
Feline antibiotics

. The REVOLT Of the GOURMET To QUATTROZAMPE, DOGS And CATS IN PUBLIC SQUARE AGAINST ALIMENTARY SWINDLES And POISONS In the CIOTOLA. "To the dog and the cat what imports if the crocchetta e' green, red or yellow", the authors assert, "nevertheless the multinationals of the pet-food not rinunciano to a poison also to sell". They will be present dogs and cats feed to you from years from the own tutors single with biological alimony. I TRUST DOES NOT TRUST (Press Alternative, &euro.9,30), a abstract of the book of Stefano Apuzzo and Edgar Meyer. A market still exterminated to conquer: the industrial foods for dogs and cats. The market of the animals, in Italy, e' in strong expansion. Fortunately our country maintains lives the custom of feeding the domestic animals with foods prepares to you in house or with remainders of kitchen. Tant' e' that 50% of the owners of domestic animals, dogs and cats, have not never opened one scatoletta. The percentage of penetration of the market of eats to me, in the next few years, e' destined to increasing. The main parameters for the production are two: the profit of the producers and the saving of the consumers. From the questions, from the transparency, the guarantee that will demand the consumers dipendera', in part, the qualita' that the producers will offer. Here one manciata of figures can make to more better mean the proportions of the alimentary market for dogs and gatti:.000 families with animals of affection in Italy (approximately 25.000 of animals of affection in Italy (between which 12,000 families with dogs in Italy (approximately 13.000 taken a census, of dogs with owner, in Italia.000 billions of Liras of turnover of the pet-food. 5 - 8% of annual increase of the sales of petfoods in Italia.000 billions of Liras the year of expense in Italy for affection animals, pet-food and other. 203 billions of Liras, the expense, in Italy, in order to cure animals from company. 5,8%, the rate of growth in 1999 of the market of the pet-food in Italy, while in the previous years it had been attested between the 5 and the 8%, On the market make space also the Heinz (Lives, Love, Gravy Train, Kibbles and Bits, Recipe, Vets) and Nutro. The number of the animals from company grows visibly in all the countries develops, included Italy to you, catching up annual rates of growth of 10%. In our country it dominates to the classifiche the cat, thanks also to the smaller requirements of cures and human presence regarding the dog. 20% of the owners of cats use foods regularly manifacture to you. The 2/3 of the market are covered from humid foods, while the remaining quota e' covered from foods buckets. In Great Britain and the United States the penetration of the pet-food has caught up for a long time 90-95%. In Italy biological a not e' piu' niche of market, bensi' true and just a segment, with beyond 50.000 companies, a million hectares cultivates to you, beyond 2.000 billions of Liras of annual turnover with one annual increase of 25% and incentives to the biological caterings previewed in the Law Financial institution n. 489 of 23 December 1999. In the field of the pet-food they are signaled first prepares to you for dogs and cats biological. Here what says some veterinaries. "From when they are graduated to me in veterinary in 1965, I have noticed a general deterioration in the health of the domestic animals. They are convinced that it points out to it to you chemical in the mangime for domestic animals are the cause number one of such decline. "When they came outside humid foods, we imagined that they must have conserving many forts since they did not need of refrigeration. Many, in fact, use formalin (used also in order to conserve corpses, NdA). The so good conserving formalin e' that the entrepreneurs of it use a lot. Being piu' exposed to infections and pathologies, it ends imbottito of antibiotics and drugs. To a breeding animal they come normally somministrati hormones, antibiotics, factors of increase, betabloccanti, delaying tiroidei, psicofarmaci, pesticidi (assimilates to you with eats to me). The policlorurati pole-chlorine-bifenili (or bifenili) is between the polluting and dangerous substances piu' for the atmosphere and the human health. Aromatic hydrocarbons containing us chlorine are a lot employ you from the industry for the strong resistance to the attack basic acid and. Generally they come, or better they came, employs like insulators electrical workers to you and in many transformers and condensers with quantita' between the 30 and 90 grams to unita'. These substances are accumulateed in the woven adiposeness of the animals and the men in quantita' until 70 advanced times to those considered dangerous. Once entered in the alimentary chain they do not exit any piu': the calculable cycle of expulsion not e'. Choosing the fish for the domestic animals the greater given guarantee e' from the small fish of the Mediterranean. Piu' freschi of others, sure not of breeding and, in how many small, with minor I accumulate of velenose substances and diossine. In December 2000 the Danish agency of protection of the consumers has found quantita' beyond the limits of diossine in the salmoni of breeding. The news e' bounced in Italy thanks to the National Council Consumers and Customers and to the Altroconsumo salary. The main risk for the fish e' I accumulate it of metilmercurio in the advanced part of the back, neighbor to the head. The fish flours are produced with refuse of the ittica industry, cioe', first of all, witness, lische, squame, interiora. In the fish of the Mediterranean, tonni and fish sword, but also lucci, Sardinians Americans and sogliole, e' be found one concentration of advanced metilmercurio to 1200 ng/Kg. The fins and the meat of squalo, of which Italy e' the first European importer, has quantita' of mercury 40 advanced times to the percentage considered dangerous for the man. The used mercury e' from the industry for relais, switches, termostati, medicali sensors, printed circults to you, lamps, telefonini and apparatuses. Every year in the world they come rilasciate in the atmosphere approximately 3. In the fish polibromurati bifenili (PBB are accumulateed also). To greater risk the fish of the Baltic Mar, where they have been recorded the elevated concentrations piu' of PBB and PBDE. The PBDE are delaying of flame used in the equipment electrical workers, electronic and in plastic. The cadmium ingested from the fish provokes to the animals deficiency of soccer and lowland presence of emoglobina in the blood. In the mammals it provokes anemia, pessimo be of the hair, lesions to liver and kidneys. The inhabitants of the countries industrialize to you risentono of high cadmium concentrations. The fish that live in the seas industrialize to you risentono, obviously, like and piu' of the men, of this velenosa presence. The cadmium door to the demineralization of the skeleton, fragilita' and risk of bony fractures, serious damaging of kidneys. In the ittici breedings to the fish somministrate large quantita' of antibiotics come and prepare you farmacologici for the aim to prevent epidemics caused from the overcrowding. Also in the fish the practical dopanti, with the hormone employment of the increase, can accelerate the increase of 50%. In some breedings of the Asian east south they are most diffuse practical of breeding of the fish with large quantita' of chlorine in the water. The candeggina comes used also in order to turn white the meats of the fish. Still in Asia they are diffuse practical of peach with substances paralyzing chemistries and poisons. From years the associations of the consumers ask the label for the fish that the origin clearly identifies in way and the place in which e' be fished or raised and manifactured or dept freeze. Crazy cows, dogs and cats Uncovered in Switzerland the first case of feline spongiforme encephalopathy. Morbo of the crazy cow contagia also the cats. The first case of feline spongiforme encephalopathy (FSE), in Switzerland e' be diagnosed some day ago in the Canton Vaud. The disease has hit a cat of six years that give various time showed disturb of the central nervous system them and for this e' be killed. The analyses conduct in the laboratories of the Universita' of Bern have confirmed that it was be a matter of FSE. The first case of FSE e' be characterized in 1990 in Great Britain, where they have been taken a census one novantina of cats affections from FSE. In the 1996 they have been assesses other cases to you in Norway and Liechtenstein. Feline varying of the BSE e' be found also in lions, Tigris and puma feeds to you in the zoo with raw meat. The Association asks the industries information useful to comprise the emergency and the qualita' of their products. Nobody of the great companies of eats to me answers to the questionnaire. From the companies and the multinationals that they produce and they import it eats industrial for dogs and cats to me e' not arrived no information. To the demand to know qualita' and the origin of the raw materials and on the treatments of production e' not arrived answer. To the unprovided consumers, instead, the companies crop communicate amorphous that pero' find wide prominence to you on the so-called "specialistic reviews" and on the average of field. Scatoletta suspects the ingredients of humid foods, buckets and seed-humid they are similar, although the proportions of proteins, fat people and fibers can vary. An ordinary food can for cats must have the 45-50% of meat by-products, pollame or fish. The main difference between foods e' the percentage of water. Of water e' composed 50 - 60% of the content of scatolette of humid foods for dogs and the cats. It is in humid foods is in those buckets in scato it the ingredients nearly are always milled and miscelati with it points out to it to you. To this point the cooked and inscatolata mixture e'. The cans of sealed are posizionate in affixed sterilized containers to you and. We try in label information on the process of baking of the product and on the nutrizionale composition through the single elements. This last one would have to be estimated and to be measured after and not before the baking. Many alimony for dogs is cooked to temperatures high in order to sterilize the refuse ingredients and by-products. This treatment destroys the nourishing value. The vitamins and the amino acids, essential things for the health, are particularly sensitive to the heat. The vitamins and the probiotici are not exposed to the heat, they are only added after the baking. The cereals have an important part in eat to me for animals. They are the source of calories for the attivita' daily of the animal. e' to assess itself well that the cereals in the food of the animals have been it selects to you for human use. Moldy cereals and refuse of production are piu' convenient for the producer, can pero' cause micotossicosi, one disease potentially died them. The cereals would have to appear like "entire". The "peels", instead, "milled" and "by-products", are not that the refuse of human the food industry that gia' has used some the nourishing parts. Many veterinaries support that 30% of the dogs suffer from allergies tied to the food. If the dog manifest one of these symptoms e' necessary to verify the members of the food, reading carefully the label. Statistically the mainly responsible alimony of allergies is frumento, soia and granturco. The food industry for animals from company prospers on the remainders of the processes of cleaning of the meat for human consumption. The rich fat people rancidi and of conserving are much difficult to digest and can cause serious problems of health. Digestive disorders, in particular vomito of bile or food, diarrhoea, gases and gasping breath, are some of the visible effects piu'. If somministrate to the cuccioli, these substances can cause to chronic problems of digestion and assimilation. In the last years the main member of the fat people for animal feeding e' the advanced fat person from the human ristorazione. Usually e' conserved to the open for weeks and exposed to extreme temperatures with no care for its future employment. These fat people are spray to you directly on large grains essicca you or extruded littles ball in order to render an indifferent or otherwise disgustoso product attractive. The fat person acts also from coagulative agent, to which the producers add other intensifiers of taste like the digest. The students of feeding for domestic animals have uncovered that the animals love the sapore of these fat people spray to you. Often he ignores himself that the excess of fat feeding cause you damn, also serious, to the liver of the dogs and the attivita' hepatic. The producers employ also in order to add it mass: when an animal eats a containing product soia sentira' piu' I satiate myself. Beyond 60% of the soia commercialized in Europe e' of transgenica origin, manipulated genetically. Principle allerta for the soia coming from from the United States, China and Spain. China, in fact, has opened wide the doors to the productions and the commerce of agricultural products modified genetically. We find entire industrial food advertising campaigns that head exclusively at the semplicita' of the dosage and the somministrazione. Type: enough once to the day, complete meal, without need to cook, enough to open one scato it or one scatoletta. The fat people, in the alimony for animals from company, contain conserving synthetic or natural and cioe': the etossi-diidro-trimetilchinolina, the idrossianisolo butilato and the idrossitoluene butilato. These conserving are widely not only employ to you for preservare the fat people but also in order to stabilize the entire product. Synthetic conserving includes idrossianisolo butilato and idrossitoluene butilato, gallato of propile, propilenglicole, also used like version less toxic than antifreezing, and etossi-diidro-trimetilchinolina. For these anti-oxidants you e' insufficient information approximately the tossicita', emergency or chronic use in eat to me for domestic animals. Crocchette and tortures Not only drugs, coloring, cosmetic and chemical products. On dogs and cats the industry experiences same foods to they assigns to you. Nobody puo' to say less with exactitude if the experiments lead between 1991 and the 2000 continue or. Eight dogs are killed in order to analyze the renal woven ones. The dogs with obvious signs of disease did not come cure to you perche' cio' would have inficiato the nature of the experiments ". Like e' famous, the renal damages cause various painful consequences. The disabled kidney to carry out the normal filtering of the blood from the injurious substances and toxins door to the poisoning of the animal. They have been studies suffering dogs to you with serious renal damages for fourteen months. To the dogs that dehydrated themselves fluid reimmessi without other treatment came. Four dogs have been soppressi during the experiment. The producers of eat to me for cats use them for indurli eating foods buckets. For they nature the cats would avoid, preferring them fresh meat. The known and approved of corn syrup e' also like an effective "plasticizing umettante and", that is like ingredient that da' to the product umidita' and flessibilita'. These ingredients cause the chaos in the domestic animals. They produce same ups and downs of the sugar from table on the men, and the great stress to the pancreas and kidneys, conditions that can carry to the diabetes. The problem was originated from a fungus that produces vomitossina, aflatossina varying, that it contaminated the frumento. In 1999 an other fungosa toxin causo' the withdrawal of the food for dogs produced from Doane Pet and others 53 marks. That time the toxin murdered 25 dogs. Scatolette biological for dogs and cats. Number One Biological, mangime biological for dogs, distributed from Eco& Biofood - Zoo G Srl of Reggio Emilia. For a mangime biological and that professa such not e' well that they come it employs the "anti-oxidants to you admitted from the EEC". The tests on the field have demonstrated, however, that the dogs thus feed do not introduce disturb to you gastrointestinal and soil regularly. Greater transparency and information to the customers of biological, piu' the always demanding ones of the average of the consumers, would not put out of order. The distributrice company (the mangime e' produced in France), the Novavet of Genoa, assures on the labels: "mangime complete, composed only from coming from ingredients to 100% from biological agriculture. Almo Natures does not contain ne' polifosfati, ne' conserving, no appetizzante ". High percentage (50 - 60 is marked it - 70%) of the main ingredient. Only the fished dicitura "tonno in the Ocean" appears a po' too much generic. "By-products of the meat", law often on the labels. In realta' e' an appropriated term perche' these by-products do not contain least meat or they do not contain any at all. They are advanced parts of the animal after that the meat e' be ritagliata from the carcass. Those of the pollo include the head, the legs, the interiora, the lungs, the milza, the kidneys, the brain, the liver, the stomach, the nose, the blood and the intestine empties you of their content. The norms say that the by-products cannot include sick or contaminated meat. The councils for one healthy diet of the cat and the dog in house: the Alternatives know some. For the cat: for guardian the health of the cat the ideal would be to cook its every meal day previewing and alternating some fundamental ingredients. In the case they chose croccantini and dry food the animal avra' greater need of water and liquids. The essentially carnivorous cat e' and the base of its diet must be constituted from meat or fish, also alternated. The cucciolo, the gatta one that it nurses, the young cat that ago dynamics life piu' or to the open needs of greater contribution of chilocalorie and lipids (fat). We go ourselves cautious with paste and rice perche' comes assimilates to you beyond 90% and if the portion exceeds the animal becomes obese. Paste and rice, are "white men" are integral from biological agriculture, cost practically as those "traditional ones" and are found in the supermarkets. In advisable the domestic kitchen e' not to cook very to along meat and fish. During the week we have piu' haste generally and little wants to dedicate to us to the stoves. In these cases we can acquire manifactured food, dry or humid, biological. The biological alimony must have on the confection the brand of biological certification of the product or its ingredients. In kind it comes sold like biological of the food "to the pollo", in which they are of biological origin only the cereals. We do not make ourselves to trick from the diciture "natural", "ecological", "bio": not there they do not mean null if e' the brand of certification of biological product, rilasciato from an authorized certificatore agency. The biological dry food for the dog costs little approximately 10.000 Liras to the chilo. not e', but e' the price of a whichever food of marks used from breeders and owners who think of giving just to the dog "the best". We choose always fish of our seas, dept freeze, possibly small coolness or, for human consumption. Unfortunately the fish puo' not to be, for hour, certificate like biological. We will have therefore to be pleased of the qualita', freschezza and guarantee offered to the human consumer. For the meat, we acquire cuts and qualita' for human consumption, preferring in winter the red meat (manzo), in summer that white woman (pollo, turkey) or the fish. The verdure are most important, for the fiber and the vitamins. Cuociamo carrots, zucchine or other verdure in order then to stir them in the ciotola, if not just every day, at least to alternate days. The dog has one digestion much long one and e', nearly always, ingordo. in piu' it does not chew the mouthfuls that ingest. We do not give never sweet to the dog: the sugar in the most harmful excess e' for its health and the teeth. We accustom the dog not to accept food from the disowned ones and not to raccattare mouthfuls from earth: many, too many dogs are thus remained poison to you.

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