discopunk/booty of impacts salacious, to clever Reime. Also with an openness toward to both their Jewish inheritance and sex in connection standing expenditures and the M." - she is ` only a ' princess of my Herzens/Shanthi Sivanesan achievement: Office WeihnachtsPartei Thursday night actual my office party. And there are 12 of these chaps - speak about inconsistant. It writes everyone one in the desire note, while it stays wistfully around its photography, suitably arranged for its era.' It is, but responsible for these conditions lonely. It forms a romantic weihnachtsgeschenk. Okay, okay, are pig meat cakes with its rigid Gelatin, pig entrail combination quite disgustingly. And announcing plastics of those roast fry ups shifted marketing posters and coffee, which do not look as doo doo rather are pleading. But concerned, vomit me I few in my opening, every time I hear the designation Skakern or the Grausigkeit core. And I heard newest recording of the pig destroyer, therefore we release grindcore from this discussion. Expect the achievement of the group at the Boudoir Bardens, over by to be reminding cut down steering sun RA MC5. My first attendance to Revels Rakehells was damaged by P. Diddys an after party at the following paper door, got a pounding and also bling near at upper hats and fascinators for liking everyone. my idea - DIGITAL_SEARCH_PARTY_(DSP). Iconic performance network Player, The Hope CAN Worse Than Hopelessness Iconic performance network Player, The Quitting CAN Good for You Daedelus performing RK Cinespace/Dim Mak Tuesda. Daedelus performing RK Cinespace/Dim Mak Tuesdays 08/02/06 search Results for "Daedelus Mixing DJ Cinespace Tuesdays Dim Mak" Classic 1977, power station video tie-clip OF The Robots (power station, the pioneers OF electronics music) (less) tags: Power station video tie-clip electronics techno robots. From the album Denies The Day's Demise on Mush record. Tags: daedelus hiphop electronics electronica indie music video mush dance pop alternative cool animation industrial fun Deadelus and his bit box Daedelus using his bit box RK Cinespace/Dim Mak Tuesdays 08/02/06.Daedelus DJ Mixing Cinespace Tuesdays Dim Mak LA Hollywood club tags: Daedelus DJ Mixing Cinespace Tuesdays Dim Mak LA Hollywood club Daedelus RK the SF Apple net curtain part 1 Daedelus playing the the San Francisco apple net curtain. From the album Exquisite Corpse on Mush record. Tags: daedelus electronics hiphop electronica indie music video mush animation cool fun dance pop Daedelus - Live ones in Chicago SMARTBAR 1st Night pt. Daedelus Live one - Sorry for the ' blurry ' sound, occasionally it sounded brilliant, but on some TRACKS the bass which A bit too much. Tags: Daedelus Chicago metro IDM LIVE ONE. Busdriver and Pigeon John - Something Bells Daedelus + Busdriver + Pigeon John = fun. Tags: Daedelus Busdriver Pigeon John Daedelus - Live ones in San Antonio - Sundown/Sambra edge of putting Daedelus, Live one in San Antonio Sundown - Sambra edge of putting - Sundown, with some surprises along the way Holden's 101 - exponentially records antipop.net video - matte Daedelus, Live ones in San Antonio Sundown - Sambra edge of putting - Sundown, with some surprises along the way. Tags: daedelus electronica san antonio ' theory OF everything ' ' in limbo ' matt daly holdens live music elec Jaggededgetv of gives A toast ton the waiting bride. She looks beautiful in ago elegantly ball room dress. Let US toast ago with champagne wishes and caviar dreams. Jaggededgetv of gives A toast ton the waiting bride. She looks beautiful in ago elegantly ball room dress. Let US toast ago with champagne wishes and caviar dreams. Tags: sexy boobs breast fetish glamour chests of fetische titten gloss meisje fetisj afkoel borst???? ?? ????. Daedelus playing his music box live @ the Mac Store.Daedelus Live Mac net curtain music box electronics idm beats DJ laptop kind tags: Daedelus Live Mac net curtain music box electronics idm beats DJ laptop kind music video by Derek Sajbel for the Daedelus TRACK Taking Wing off the LP "OF Snowdonia" on plug research () music video by Derek Sajbel for the Daedelus TRACK Taking Wing off the LP "OF Snowdonia" on plug research (. tags: absurdly plug research Little Temple Daedelus without club music video DJ computer of cookies dancing timelapse Daedelus - Live ones in Chicago SMARTBAR 1st Night pt. Daedelus Live one - Sorry for the ' blurry ' sound, occasionally it sounded brilliant, but on some TRACKS the bass which A bit too much. Tags: Daedelus Chicago metro IDM LIVE Daedelus - Live ones in San Antonio - Outtro Daedelus, Live one in San Antonio Alfred bids US adieu with some improv drum ' n dandy Holden's 101 - exponentially records antipop.net video - matte Daly, Daedelus, Live one in San Antonio Alfred bids US adieu with some improv drum ' n dandy. Tags: daedelus electronica san antonio ' theory OF everything ' ' in limbo ' matt daly holdens live music electro idm like one its non removable disk to jerk-twitch vollballert.Ableton Live Acidmoon Beats Sampling of impulses Samples hp HDD non removable disk German nonsense tags: Ableton Live Acidmoon Beats Sampling of impulses Samples hp HDD non removable disk German nonsense show more videos recently added: Today | This week Music video by Beck performing Nausea with Beck Hansen (C) 2006 Interscope Records.Beck Nausea skirt Interscope Hansen tags: Beck Nausea skirt Interscope Hansen.org A grid OF internally lit tactile pushbuttons. each button has on internal light. two models exist: 40h - at 8 by 8 from monome taken. A grid OF internally lit tactile pushbuttons. each button has on internal light. A short audio/video SAM-POLARIZES OF the 40h. the light and button system interface ton the computers independently: the light feedback of does emergency necessarily follow the button inputs this means that A button press doesn't always toggle its corresponding light, which would completely limiting. by splitting the of system, the computers CAN display different information on the grid OF lights continually while collecting button pressit the interaction the between buttons, lights, and computer software is all configurable by the user. OF course incoming goods provide several preset configurations which feature our favorite uses. we've designed on easy ton use routing system, then that programming skills acres by NO means required ton integrate the box with A preexisting computer software set UP for those interested direct software ACCESS ton provide into making more complicated control applications incoming goods button and light activity. Tags: monome 40h usb midi dj club turntables mixing remix music hiphop trance techno drum bass beatbox beat matching sampling. Scion threw more another great OD Banger party in LA. Oizo, at OG when it comes ton this Electo/Dance scene Scion threw more another great OD Banger party in LA. Oizo, at OG when it comes ton this Electo/Dance scene. My boy, Kutmah got tons of open for him. Oizo jamming out tons my FAVORITE Justice TRACK. Tags: OD Banger Oizo Justice phantom Scion OPne OF my favourite tunes off his new album.Daedelus Ninja Tune Mush electronica synthesizers avant-garde hip hop hip hop Big Dada Ammoncontact Dublab tags: Daedelus Ninja Tune Mush electronica synthesizers avant-garde hip hop hip hop Big Dada Ammoncontact Dublab The one Machine (Live one, minimum maximum) - power station This is A version OF The one Machine from Kraftwerk's minimum maximum dvd.Kraftwerk one Machine minimum maximum DVD tags: Power station one Machine minimum maximum DVD Animated video for Daedelus TRACK ' fair Weather Friends ' from ' fair Weather Friends EP ' available digitally and on of LP here: . Animated video for Daedelus TRACK ' fair Weather Friends ' from ' fair Weather Friends EP ' available digitally and on of LP here: . Tags: Daedelus electronics animation fair more weather friends SHOT and edited by the video staff OF the Musique Volantes festival in 2005. Tags: felix kubin gagarin record Animated video for Daedelus TRACK ' fair Weather. Animated video for Daedelus TRACK ' fair Weather Friends ' from ' fair Weather Friends EP ' available digitally and on of LP here: . Tags: Daedelus electronics animation fair more weather friends. From the album Exquisite Corpse on Mush record. Tags: daedelus electronics hiphop electronica indie music video mush animation cool fun dance pop Animated video for Daedelus TRACK ' fair Weather. Animated video for Daedelus TRACK ' fair Weather Friends ' from ' fair Weather Friends EP ' available digitally and on of LP here: . From the album Denies The Day's Demise on Mush record. Tags: daedelus hiphop electronics electronica indie music video mush dance pop alternative cool animation industrial fun Daedelus + Busdriver + Pigeon John = fun. Daedelus + Busdriver + Pigeon John = fun. Tags: Daedelus Busdriver Pigeon John unfortunately the youtube compression is fairly. unfortunately the youtube compression is fairly bath on this video i have given into alternately hosting it in such a way RK. Tags: ninja tune mush daedelus boogieman jack benny banana splits costume characters entertain to audience for A German TV show ton The Model promote from their 1978 album one Machine. Even on this Saturday evening TV show power station look cool and The Model sounds great quietly nearly 30 years on. It is not a model and it sees well out I carries forward it heut ' gladly to me to house you works so coolly, and it comes anybody ' ran nevertheless before the camera shows it there which it can you drinks in the nightclub always sparkling wine (correct) and has all men abgecheckt in the searchlight beam their recent smile radiates here you looks well and beauty pays it places itself to schau for the consumer product and by millions eyes your new frontispiece is looked at simply marvelous I must it see again, I white it hat's geschaft She's A model and she's looking good She's working coolly, she won't touched by anyone Though, before the camera she shows what she CAN DO into the night club she's drinking only Champagne and has checked out every one into the floodlight ago young smiles glitter She's looking good, and beauty wants paid She of exposes eleven for more consumer products and is being lakes by million OF of eyes ago new more cover is simply gorgeous I must lake ago again, I know she's larva it. ' Avoid Death ' Is Named Wackiest label. The film which originally panned by the critics, it wasn't A commercial success in its day. As it which larva in 1927, Metropolis which A silent movie, thus various music scores have been written more over the years more recently by Giorgio Moroder.however the sound TRACKS i've used on this tie-clip is by Quivver aka John Graham The film has recently been rem-branch-talk for dvd sale. Tags: metropolis Fritz long star_wars power station robot space town center Movie more trailer for Giorgio Moroder's 1984 restoration, OF Fritz Lang's 1927 classic German film. Tags: metropolis Fritz long giorgio moroder German film movie trailer 80s 20s tags: AMV Anime Music video Rintaro Metropolis Fritz long David Bowie Mars Life AbsoluteDestiny boom passport There's really something about how free and inspiring and fun it is tons of GET on A motorcycle and just GET draws. The machine takes you where you want ton go and ton of places you know, you forgot about or you didn't know existed. To But that's pretty much where the similarities ton le cool end. Performance Office Xmas party, Harry Christophers ' Messiah, Kissy Sell Out party Thugs & Hugs Krispy Kristmas House party. Guilty Pleasures, Rakehell's Revels, The Electric Dirt Junkie Christmas party, Allez Allez Club/Gig Mumdance Xmas party universe right, all right, NO more pissing and moaning about stress mas and all it's jingly jangly bits ringing in my ears. So, why emergency slap on your crumpled trilby, ill fitting blazer and stringer belt and bowl down tons of Camden. I, for one shall avin ' A banarnar. Says René, Andrew, Chloe, Josh, Tom, Mat Go GET draws somewhere with le cool and scroll towards your immediate right party Thugs & Hugs Krispy Kristmas House party. And they're doing it in Dalston OF of all places. It's their debut London appearance and new album ` RAP Music ' is toasty, all echo park boom bap bump snap. Think Dilla meets Cool Kids. Then it's all about this house party. The Electric Dirt Junkie Christmas party. Muertos with his skiffley, bluesy racket and chirrupy howls. Oh and there's some OTHER stuff too, but NO more space here... GET there early or you ain't getting in. Patchwork Pirates of acres 3 DJs (Tom McCarthy, Terence THE and Alex Stevenson) and NO MCs based into the gritty East end to They play fashionable music, write about it and promote it. What's the philosophy behind your selecting. From head nod wonky hip hop and dancehall tons of UK garage ton tuff electro. Incoming goods try tons play according ton the venue and time we're on - can't DJs stood that just for hammer out the same see We're tired OF people putting music on their flyers and when you turn UP they're playing the same record as everyone else. Incoming goods don't DO that - only DEAD fish go with the flow. The Stoke Newington of general. -) Incoming goods throw parties RK various organic spots in East London - old Street, Dalston, Hackney.... The Hugs and Thugs Krispy Kristmas Jam this Saturday - check US. She which A bath Babysitter, had ago boyfriend into the more shower... woo, she larva six bucks on hour. Possessing at old ego ton rival Ziggy Stardust, Concetta Kirschner came straight outta Philadelphia - A "high school dork" with Design on becoming A world famous MC. In NYC, she eschewed major label and self financed ago early records. Cited as ` the female Eminem ', she is more Peaches or Missy with A look that harks bake tons old skool Madonna. Embodying A cut'n'paste hip hop aesthetic, she lays ago salacious, more clever rhymes more over electro/discopunk/booty beats. With openness towards both Jewish heritage and gender related issues and the M.O - "tons attack with humour..." - she is the ` only ' princess OF my heart ago on. Correction, two office parties, which, if Sunday's LeCool Christmas knees UP is anything tons go by, shall most likely finish with ME falling into A Christmas tree. And there acres of 12 OF thesis guys - talc about fickle. She of writes each A desirous note as she wistfully lingers around their photographer, framed appropriately for their era.' She's lonely, but in load OF thesis relationships. She even turned down A license deal as A phone avatar, but hey, she's yours if you GET A time Travel Boyfriends book into the gallery. Few things acres as stomach churningly distasteful as the offensive procession OF of volume using the suffix core ton describe their sound. Okay, okay, pork pies with their congealed gelatin, pig entrail combi nation of acres pretty disgusting. And those misplaced marketing poster advertising plastics fry ups and coffee that looks like doo doo acres quite unappealing. But come on, I vomit A little in my mouth every time I hear the term ska core or horror core. And of yes I've heard Pig Destroyer's latest records we'll exempt in such a way grindcore from this discussion. Toronto bound Lullabye Arkestra mistakenly for fire their music A soul core explosion, though luckily for US they actually make interesting music. Expect the group's performance RK Barden's Boudoir ton reminiscent OF A pared down MC5 channeling Sun RA. It seems that Lullabye Arkestra have pulled A James chance and the Contortions and found the centre or heart OF soul. Retro is A term used often tons of refer tons of 70s-90s of parties which celebrate on era where big hair and poor dress scythe reigned. My roofridge visit tons of Rakehell's Revels which marred by P. Diddy's after party RK PAPER NEXT door, bringing RAP and bling too CLOSE ton top hats and fascinators for anyone's liking. GET your two toned shoes on the dance floor and lindy on down one read l&view=original This account is A of member OF the following blogs:. Sneak Attack Day - pre xmas. * NEWLY SCANNED INVENTORY+SCARCE*STUKA'.S SEVEN 77 '. CROMULENT NY LA TIMES PRE SAINT VALENTINE'.S DAY 20. Monsanto Westinghouse's Mid January 2008 NY Times. The kind OF the press the releases. Monsanto Westinghouse'.s 2007 NY Times/LA Times Rec. This is A paragraph OF text that could go into the sidebar.
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a family travels from there around planet then us here on July 15 one hardly returns. While reconsidering with the number of voyages, quite charged towards the house, I wonder how much all that will weigh. One was to go yesterday to weigh us with the pharmacy of A side but it will be for Monday. The children are quite excited and fortunately Bazile came to help us and occupies itself some during the last preparations. We made a simulation with the bags almost charged. Ca patouille a little for the setting on line of Blog. Be lenient, I would like to see you another small photograph of the prépa there and then here. More than one day to get rid of all that will not be useful and not to forget essence. One starts by going to be posed and rest on a beach towards Tulum in Yucatan. It is true that one held for the moment 5 nights over 11 months and that we do not have aucunes new since the passage of the cyclone on the dimension is of Yucatan. One will see well on the spot, it is only the beginning and one already will not worry. Under let us not consider injury Natural. It is intended there well for us to point out it, more and more often besides. After, the program is, in spite of prunings, finally charged. In the bus of Mexico, road towards Guatémala via the Belize where we will remain only qq days (one should not swear anything, on)histoire to go down well from the bus to breathe and not to start to run encore(déjà). - say Papa, when one arrives. and well precisely the bus stops: thus let us go down to see what occurs here. Rather than to slip by as quickly as possible to the next stop envisaged in the programme.Ne let us not dream, the bus will not always stop at named point. - Of the 9 at end Aoùt in Mexico in the yucatan then. October -9 flight San- (Costa-rica) Quito (Ecuador) 4 weeks to join the North of Peru (Chiclayo) where we will try to see Amazonia and its Indians, the volcanos of the cordillière, the Galapagos islands. Conceal courre and jumps in the train. Calama December -17 - Rio via Santiago Là, one tries to organize a new year with which want among the buddies and the family, it is very open step far from Rio or Sao Paulo, at the seaside on an idyllic beach good on. The place is sought and the possibilities of housing and one speaks again about it. For the moment it is ILLA Grande Following that one remains still 1 month to go more towards Nordeste of Brazil El Salvador, Fortalezza, Sao Luis, that names which make dream. Aukland, therefore new Zealand (it is feminin Zealand. Normally to change buses and trains, one rents a camp-site bus and one rolls, and for the blow, one stops when one want: Say Papa, when is it. Ca starts to be a little far in the forecasts and as it was a possibility without supplement in ticket TDM one with taken. Let us not make blasés before the hour, but it is true that one did not connait. - June 11 Bankok - Bali via Hong-Kong where one will make a 3 day old stop: you conceals and swims. But that cannot weigh heavy veiled some photograph without comments bizzz has tous.nous prevoyons to remain here still good ten jour..On will go down after quietly towards Guatemala. None us realizes really of this voyage, and I think that Ca will really take still to a little time before qu one realise. Thank you has to you your malls and, apparently, C is more concrete for you. And thus creation D a heading "funny stories" special dedicace for. With the fact desole for the accents and the apostrophes but I do not find them on these keyboards: In the jungle (of Tulum) a zebra requires of a small monkey: "you do what". And the small monkey answer him: I prepare because I am the king of the jungle and when the lion comes I will show him who am the king. The same thing with a gazelle, a crocodile, etc and with much of other animals which pasaient by lá. And when the Lion passed, and with asked the small monkey: "you make what small monkey". This one answered him: "nothing, nothing. I tell conneries with everyone ¨. when they arrive, they are truths smiles. Held by Paula, Italian who saw has had Tulum for 6 years. Best the bungallows. is those which give on the beach. One eats there well and, the other close hotels are very accessible. It will be necessary to take to you very there has L advances y to have a room, kind 6 has 8 months. .. (13/08) Sophie Antonio and Fernando leave us this morning with a small supplement of luggage One finds all the 4 and Ca feels a little more the great voyage. Moreover one changes D hotel and we leave with our bags well loads has. 13 hour under a good cagnard to join Hemingway, which is A. Ouf (One did not make the photograph with the bags but Ca will come, are patient, one refines the seen look some our news cabaña. The reading is done more easily for max, lorsqu one is lengthening-piece with a soft breeze, between 2 sea bathings. No the doubt, one is well in Mexico And then, a small heading Voila animals parrots, C etait in a watery park or we have stroke all the day with the fish of which some etaient really enormous. L different harms, Kinou S is reveille by hearing odd noises outside. With through the mosquito net, one could see two men with a torch and as if qq dug or balancait shovel of sand derriere the small dune in front of the cabaña. Shame the following day by including/understanding qu it S acted of tortoises come to lay in front of on our premises. Mefiance badly placee for this time and takes care obligatory the following night. And, we N do not have misses the spectacle. Paul when same had a fright in front of the size of L animal. The decor is more than perfect and the instits signals. If not one A crosses two Dragonball ZZZZZZZZ in madness it seems qu there is of them one which debute and Ca has L air to heat it sacrament. With less than Ca is not the return of. Rascar Capac, I would say same more, the return of Capac. Oscar (for ceucent which does not follow, C is in the 7 crystal balls) One has two buddies who marry aujourd today and one thinks strong A them escapade has Holbox (to pronounce Holboch, respect man. A two days ballade in the North of Yucatan, on a presqu island about which Paula spoke to us who S occupies of Hemingway. it convinced us D outward journey to make there a small turn with her stories D outward journey swim with Sharks Whales. Mucho Adrenaline qu it has says to us is made a small bag for everyone, one rents a small car and one leaves Hemingway, and C is. One took our small practices, with L school, the reading of the adventures D Ulysses on the bed has balancelle at the end of the day, before the lesson of flute. In fact one is very glad to find oneself together and one has L impression to begin our voyage. The weather is not nice, but C is not serious, like Ca one creve not in the car. One S arrete to nibble in a small village and one sets out again under the beating rain jusqu with the port D loading for Holbox. There, C is the flood and after having parked the car, I return in a small very suitable taxi. Holbox, C is one of these magic places which breathes the sea, the Caribbean. L water is very calm, fine sand, the village authenticates the houses have an incredible patina. The juxtaposition of the frontages colorees cree a pallet whose more D one would be envieux. All at the end of its presqu island deserte, because C is a reserve, this village and its inhabitants are precieux. Each glance is a photograph. Already, the large hotels are built on the Western dimension, towards the reserve.Encore a few years can be. One changed a little by eating the tacos, but, you do not inquietez, all is well. The evening, dinez in the village and with the bed, because there N is not yet recupere time decalage, one would say, or, C is qu one takes the rate/rhythm of the tropics. Parties has 7 hour, L water is incredibly punt and us seams towards the place of the rencontre.L attention grows, L impatience also with L aprehension D ailleurs.Nous look at our equipment with the children and veiled the premiere fin, typical shark which depasse and then the tail like a second aileron and a flat muzzle a little rounds on the edges with two holes (of the narrisses in fact). some pelicans is D elsewhere drives out some and grind in the airs.On is put has L water by two with a guide. And, when you find yourself in L water on the trajectory of the king who S approaches, with his court and at the last time, D a blow of fin. you dedaigne and detourne his trajectory, you believe rever. Ca makes when same step far from 7-8 meters and L eye which looks you while passing, quiet, you cannot what say to him. Pourtvoir of the photographs you have. qu has to click on L photo album in the collonne of left. I would tell you Chichen Itza forthcoming once because, this evening, Ca rows hard on L computer and tomorrow, one leaves for Guatemala to the dawns. Departure of Chetumal has 6 hours for Flores. Desole for a little difficult page-setting has maitriser Chichen Itza and Depart for Guatemala to see a little the old stones of Mexico, Chichen Itza: One arrives with our ptite tuture right before the night. Bath in the small swimming pool, ballade - flanery in the city around the central place, dinner, layer. Tomorrow, one leve early for eviter hot seasons and tourists. Small dej on the way because nothing has L hotel. By leaving the city, one will find una Tienda to buy bananas of L water and yogurt with the fruit, yes yes large successes and good mood is. We arrive on the carpark of the site desert, has L opening. One returns, one pays and Philippé which speaks proposes French us the guided tour, good tete. one y va.Timing perfect, impossible to better do the salesmen of memories arrives at the account drops. Nobody: Chichen Itza is has us in all his majesty. Small topo on Maya civilization, some anecdotes on the gods and the conquest of Spanish. The children follow, remain attentive. A small demonstration on L structures Maya and its capacity D amplification of the sound. L acoustic of the play of ball is incredible, one S hears D an end has L different of the ground which makes nearly 250 meters. The sound repete 3 times while turning in L enceinte.Les children N is not returned from there when Philippé explains to them why C is the captain of L equipe gaining which accede thus with the privilege to be made decapiter. D after Phillipe, it N did not have as much sacrifice there than Spanish L one left entendre.On will find different the representatiopns gods, plumed serpent of tolteques (come meller in the Mayas), jaguar of L inframonde (of the night), eagle (of the day). We flee the tail has L entree site and the bruissant carpark of the clims large bus sometimes happen of Cancun.Le challenge to show old the facings with the children without the degouter and while testing same of the interresser, seems reussi.. We need preparer the true departure maintaining for Chetumal and Guatémala. All those which ecrivent us. A small message has all those which temoignent us their interest and us ecrivent.: Will know that all your small words and comments suit us right to the heart. We like them and they are important for us. The principle of the public comment or the mall deprives allows has each one S to express and make live the blog. We will find time to answer you, undoubtedly. The heart is there, one loves you (as Patriiiick would say). You see, Raymonde, Ca is there, you maitrises the bete. One does not know any more how to make with the bags, therefore another system of arrangement is tested. Two large the enormous lourdaux ones will remain firm with their mysterieuse cargo, of which one is not useful oneself and the bare minimum in the additional bag. In more with L humidite ambient, clothing has almost double weight. The good-byes with Paola are dechirants and one leaves has flock for choper the bus for Chetumal. In the bus, the children will be done a little tele with a silly thing americaine kind "faithful Lassie dog" and will sleep the remainder of time. The weather is quite fresh with the clim. In Chetumal, one is able to go gouter at Rosy and Ramiro, right A dimensions L hotel. C is like has the house, or almost: Top Top Chetumal Signal is a small city without any interest, but for us, C is L occasion to make L school a little. There is when same the musee Maya or we will go for preparer and etoffer a little our future exposes. One day quiet thus:A the exit of the musee, we fall on a deffile from the schools from the city, all in uniform, all gomines, boys and girls, brass band. One achete beautiful a epluche vegetable qu one had forgets has Paris (.) to try to eat vegetables of walk and return has L hotel to make a little D Internet, preparer the voyage, once again the luggage. While arriving, one repere immediately the guatemalteque bus which N does not have the right to return in the station routiere (will know why. The driver S advances towards us: Flora - Tikal, poraqui.-No will precede class, No aere conditionado, No BAGNOS. All the opposite of this qu one had said to us on the voyage forum. After verif, C is similar for the Mexican official bus, same lemonade. In all ways, Paul is sick and has tankard the creve, therefore one will become volontier (. - El to heat S will arretera when you ask him. Let us go y with San Juan Travel. The dimension rebel, good the tete of Quechua of the driver by report/ratio. L uniform official with the gallons of L different company has. One left after a paying wee (. One arrives to the blacks, one speaks English, (Ca done all drole after the efforts not to be confused with the gringos in Mexico). Immediately C is the Caribbean, the small houses with the roof in tole St the colors delavees. with one hour of decalage, one assists with the reveil villages which we cross. The bus is far D full being and one S etale. 1 hour D stop has Belize city for small the dej: One leaves all the bags in the bus. One looks oneself with kinou while leaving towards a small coffee. One crosses the small port, the unloading dock for Keys. small goes to buy fruits for the road. All is very well organizes for the exit of Belize. One pays again a small blow, changes unhappy but good. So many worse for the rogue's gallery customs officers our TDM. Not engraves, One will find another idee. L environment passes the border changes whole with the whole, with good on different heads, but also the road which sets out again in beaten ground, well defoncee One rolls has 30 and the driver discusses with his pal goes up has the border. The accesses of the road are however well orders, with clotures all length and pastures green, but quite green. One looks at Ca with the children who take taste with the voyage by a little long bus but so much varies. The accesses of the road are cavity very animate and there decouvre a small end of the life in Guatemala not seen in the black of the night is Chetumal.C is on the edge of the lake Peten Itza, on the road of Tikal, the Maya site of the area. L place is peaceful and the sight on the lake much prettier. Visit of 3 places to place us and as one is not yet pret for the super dimension roots, one takes L option in the case of Gift David (.), with a splendid garden, a small kiosk has hammocks. Long day and we are cooked.) L electricity etant. distributes with parsimony has El Remate, the ventilos do not turn toutle temps.Alors this ballade, a true happiness which we will renew the following day. The photographs of any Ca will follow when there is a faster connection because, C is not possible. Small bungallows, standard Maya with the roof in palm in the medium D a tropical garden and a good table. And then the small ones let us bridge which goes on the lake for the bathe. Tomorrow one goes has Tikal and Ca demarre early for eviter heat, like D hab. 50 to swim with the sharks whales
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Feline antibiotics
. The REVOLT Of the GOURMET To QUATTROZAMPE, DOGS And CATS IN PUBLIC SQUARE AGAINST ALIMENTARY SWINDLES And POISONS In the CIOTOLA. "To the dog and the cat what imports if the crocchetta e' green, red or yellow", the authors assert, "nevertheless the multinationals of the pet-food not rinunciano to a poison also to sell". They will be present dogs and cats feed to you from years from the own tutors single with biological alimony. I TRUST DOES NOT TRUST (Press Alternative, &euro.9,30), a abstract of the book of Stefano Apuzzo and Edgar Meyer. A market still exterminated to conquer: the industrial foods for dogs and cats. The market of the animals, in Italy, e' in strong expansion. Fortunately our country maintains lives the custom of feeding the domestic animals with foods prepares to you in house or with remainders of kitchen. Tant' e' that 50% of the owners of domestic animals, dogs and cats, have not never opened one scatoletta. The percentage of penetration of the market of eats to me, in the next few years, e' destined to increasing. The main parameters for the production are two: the profit of the producers and the saving of the consumers. From the questions, from the transparency, the guarantee that will demand the consumers dipendera', in part, the qualita' that the producers will offer. Here one manciata of figures can make to more better mean the proportions of the alimentary market for dogs and gatti:.000 families with animals of affection in Italy (approximately 25.000 of animals of affection in Italy (between which 12,000 families with dogs in Italy (approximately 13.000 taken a census, of dogs with owner, in Italia.000 billions of Liras of turnover of the pet-food. 5 - 8% of annual increase of the sales of petfoods in Italia.000 billions of Liras the year of expense in Italy for affection animals, pet-food and other. 203 billions of Liras, the expense, in Italy, in order to cure animals from company. 5,8%, the rate of growth in 1999 of the market of the pet-food in Italy, while in the previous years it had been attested between the 5 and the 8%, On the market make space also the Heinz (Lives, Love, Gravy Train, Kibbles and Bits, Recipe, Vets) and Nutro. The number of the animals from company grows visibly in all the countries develops, included Italy to you, catching up annual rates of growth of 10%. In our country it dominates to the classifiche the cat, thanks also to the smaller requirements of cures and human presence regarding the dog. 20% of the owners of cats use foods regularly manifacture to you. The 2/3 of the market are covered from humid foods, while the remaining quota e' covered from foods buckets. In Great Britain and the United States the penetration of the pet-food has caught up for a long time 90-95%. In Italy biological a not e' piu' niche of market, bensi' true and just a segment, with beyond 50.000 companies, a million hectares cultivates to you, beyond 2.000 billions of Liras of annual turnover with one annual increase of 25% and incentives to the biological caterings previewed in the Law Financial institution n. 489 of 23 December 1999. In the field of the pet-food they are signaled first prepares to you for dogs and cats biological. Here what says some veterinaries. "From when they are graduated to me in veterinary in 1965, I have noticed a general deterioration in the health of the domestic animals. They are convinced that it points out to it to you chemical in the mangime for domestic animals are the cause number one of such decline. "When they came outside humid foods, we imagined that they must have conserving many forts since they did not need of refrigeration. Many, in fact, use formalin (used also in order to conserve corpses, NdA). The so good conserving formalin e' that the entrepreneurs of it use a lot. Being piu' exposed to infections and pathologies, it ends imbottito of antibiotics and drugs. To a breeding animal they come normally somministrati hormones, antibiotics, factors of increase, betabloccanti, delaying tiroidei, psicofarmaci, pesticidi (assimilates to you with eats to me). The policlorurati pole-chlorine-bifenili (or bifenili) is between the polluting and dangerous substances piu' for the atmosphere and the human health. Aromatic hydrocarbons containing us chlorine are a lot employ you from the industry for the strong resistance to the attack basic acid and. Generally they come, or better they came, employs like insulators electrical workers to you and in many transformers and condensers with quantita' between the 30 and 90 grams to unita'. These substances are accumulateed in the woven adiposeness of the animals and the men in quantita' until 70 advanced times to those considered dangerous. Once entered in the alimentary chain they do not exit any piu': the calculable cycle of expulsion not e'. Choosing the fish for the domestic animals the greater given guarantee e' from the small fish of the Mediterranean. Piu' freschi of others, sure not of breeding and, in how many small, with minor I accumulate of velenose substances and diossine. In December 2000 the Danish agency of protection of the consumers has found quantita' beyond the limits of diossine in the salmoni of breeding. The news e' bounced in Italy thanks to the National Council Consumers and Customers and to the Altroconsumo salary. The main risk for the fish e' I accumulate it of metilmercurio in the advanced part of the back, neighbor to the head. The fish flours are produced with refuse of the ittica industry, cioe', first of all, witness, lische, squame, interiora. In the fish of the Mediterranean, tonni and fish sword, but also lucci, Sardinians Americans and sogliole, e' be found one concentration of advanced metilmercurio to 1200 ng/Kg. The fins and the meat of squalo, of which Italy e' the first European importer, has quantita' of mercury 40 advanced times to the percentage considered dangerous for the man. The used mercury e' from the industry for relais, switches, termostati, medicali sensors, printed circults to you, lamps, telefonini and apparatuses. Every year in the world they come rilasciate in the atmosphere approximately 3. In the fish polibromurati bifenili (PBB are accumulateed also). To greater risk the fish of the Baltic Mar, where they have been recorded the elevated concentrations piu' of PBB and PBDE. The PBDE are delaying of flame used in the equipment electrical workers, electronic and in plastic. The cadmium ingested from the fish provokes to the animals deficiency of soccer and lowland presence of emoglobina in the blood. In the mammals it provokes anemia, pessimo be of the hair, lesions to liver and kidneys. The inhabitants of the countries industrialize to you risentono of high cadmium concentrations. The fish that live in the seas industrialize to you risentono, obviously, like and piu' of the men, of this velenosa presence. The cadmium door to the demineralization of the skeleton, fragilita' and risk of bony fractures, serious damaging of kidneys. In the ittici breedings to the fish somministrate large quantita' of antibiotics come and prepare you farmacologici for the aim to prevent epidemics caused from the overcrowding. Also in the fish the practical dopanti, with the hormone employment of the increase, can accelerate the increase of 50%. In some breedings of the Asian east south they are most diffuse practical of breeding of the fish with large quantita' of chlorine in the water. The candeggina comes used also in order to turn white the meats of the fish. Still in Asia they are diffuse practical of peach with substances paralyzing chemistries and poisons. From years the associations of the consumers ask the label for the fish that the origin clearly identifies in way and the place in which e' be fished or raised and manifactured or dept freeze. Crazy cows, dogs and cats Uncovered in Switzerland the first case of feline spongiforme encephalopathy. Morbo of the crazy cow contagia also the cats. The first case of feline spongiforme encephalopathy (FSE), in Switzerland e' be diagnosed some day ago in the Canton Vaud. The disease has hit a cat of six years that give various time showed disturb of the central nervous system them and for this e' be killed. The analyses conduct in the laboratories of the Universita' of Bern have confirmed that it was be a matter of FSE. The first case of FSE e' be characterized in 1990 in Great Britain, where they have been taken a census one novantina of cats affections from FSE. In the 1996 they have been assesses other cases to you in Norway and Liechtenstein. Feline varying of the BSE e' be found also in lions, Tigris and puma feeds to you in the zoo with raw meat. The Association asks the industries information useful to comprise the emergency and the qualita' of their products. Nobody of the great companies of eats to me answers to the questionnaire. From the companies and the multinationals that they produce and they import it eats industrial for dogs and cats to me e' not arrived no information. To the demand to know qualita' and the origin of the raw materials and on the treatments of production e' not arrived answer. To the unprovided consumers, instead, the companies crop communicate amorphous that pero' find wide prominence to you on the so-called "specialistic reviews" and on the average of field. Scatoletta suspects the ingredients of humid foods, buckets and seed-humid they are similar, although the proportions of proteins, fat people and fibers can vary. An ordinary food can for cats must have the 45-50% of meat by-products, pollame or fish. The main difference between foods e' the percentage of water. Of water e' composed 50 - 60% of the content of scatolette of humid foods for dogs and the cats. It is in humid foods is in those buckets in scato it the ingredients nearly are always milled and miscelati with it points out to it to you. To this point the cooked and inscatolata mixture e'. The cans of sealed are posizionate in affixed sterilized containers to you and. We try in label information on the process of baking of the product and on the nutrizionale composition through the single elements. This last one would have to be estimated and to be measured after and not before the baking. Many alimony for dogs is cooked to temperatures high in order to sterilize the refuse ingredients and by-products. This treatment destroys the nourishing value. The vitamins and the amino acids, essential things for the health, are particularly sensitive to the heat. The vitamins and the probiotici are not exposed to the heat, they are only added after the baking. The cereals have an important part in eat to me for animals. They are the source of calories for the attivita' daily of the animal. e' to assess itself well that the cereals in the food of the animals have been it selects to you for human use. Moldy cereals and refuse of production are piu' convenient for the producer, can pero' cause micotossicosi, one disease potentially died them. The cereals would have to appear like "entire". The "peels", instead, "milled" and "by-products", are not that the refuse of human the food industry that gia' has used some the nourishing parts. Many veterinaries support that 30% of the dogs suffer from allergies tied to the food. If the dog manifest one of these symptoms e' necessary to verify the members of the food, reading carefully the label. Statistically the mainly responsible alimony of allergies is frumento, soia and granturco. The food industry for animals from company prospers on the remainders of the processes of cleaning of the meat for human consumption. The rich fat people rancidi and of conserving are much difficult to digest and can cause serious problems of health. Digestive disorders, in particular vomito of bile or food, diarrhoea, gases and gasping breath, are some of the visible effects piu'. If somministrate to the cuccioli, these substances can cause to chronic problems of digestion and assimilation. In the last years the main member of the fat people for animal feeding e' the advanced fat person from the human ristorazione. Usually e' conserved to the open for weeks and exposed to extreme temperatures with no care for its future employment. These fat people are spray to you directly on large grains essicca you or extruded littles ball in order to render an indifferent or otherwise disgustoso product attractive. The fat person acts also from coagulative agent, to which the producers add other intensifiers of taste like the digest. The students of feeding for domestic animals have uncovered that the animals love the sapore of these fat people spray to you. Often he ignores himself that the excess of fat feeding cause you damn, also serious, to the liver of the dogs and the attivita' hepatic. The producers employ also in order to add it mass: when an animal eats a containing product soia sentira' piu' I satiate myself. Beyond 60% of the soia commercialized in Europe e' of transgenica origin, manipulated genetically. Principle allerta for the soia coming from from the United States, China and Spain. China, in fact, has opened wide the doors to the productions and the commerce of agricultural products modified genetically. We find entire industrial food advertising campaigns that head exclusively at the semplicita' of the dosage and the somministrazione. Type: enough once to the day, complete meal, without need to cook, enough to open one scato it or one scatoletta. The fat people, in the alimony for animals from company, contain conserving synthetic or natural and cioe': the etossi-diidro-trimetilchinolina, the idrossianisolo butilato and the idrossitoluene butilato. These conserving are widely not only employ to you for preservare the fat people but also in order to stabilize the entire product. Synthetic conserving includes idrossianisolo butilato and idrossitoluene butilato, gallato of propile, propilenglicole, also used like version less toxic than antifreezing, and etossi-diidro-trimetilchinolina. For these anti-oxidants you e' insufficient information approximately the tossicita', emergency or chronic use in eat to me for domestic animals. Crocchette and tortures Not only drugs, coloring, cosmetic and chemical products. On dogs and cats the industry experiences same foods to they assigns to you. Nobody puo' to say less with exactitude if the experiments lead between 1991 and the 2000 continue or. Eight dogs are killed in order to analyze the renal woven ones. The dogs with obvious signs of disease did not come cure to you perche' cio' would have inficiato the nature of the experiments ". Like e' famous, the renal damages cause various painful consequences. The disabled kidney to carry out the normal filtering of the blood from the injurious substances and toxins door to the poisoning of the animal. They have been studies suffering dogs to you with serious renal damages for fourteen months. To the dogs that dehydrated themselves fluid reimmessi without other treatment came. Four dogs have been soppressi during the experiment. The producers of eat to me for cats use them for indurli eating foods buckets. For they nature the cats would avoid, preferring them fresh meat. The known and approved of corn syrup e' also like an effective "plasticizing umettante and", that is like ingredient that da' to the product umidita' and flessibilita'. These ingredients cause the chaos in the domestic animals. They produce same ups and downs of the sugar from table on the men, and the great stress to the pancreas and kidneys, conditions that can carry to the diabetes. The problem was originated from a fungus that produces vomitossina, aflatossina varying, that it contaminated the frumento. In 1999 an other fungosa toxin causo' the withdrawal of the food for dogs produced from Doane Pet and others 53 marks. That time the toxin murdered 25 dogs. Scatolette biological for dogs and cats. Number One Biological, mangime biological for dogs, distributed from Eco& Biofood - Zoo G Srl of Reggio Emilia. For a mangime biological and that professa such not e' well that they come it employs the "anti-oxidants to you admitted from the EEC". The tests on the field have demonstrated, however, that the dogs thus feed do not introduce disturb to you gastrointestinal and soil regularly. Greater transparency and information to the customers of biological, piu' the always demanding ones of the average of the consumers, would not put out of order. The distributrice company (the mangime e' produced in France), the Novavet of Genoa, assures on the labels: "mangime complete, composed only from coming from ingredients to 100% from biological agriculture. Almo Natures does not contain ne' polifosfati, ne' conserving, no appetizzante ". High percentage (50 - 60 is marked it - 70%) of the main ingredient. Only the fished dicitura "tonno in the Ocean" appears a po' too much generic. "By-products of the meat", law often on the labels. In realta' e' an appropriated term perche' these by-products do not contain least meat or they do not contain any at all. They are advanced parts of the animal after that the meat e' be ritagliata from the carcass. Those of the pollo include the head, the legs, the interiora, the lungs, the milza, the kidneys, the brain, the liver, the stomach, the nose, the blood and the intestine empties you of their content. The norms say that the by-products cannot include sick or contaminated meat. The councils for one healthy diet of the cat and the dog in house: the Alternatives know some. For the cat: for guardian the health of the cat the ideal would be to cook its every meal day previewing and alternating some fundamental ingredients. In the case they chose croccantini and dry food the animal avra' greater need of water and liquids. The essentially carnivorous cat e' and the base of its diet must be constituted from meat or fish, also alternated. The cucciolo, the gatta one that it nurses, the young cat that ago dynamics life piu' or to the open needs of greater contribution of chilocalorie and lipids (fat). We go ourselves cautious with paste and rice perche' comes assimilates to you beyond 90% and if the portion exceeds the animal becomes obese. Paste and rice, are "white men" are integral from biological agriculture, cost practically as those "traditional ones" and are found in the supermarkets. In advisable the domestic kitchen e' not to cook very to along meat and fish. During the week we have piu' haste generally and little wants to dedicate to us to the stoves. In these cases we can acquire manifactured food, dry or humid, biological. The biological alimony must have on the confection the brand of biological certification of the product or its ingredients. In kind it comes sold like biological of the food "to the pollo", in which they are of biological origin only the cereals. We do not make ourselves to trick from the diciture "natural", "ecological", "bio": not there they do not mean null if e' the brand of certification of biological product, rilasciato from an authorized certificatore agency. The biological dry food for the dog costs little approximately 10.000 Liras to the chilo. not e', but e' the price of a whichever food of marks used from breeders and owners who think of giving just to the dog "the best". We choose always fish of our seas, dept freeze, possibly small coolness or, for human consumption. Unfortunately the fish puo' not to be, for hour, certificate like biological. We will have therefore to be pleased of the qualita', freschezza and guarantee offered to the human consumer. For the meat, we acquire cuts and qualita' for human consumption, preferring in winter the red meat (manzo), in summer that white woman (pollo, turkey) or the fish. The verdure are most important, for the fiber and the vitamins. Cuociamo carrots, zucchine or other verdure in order then to stir them in the ciotola, if not just every day, at least to alternate days. The dog has one digestion much long one and e', nearly always, ingordo. in piu' it does not chew the mouthfuls that ingest. We do not give never sweet to the dog: the sugar in the most harmful excess e' for its health and the teeth. We accustom the dog not to accept food from the disowned ones and not to raccattare mouthfuls from earth: many, too many dogs are thus remained poison to you.
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