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a family travels from there around planet then us here on July 15 one hardly returns. While reconsidering with the number of voyages, quite charged towards the house, I wonder how much all that will weigh. One was to go yesterday to weigh us with the pharmacy of A side but it will be for Monday. The children are quite excited and fortunately Bazile came to help us and occupies itself some during the last preparations. We made a simulation with the bags almost charged. Ca patouille a little for the setting on line of Blog. Be lenient, I would like to see you another small photograph of the prépa there and then here. More than one day to get rid of all that will not be useful and not to forget essence. One starts by going to be posed and rest on a beach towards Tulum in Yucatan. It is true that one held for the moment 5 nights over 11 months and that we do not have aucunes new since the passage of the cyclone on the dimension is of Yucatan. One will see well on the spot, it is only the beginning and one already will not worry. Under let us not consider injury Natural. It is intended there well for us to point out it, more and more often besides. After, the program is, in spite of prunings, finally charged. In the bus of Mexico, road towards Guatémala via the Belize where we will remain only qq days (one should not swear anything, on)histoire to go down well from the bus to breathe and not to start to run encore(déjà). - say Papa, when one arrives. and well precisely the bus stops: thus let us go down to see what occurs here. Rather than to slip by as quickly as possible to the next stop envisaged in the programme.Ne let us not dream, the bus will not always stop at named point. - Of the 9 at end Aoùt in Mexico in the yucatan then. October -9 flight San- (Costa-rica) Quito (Ecuador) 4 weeks to join the North of Peru (Chiclayo) where we will try to see Amazonia and its Indians, the volcanos of the cordillière, the Galapagos islands. Conceal courre and jumps in the train. Calama December -17 - Rio via Santiago Là, one tries to organize a new year with which want among the buddies and the family, it is very open step far from Rio or Sao Paulo, at the seaside on an idyllic beach good on. The place is sought and the possibilities of housing and one speaks again about it. For the moment it is ILLA Grande Following that one remains still 1 month to go more towards Nordeste of Brazil El Salvador, Fortalezza, Sao Luis, that names which make dream. Aukland, therefore new Zealand (it is feminin Zealand. Normally to change buses and trains, one rents a camp-site bus and one rolls, and for the blow, one stops when one want: Say Papa, when is it. Ca starts to be a little far in the forecasts and as it was a possibility without supplement in ticket TDM one with taken. Let us not make blasés before the hour, but it is true that one did not connait. - June 11 Bankok - Bali via Hong-Kong where one will make a 3 day old stop: you conceals and swims. But that cannot weigh heavy veiled some photograph without comments bizzz has tous.nous prevoyons to remain here still good ten jour..On will go down after quietly towards Guatemala. None us realizes really of this voyage, and I think that Ca will really take still to a little time before qu one realise. Thank you has to you your malls and, apparently, C is more concrete for you. And thus creation D a heading "funny stories" special dedicace for. With the fact desole for the accents and the apostrophes but I do not find them on these keyboards: In the jungle (of Tulum) a zebra requires of a small monkey: "you do what". And the small monkey answer him: I prepare because I am the king of the jungle and when the lion comes I will show him who am the king. The same thing with a gazelle, a crocodile, etc and with much of other animals which pasaient by lá. And when the Lion passed, and with asked the small monkey: "you make what small monkey". This one answered him: "nothing, nothing. I tell conneries with everyone ¨. when they arrive, they are truths smiles. Held by Paula, Italian who saw has had Tulum for 6 years. Best the bungallows. is those which give on the beach. One eats there well and, the other close hotels are very accessible. It will be necessary to take to you very there has L advances y to have a room, kind 6 has 8 months. .. (13/08) Sophie Antonio and Fernando leave us this morning with a small supplement of luggage One finds all the 4 and Ca feels a little more the great voyage. Moreover one changes D hotel and we leave with our bags well loads has. 13 hour under a good cagnard to join Hemingway, which is A. Ouf (One did not make the photograph with the bags but Ca will come, are patient, one refines the seen look some our news cabaña. The reading is done more easily for max, lorsqu one is lengthening-piece with a soft breeze, between 2 sea bathings. No the doubt, one is well in Mexico And then, a small heading Voila animals parrots, C etait in a watery park or we have stroke all the day with the fish of which some etaient really enormous. L different harms, Kinou S is reveille by hearing odd noises outside. With through the mosquito net, one could see two men with a torch and as if qq dug or balancait shovel of sand derriere the small dune in front of the cabaña. Shame the following day by including/understanding qu it S acted of tortoises come to lay in front of on our premises. Mefiance badly placee for this time and takes care obligatory the following night. And, we N do not have misses the spectacle. Paul when same had a fright in front of the size of L animal. The decor is more than perfect and the instits signals. If not one A crosses two Dragonball ZZZZZZZZ in madness it seems qu there is of them one which debute and Ca has L air to heat it sacrament. With less than Ca is not the return of. Rascar Capac, I would say same more, the return of Capac. Oscar (for ceucent which does not follow, C is in the 7 crystal balls) One has two buddies who marry aujourd today and one thinks strong A them escapade has Holbox (to pronounce Holboch, respect man. A two days ballade in the North of Yucatan, on a presqu island about which Paula spoke to us who S occupies of Hemingway. it convinced us D outward journey to make there a small turn with her stories D outward journey swim with Sharks Whales. Mucho Adrenaline qu it has says to us is made a small bag for everyone, one rents a small car and one leaves Hemingway, and C is. One took our small practices, with L school, the reading of the adventures D Ulysses on the bed has balancelle at the end of the day, before the lesson of flute. In fact one is very glad to find oneself together and one has L impression to begin our voyage. The weather is not nice, but C is not serious, like Ca one creve not in the car. One S arrete to nibble in a small village and one sets out again under the beating rain jusqu with the port D loading for Holbox. There, C is the flood and after having parked the car, I return in a small very suitable taxi. Holbox, C is one of these magic places which breathes the sea, the Caribbean. L water is very calm, fine sand, the village authenticates the houses have an incredible patina. The juxtaposition of the frontages colorees cree a pallet whose more D one would be envieux. All at the end of its presqu island deserte, because C is a reserve, this village and its inhabitants are precieux. Each glance is a photograph. Already, the large hotels are built on the Western dimension, towards the reserve.Encore a few years can be. One changed a little by eating the tacos, but, you do not inquietez, all is well. The evening, dinez in the village and with the bed, because there N is not yet recupere time decalage, one would say, or, C is qu one takes the rate/rhythm of the tropics. Parties has 7 hour, L water is incredibly punt and us seams towards the place of the rencontre.L attention grows, L impatience also with L aprehension D ailleurs.Nous look at our equipment with the children and veiled the premiere fin, typical shark which depasse and then the tail like a second aileron and a flat muzzle a little rounds on the edges with two holes (of the narrisses in fact). some pelicans is D elsewhere drives out some and grind in the airs.On is put has L water by two with a guide. And, when you find yourself in L water on the trajectory of the king who S approaches, with his court and at the last time, D a blow of fin. you dedaigne and detourne his trajectory, you believe rever. Ca makes when same step far from 7-8 meters and L eye which looks you while passing, quiet, you cannot what say to him. Pourtvoir of the photographs you have. qu has to click on L photo album in the collonne of left. I would tell you Chichen Itza forthcoming once because, this evening, Ca rows hard on L computer and tomorrow, one leaves for Guatemala to the dawns. Departure of Chetumal has 6 hours for Flores. Desole for a little difficult page-setting has maitriser Chichen Itza and Depart for Guatemala to see a little the old stones of Mexico, Chichen Itza: One arrives with our ptite tuture right before the night. Bath in the small swimming pool, ballade - flanery in the city around the central place, dinner, layer. Tomorrow, one leve early for eviter hot seasons and tourists. Small dej on the way because nothing has L hotel. By leaving the city, one will find una Tienda to buy bananas of L water and yogurt with the fruit, yes yes large successes and good mood is. We arrive on the carpark of the site desert, has L opening. One returns, one pays and Philippé which speaks proposes French us the guided tour, good tete. one y va.Timing perfect, impossible to better do the salesmen of memories arrives at the account drops. Nobody: Chichen Itza is has us in all his majesty. Small topo on Maya civilization, some anecdotes on the gods and the conquest of Spanish. The children follow, remain attentive. A small demonstration on L structures Maya and its capacity D amplification of the sound. L acoustic of the play of ball is incredible, one S hears D an end has L different of the ground which makes nearly 250 meters. The sound repete 3 times while turning in L enceinte.Les children N is not returned from there when Philippé explains to them why C is the captain of L equipe gaining which accede thus with the privilege to be made decapiter. D after Phillipe, it N did not have as much sacrifice there than Spanish L one left entendre.On will find different the representatiopns gods, plumed serpent of tolteques (come meller in the Mayas), jaguar of L inframonde (of the night), eagle (of the day). We flee the tail has L entree site and the bruissant carpark of the clims large bus sometimes happen of Cancun.Le challenge to show old the facings with the children without the degouter and while testing same of the interresser, seems reussi.. We need preparer the true departure maintaining for Chetumal and Guatémala. All those which ecrivent us. A small message has all those which temoignent us their interest and us ecrivent.: Will know that all your small words and comments suit us right to the heart. We like them and they are important for us. The principle of the public comment or the mall deprives allows has each one S to express and make live the blog. We will find time to answer you, undoubtedly. The heart is there, one loves you (as Patriiiick would say). You see, Raymonde, Ca is there, you maitrises the bete. One does not know any more how to make with the bags, therefore another system of arrangement is tested. Two large the enormous lourdaux ones will remain firm with their mysterieuse cargo, of which one is not useful oneself and the bare minimum in the additional bag. In more with L humidite ambient, clothing has almost double weight. The good-byes with Paola are dechirants and one leaves has flock for choper the bus for Chetumal. In the bus, the children will be done a little tele with a silly thing americaine kind "faithful Lassie dog" and will sleep the remainder of time. The weather is quite fresh with the clim. In Chetumal, one is able to go gouter at Rosy and Ramiro, right A dimensions L hotel. C is like has the house, or almost: Top Top Chetumal Signal is a small city without any interest, but for us, C is L occasion to make L school a little. There is when same the musee Maya or we will go for preparer and etoffer a little our future exposes. One day quiet thus:A the exit of the musee, we fall on a deffile from the schools from the city, all in uniform, all gomines, boys and girls, brass band. One achete beautiful a epluche vegetable qu one had forgets has Paris (.) to try to eat vegetables of walk and return has L hotel to make a little D Internet, preparer the voyage, once again the luggage. While arriving, one repere immediately the guatemalteque bus which N does not have the right to return in the station routiere (will know why. The driver S advances towards us: Flora - Tikal, poraqui.-No will precede class, No aere conditionado, No BAGNOS. All the opposite of this qu one had said to us on the voyage forum. After verif, C is similar for the Mexican official bus, same lemonade. In all ways, Paul is sick and has tankard the creve, therefore one will become volontier (. - El to heat S will arretera when you ask him. Let us go y with San Juan Travel. The dimension rebel, good the tete of Quechua of the driver by report/ratio. L uniform official with the gallons of L different company has. One left after a paying wee (. One arrives to the blacks, one speaks English, (Ca done all drole after the efforts not to be confused with the gringos in Mexico). Immediately C is the Caribbean, the small houses with the roof in tole St the colors delavees. with one hour of decalage, one assists with the reveil villages which we cross. The bus is far D full being and one S etale. 1 hour D stop has Belize city for small the dej: One leaves all the bags in the bus. One looks oneself with kinou while leaving towards a small coffee. One crosses the small port, the unloading dock for Keys. small goes to buy fruits for the road. All is very well organizes for the exit of Belize. One pays again a small blow, changes unhappy but good. So many worse for the rogue's gallery customs officers our TDM. Not engraves, One will find another idee. L environment passes the border changes whole with the whole, with good on different heads, but also the road which sets out again in beaten ground, well defoncee One rolls has 30 and the driver discusses with his pal goes up has the border. The accesses of the road are however well orders, with clotures all length and pastures green, but quite green. One looks at Ca with the children who take taste with the voyage by a little long bus but so much varies. The accesses of the road are cavity very animate and there decouvre a small end of the life in Guatemala not seen in the black of the night is Chetumal.C is on the edge of the lake Peten Itza, on the road of Tikal, the Maya site of the area. L place is peaceful and the sight on the lake much prettier. Visit of 3 places to place us and as one is not yet pret for the super dimension roots, one takes L option in the case of Gift David (.), with a splendid garden, a small kiosk has hammocks. Long day and we are cooked.) L electricity etant. distributes with parsimony has El Remate, the ventilos do not turn toutle temps.Alors this ballade, a true happiness which we will renew the following day. The photographs of any Ca will follow when there is a faster connection because, C is not possible. Small bungallows, standard Maya with the roof in palm in the medium D a tropical garden and a good table. And then the small ones let us bridge which goes on the lake for the bathe. Tomorrow one goes has Tikal and Ca demarre early for eviter heat, like D hab. 50 to swim with the sharks whales
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Feline antibiotics
. The REVOLT Of the GOURMET To QUATTROZAMPE, DOGS And CATS IN PUBLIC SQUARE AGAINST ALIMENTARY SWINDLES And POISONS In the CIOTOLA. "To the dog and the cat what imports if the crocchetta e' green, red or yellow", the authors assert, "nevertheless the multinationals of the pet-food not rinunciano to a poison also to sell". They will be present dogs and cats feed to you from years from the own tutors single with biological alimony. I TRUST DOES NOT TRUST (Press Alternative, &euro.9,30), a abstract of the book of Stefano Apuzzo and Edgar Meyer. A market still exterminated to conquer: the industrial foods for dogs and cats. The market of the animals, in Italy, e' in strong expansion. Fortunately our country maintains lives the custom of feeding the domestic animals with foods prepares to you in house or with remainders of kitchen. Tant' e' that 50% of the owners of domestic animals, dogs and cats, have not never opened one scatoletta. The percentage of penetration of the market of eats to me, in the next few years, e' destined to increasing. The main parameters for the production are two: the profit of the producers and the saving of the consumers. From the questions, from the transparency, the guarantee that will demand the consumers dipendera', in part, the qualita' that the producers will offer. Here one manciata of figures can make to more better mean the proportions of the alimentary market for dogs and gatti:.000 families with animals of affection in Italy (approximately 25.000 of animals of affection in Italy (between which 12,000 families with dogs in Italy (approximately 13.000 taken a census, of dogs with owner, in Italia.000 billions of Liras of turnover of the pet-food. 5 - 8% of annual increase of the sales of petfoods in Italia.000 billions of Liras the year of expense in Italy for affection animals, pet-food and other. 203 billions of Liras, the expense, in Italy, in order to cure animals from company. 5,8%, the rate of growth in 1999 of the market of the pet-food in Italy, while in the previous years it had been attested between the 5 and the 8%, On the market make space also the Heinz (Lives, Love, Gravy Train, Kibbles and Bits, Recipe, Vets) and Nutro. The number of the animals from company grows visibly in all the countries develops, included Italy to you, catching up annual rates of growth of 10%. In our country it dominates to the classifiche the cat, thanks also to the smaller requirements of cures and human presence regarding the dog. 20% of the owners of cats use foods regularly manifacture to you. The 2/3 of the market are covered from humid foods, while the remaining quota e' covered from foods buckets. In Great Britain and the United States the penetration of the pet-food has caught up for a long time 90-95%. In Italy biological a not e' piu' niche of market, bensi' true and just a segment, with beyond 50.000 companies, a million hectares cultivates to you, beyond 2.000 billions of Liras of annual turnover with one annual increase of 25% and incentives to the biological caterings previewed in the Law Financial institution n. 489 of 23 December 1999. In the field of the pet-food they are signaled first prepares to you for dogs and cats biological. Here what says some veterinaries. "From when they are graduated to me in veterinary in 1965, I have noticed a general deterioration in the health of the domestic animals. They are convinced that it points out to it to you chemical in the mangime for domestic animals are the cause number one of such decline. "When they came outside humid foods, we imagined that they must have conserving many forts since they did not need of refrigeration. Many, in fact, use formalin (used also in order to conserve corpses, NdA). The so good conserving formalin e' that the entrepreneurs of it use a lot. Being piu' exposed to infections and pathologies, it ends imbottito of antibiotics and drugs. To a breeding animal they come normally somministrati hormones, antibiotics, factors of increase, betabloccanti, delaying tiroidei, psicofarmaci, pesticidi (assimilates to you with eats to me). The policlorurati pole-chlorine-bifenili (or bifenili) is between the polluting and dangerous substances piu' for the atmosphere and the human health. Aromatic hydrocarbons containing us chlorine are a lot employ you from the industry for the strong resistance to the attack basic acid and. Generally they come, or better they came, employs like insulators electrical workers to you and in many transformers and condensers with quantita' between the 30 and 90 grams to unita'. These substances are accumulateed in the woven adiposeness of the animals and the men in quantita' until 70 advanced times to those considered dangerous. Once entered in the alimentary chain they do not exit any piu': the calculable cycle of expulsion not e'. Choosing the fish for the domestic animals the greater given guarantee e' from the small fish of the Mediterranean. Piu' freschi of others, sure not of breeding and, in how many small, with minor I accumulate of velenose substances and diossine. In December 2000 the Danish agency of protection of the consumers has found quantita' beyond the limits of diossine in the salmoni of breeding. The news e' bounced in Italy thanks to the National Council Consumers and Customers and to the Altroconsumo salary. The main risk for the fish e' I accumulate it of metilmercurio in the advanced part of the back, neighbor to the head. The fish flours are produced with refuse of the ittica industry, cioe', first of all, witness, lische, squame, interiora. In the fish of the Mediterranean, tonni and fish sword, but also lucci, Sardinians Americans and sogliole, e' be found one concentration of advanced metilmercurio to 1200 ng/Kg. The fins and the meat of squalo, of which Italy e' the first European importer, has quantita' of mercury 40 advanced times to the percentage considered dangerous for the man. The used mercury e' from the industry for relais, switches, termostati, medicali sensors, printed circults to you, lamps, telefonini and apparatuses. Every year in the world they come rilasciate in the atmosphere approximately 3. In the fish polibromurati bifenili (PBB are accumulateed also). To greater risk the fish of the Baltic Mar, where they have been recorded the elevated concentrations piu' of PBB and PBDE. The PBDE are delaying of flame used in the equipment electrical workers, electronic and in plastic. The cadmium ingested from the fish provokes to the animals deficiency of soccer and lowland presence of emoglobina in the blood. In the mammals it provokes anemia, pessimo be of the hair, lesions to liver and kidneys. The inhabitants of the countries industrialize to you risentono of high cadmium concentrations. The fish that live in the seas industrialize to you risentono, obviously, like and piu' of the men, of this velenosa presence. The cadmium door to the demineralization of the skeleton, fragilita' and risk of bony fractures, serious damaging of kidneys. In the ittici breedings to the fish somministrate large quantita' of antibiotics come and prepare you farmacologici for the aim to prevent epidemics caused from the overcrowding. Also in the fish the practical dopanti, with the hormone employment of the increase, can accelerate the increase of 50%. In some breedings of the Asian east south they are most diffuse practical of breeding of the fish with large quantita' of chlorine in the water. The candeggina comes used also in order to turn white the meats of the fish. Still in Asia they are diffuse practical of peach with substances paralyzing chemistries and poisons. From years the associations of the consumers ask the label for the fish that the origin clearly identifies in way and the place in which e' be fished or raised and manifactured or dept freeze. Crazy cows, dogs and cats Uncovered in Switzerland the first case of feline spongiforme encephalopathy. Morbo of the crazy cow contagia also the cats. The first case of feline spongiforme encephalopathy (FSE), in Switzerland e' be diagnosed some day ago in the Canton Vaud. The disease has hit a cat of six years that give various time showed disturb of the central nervous system them and for this e' be killed. The analyses conduct in the laboratories of the Universita' of Bern have confirmed that it was be a matter of FSE. The first case of FSE e' be characterized in 1990 in Great Britain, where they have been taken a census one novantina of cats affections from FSE. In the 1996 they have been assesses other cases to you in Norway and Liechtenstein. Feline varying of the BSE e' be found also in lions, Tigris and puma feeds to you in the zoo with raw meat. The Association asks the industries information useful to comprise the emergency and the qualita' of their products. Nobody of the great companies of eats to me answers to the questionnaire. From the companies and the multinationals that they produce and they import it eats industrial for dogs and cats to me e' not arrived no information. To the demand to know qualita' and the origin of the raw materials and on the treatments of production e' not arrived answer. To the unprovided consumers, instead, the companies crop communicate amorphous that pero' find wide prominence to you on the so-called "specialistic reviews" and on the average of field. Scatoletta suspects the ingredients of humid foods, buckets and seed-humid they are similar, although the proportions of proteins, fat people and fibers can vary. An ordinary food can for cats must have the 45-50% of meat by-products, pollame or fish. The main difference between foods e' the percentage of water. Of water e' composed 50 - 60% of the content of scatolette of humid foods for dogs and the cats. It is in humid foods is in those buckets in scato it the ingredients nearly are always milled and miscelati with it points out to it to you. To this point the cooked and inscatolata mixture e'. The cans of sealed are posizionate in affixed sterilized containers to you and. We try in label information on the process of baking of the product and on the nutrizionale composition through the single elements. This last one would have to be estimated and to be measured after and not before the baking. Many alimony for dogs is cooked to temperatures high in order to sterilize the refuse ingredients and by-products. This treatment destroys the nourishing value. The vitamins and the amino acids, essential things for the health, are particularly sensitive to the heat. The vitamins and the probiotici are not exposed to the heat, they are only added after the baking. The cereals have an important part in eat to me for animals. They are the source of calories for the attivita' daily of the animal. e' to assess itself well that the cereals in the food of the animals have been it selects to you for human use. Moldy cereals and refuse of production are piu' convenient for the producer, can pero' cause micotossicosi, one disease potentially died them. The cereals would have to appear like "entire". The "peels", instead, "milled" and "by-products", are not that the refuse of human the food industry that gia' has used some the nourishing parts. Many veterinaries support that 30% of the dogs suffer from allergies tied to the food. If the dog manifest one of these symptoms e' necessary to verify the members of the food, reading carefully the label. Statistically the mainly responsible alimony of allergies is frumento, soia and granturco. The food industry for animals from company prospers on the remainders of the processes of cleaning of the meat for human consumption. The rich fat people rancidi and of conserving are much difficult to digest and can cause serious problems of health. Digestive disorders, in particular vomito of bile or food, diarrhoea, gases and gasping breath, are some of the visible effects piu'. If somministrate to the cuccioli, these substances can cause to chronic problems of digestion and assimilation. In the last years the main member of the fat people for animal feeding e' the advanced fat person from the human ristorazione. Usually e' conserved to the open for weeks and exposed to extreme temperatures with no care for its future employment. These fat people are spray to you directly on large grains essicca you or extruded littles ball in order to render an indifferent or otherwise disgustoso product attractive. The fat person acts also from coagulative agent, to which the producers add other intensifiers of taste like the digest. The students of feeding for domestic animals have uncovered that the animals love the sapore of these fat people spray to you. Often he ignores himself that the excess of fat feeding cause you damn, also serious, to the liver of the dogs and the attivita' hepatic. The producers employ also in order to add it mass: when an animal eats a containing product soia sentira' piu' I satiate myself. Beyond 60% of the soia commercialized in Europe e' of transgenica origin, manipulated genetically. Principle allerta for the soia coming from from the United States, China and Spain. China, in fact, has opened wide the doors to the productions and the commerce of agricultural products modified genetically. We find entire industrial food advertising campaigns that head exclusively at the semplicita' of the dosage and the somministrazione. Type: enough once to the day, complete meal, without need to cook, enough to open one scato it or one scatoletta. The fat people, in the alimony for animals from company, contain conserving synthetic or natural and cioe': the etossi-diidro-trimetilchinolina, the idrossianisolo butilato and the idrossitoluene butilato. These conserving are widely not only employ to you for preservare the fat people but also in order to stabilize the entire product. Synthetic conserving includes idrossianisolo butilato and idrossitoluene butilato, gallato of propile, propilenglicole, also used like version less toxic than antifreezing, and etossi-diidro-trimetilchinolina. For these anti-oxidants you e' insufficient information approximately the tossicita', emergency or chronic use in eat to me for domestic animals. Crocchette and tortures Not only drugs, coloring, cosmetic and chemical products. On dogs and cats the industry experiences same foods to they assigns to you. Nobody puo' to say less with exactitude if the experiments lead between 1991 and the 2000 continue or. Eight dogs are killed in order to analyze the renal woven ones. The dogs with obvious signs of disease did not come cure to you perche' cio' would have inficiato the nature of the experiments ". Like e' famous, the renal damages cause various painful consequences. The disabled kidney to carry out the normal filtering of the blood from the injurious substances and toxins door to the poisoning of the animal. They have been studies suffering dogs to you with serious renal damages for fourteen months. To the dogs that dehydrated themselves fluid reimmessi without other treatment came. Four dogs have been soppressi during the experiment. The producers of eat to me for cats use them for indurli eating foods buckets. For they nature the cats would avoid, preferring them fresh meat. The known and approved of corn syrup e' also like an effective "plasticizing umettante and", that is like ingredient that da' to the product umidita' and flessibilita'. These ingredients cause the chaos in the domestic animals. They produce same ups and downs of the sugar from table on the men, and the great stress to the pancreas and kidneys, conditions that can carry to the diabetes. The problem was originated from a fungus that produces vomitossina, aflatossina varying, that it contaminated the frumento. In 1999 an other fungosa toxin causo' the withdrawal of the food for dogs produced from Doane Pet and others 53 marks. That time the toxin murdered 25 dogs. Scatolette biological for dogs and cats. Number One Biological, mangime biological for dogs, distributed from Eco& Biofood - Zoo G Srl of Reggio Emilia. For a mangime biological and that professa such not e' well that they come it employs the "anti-oxidants to you admitted from the EEC". The tests on the field have demonstrated, however, that the dogs thus feed do not introduce disturb to you gastrointestinal and soil regularly. Greater transparency and information to the customers of biological, piu' the always demanding ones of the average of the consumers, would not put out of order. The distributrice company (the mangime e' produced in France), the Novavet of Genoa, assures on the labels: "mangime complete, composed only from coming from ingredients to 100% from biological agriculture. Almo Natures does not contain ne' polifosfati, ne' conserving, no appetizzante ". High percentage (50 - 60 is marked it - 70%) of the main ingredient. Only the fished dicitura "tonno in the Ocean" appears a po' too much generic. "By-products of the meat", law often on the labels. In realta' e' an appropriated term perche' these by-products do not contain least meat or they do not contain any at all. They are advanced parts of the animal after that the meat e' be ritagliata from the carcass. Those of the pollo include the head, the legs, the interiora, the lungs, the milza, the kidneys, the brain, the liver, the stomach, the nose, the blood and the intestine empties you of their content. The norms say that the by-products cannot include sick or contaminated meat. The councils for one healthy diet of the cat and the dog in house: the Alternatives know some. For the cat: for guardian the health of the cat the ideal would be to cook its every meal day previewing and alternating some fundamental ingredients. In the case they chose croccantini and dry food the animal avra' greater need of water and liquids. The essentially carnivorous cat e' and the base of its diet must be constituted from meat or fish, also alternated. The cucciolo, the gatta one that it nurses, the young cat that ago dynamics life piu' or to the open needs of greater contribution of chilocalorie and lipids (fat). We go ourselves cautious with paste and rice perche' comes assimilates to you beyond 90% and if the portion exceeds the animal becomes obese. Paste and rice, are "white men" are integral from biological agriculture, cost practically as those "traditional ones" and are found in the supermarkets. In advisable the domestic kitchen e' not to cook very to along meat and fish. During the week we have piu' haste generally and little wants to dedicate to us to the stoves. In these cases we can acquire manifactured food, dry or humid, biological. The biological alimony must have on the confection the brand of biological certification of the product or its ingredients. In kind it comes sold like biological of the food "to the pollo", in which they are of biological origin only the cereals. We do not make ourselves to trick from the diciture "natural", "ecological", "bio": not there they do not mean null if e' the brand of certification of biological product, rilasciato from an authorized certificatore agency. The biological dry food for the dog costs little approximately 10.000 Liras to the chilo. not e', but e' the price of a whichever food of marks used from breeders and owners who think of giving just to the dog "the best". We choose always fish of our seas, dept freeze, possibly small coolness or, for human consumption. Unfortunately the fish puo' not to be, for hour, certificate like biological. We will have therefore to be pleased of the qualita', freschezza and guarantee offered to the human consumer. For the meat, we acquire cuts and qualita' for human consumption, preferring in winter the red meat (manzo), in summer that white woman (pollo, turkey) or the fish. The verdure are most important, for the fiber and the vitamins. Cuociamo carrots, zucchine or other verdure in order then to stir them in the ciotola, if not just every day, at least to alternate days. The dog has one digestion much long one and e', nearly always, ingordo. in piu' it does not chew the mouthfuls that ingest. We do not give never sweet to the dog: the sugar in the most harmful excess e' for its health and the teeth. We accustom the dog not to accept food from the disowned ones and not to raccattare mouthfuls from earth: many, too many dogs are thus remained poison to you.
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. HEARING WITH THE SENAT TO SENSITIZE AND RELAY THE MESSAGE OF PREVENTION ON THE GROUND. The pr?ntion of the syndrome of foetal alcoholization (SAF) remains a significant subject, subjected?a pressure of the drink alcoolis producers?. Anne-Marie Payet has n?moins insist?upr?de the d?gation on the fact that it acts of a significant subject. The d?gation thus has souhait?uditionner the sp?alists of the question to make a point. "We do not have for the moment of project of d?t of a new amendment because that has?ou?u S?t", indicates to?' APM the parliamentary assistant of Anne-Marie Payet. "is the goal [ of this hearing ] to sensitize all the members of the d?gation?e probl? who is known little, except?ar some sp?alists. Many a m?cins g?ralists m? do not know it. "We saw that there were too many pressures by the means of the members of Parliament. "We have D? trouv??a R?ion ] of the wine growers int?ss? who are Pr? ?ettre of them-m?s a medical message on their bottles ", pr?se it. "We try, by the n?ciation, to arrive?mposer this kind of?quette?lement in the others d?rtements".000 b?s per annum to France, particuli?ment?a R?ion, in North-Not-of-Calais and in Brittany, underlines-T-il.000 births per annum, around fifty of b?s will be carrying a SAF, according to REUNISAF. If one can think that the wine is not alone causes some, the s?trice wishes n?moins not to make distinction between strong alcohols and wines. "In practice?a R?ion, rum is not alone causes some, there is also the wine" which, if it is less strong, however consumes in larger quantit?DE the SICKNESS INSURANCE: PHILIPPE DOUSTE-BLAZY GUARANTEES the ACCESSES DIRECT TO The GYNECOLOGUE. With the exit of a demonstration having rassembl?amedi 5.000 "men, women and gyn?logists" according to CDGM'S (1.000 according to pr?cture), a d?gation of the comit? ? Re? by the Minister for Sant?t of social protection. Concerning the increase in the number of stations of interns attribu??a gyn?logy m?cale, Philippe Douste-Blazy took note of the request of the CDGM. "We are satisfied with this interview with the minister, but we remain vigilant", has d?ar?undi?' APM Claude Groussin, vice-pr?dente of the CDGM.700 m?caux gyn?logists currently exert. A enqu? did CDGM have quantifi? 119 stations of interns per annum the simple needs for replacement of the d?rts in retirements, recalls one. PREMIERE BIRTH IN CONSECUTIVE FRANCE A a RECEPTION Of TOULOUSE EMBRYO, June 17 (APM) - is a small girl of 3,4 kilos and 50 cm the first B? ?a?e in France continuation?n reception of embryo, announces a Toulouse?ipe. It acted of the first transfer of embryos for the parents of Clara, and a deuxi? couples has a pregnancy in progress?lement apr?le first transfer, fact knowledge Dr. Montagut. Does its?ipe have r?is?on troisi? transfer, of which it does await the r?ltats blood test, effectu?15 apr days? The treatment for the usherette simply consists of a pr?ration endom?e to?ecevoir it 1 or 2 embryos, by estrog?s and progest?ne. About fifteen files of couples candidates are?lement between the hands of the?ipe. According to Dr. Montagut, the number of likely embryos of?e accomodated and numbers it couples pr?ntant the indications of double st?lit?our a reception of embryos would currently correspond one?' other. A member of the Trade union of the centers priv?de in vitro f?ndation had estim?en d?mbre 2003?00.000 the number of embryos congel?stock?en France, whose 15%?0% would not be any more the object of a parental project, recalls one. The couples r?ndant?es indications had before only the solution to adopt a child: Contract of professional practices for the m?cins g?ralists practising them. This contract of professional practices had? concluded, initially, in October 2003, for the m?cins sp?alists (cf Seuls the g?ralists practising more than 380?ographies per annum will be able adh?r?e CPP. In?ange, the sickness insurance begins?erser a contractual r?n?tion of 2.000 euros to the g?ralists who have a activit?nf?eure?.000 euros for a activit?up?eure or?le?.000 euros per expert)", pr?se the endorsement. The WISE WOMEN ARE OPPOSED A the INSCRIPTION OF The PRACTICE OF. Is Consid?e like "traumatisante and dangerous", this practice "too often pratiqu?faute to be able to use vacuum extractor", pr?se the communiqu?61 midwives having r?ndu, which repr?nte 10,66% of the profession, 69,05% have indiqu?u' they did not wish?e autoris? ?tiliser the suction cup. of d?t of pregnancy r?ites by the gimgembre. Is the ginger front? ?a B6 vitamin for r?anger the naus?ivalent?, heaves and the vomiting. In the receiving group of the ginger, 53% of the women have rapport?ne am?oration of their sympt?s by report/ratio?5% with B6 vitamin. The vitamin B6?it l?rement better tol?e than the ginger, which caused fr?emment of the?ctations. Lastly, the authors do not have relev?ucune increase in malformations cong?tales in the receiving group of the ginger compared to the contr group?. gyn?logique.assur?ar the m?cin g?ralist in one 1/3 of the cases. The r?ltats of the?de have? pr?nt?la week derni? at the time of a conf?nce of press. The enqu? ?it divis?en two parts: one men?aupr?de 212 m?cins of the r?au, the other aupr?de 2. It arises from the questionnaires filled by the patients that the recourse to the m?cins g?ralists and the gyn?logists are r?rtis of mani? ?itable. Of a mani? g?rale, more the cabinet of the gyn?logist is?ign?plus the follow-ups gyn?logic are assur?par the m?cin g?ralist. Are the women m?cins g?ralists much more often sollicit? for a follow-up gyn?logic that men. Pr?de nine g?ralists out of ten practise smears and a third poses st?lets. A CONTRACEPTION ON TWO INITIEE BY THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER. Many g?ralists affirm to r?li?ment give councils on contraception, m? when the reason for the consultation is without report/ratio. But 23% of the women are estimated "not or insufficiently inform?". Acting of emergency contraception, the women are even more?e d?arer under-inform? (63%). Does the CDGM ask for the opening of 119 stations of interns in gyn?logy m?cale of F? to?aintenir manpower of the profession. EXPERIMENTAL IN the ANIMAL Of EFFECT DELETERE OF The MATERNAL NICOTINISM ON The FOETUS. With the oppos?la production of?stine, prot?e constitutive of the art?elle wall him conf?nt its?sticit??it significantly r?ite. The researchers have retrouv?es r?pteurs nAchR on the fibroblasts producing of the collag?. OBSTETRICALE EAST a SOUR ALTERNATIVE TO the FORCEPS, ACCORDING TO a LONDON STUDY, July 5 (APM) - does the use of the suction cups at the time of a childbirth by low way constitute an alternative S? with the forceps, a?de am?caine shows. N?moins the suction cup?it utilis?dans 68% of the childbirth by low way assist?en 2000, against 41% in 1990. Did the researchers want to compare the risk of complications in new-n?t the infant according to whether a suction cup or forceps has? utilis?lors of the childbirth. Their?de has port?ur more than 11,5 million single births in the United States and more than 375. The comparable mortalit??atale?it enters the inceptions with suction cup and those with forceps, for the premi? troop, with a relative risk (RR) of 0,94. In the troop of the New Jersey, the larger suction cup?it associ??ne probabilit?e complication, by h?rragie postpartum (RR = 1,22) or dystocie of the?ules (RR = 2,00) the risks of h?rragie intracr?enne, difficult?d' food and h?rragie r?nienne?ient comparable between the two techniques. "the childbirth?' assistance of the suction cup is at least also s?qu' with the forceps", conclude the authors. "Although the childbirth with the suction cup involves risk, that remains an alternative S? ?' childbirth with the forceps. Our r?ltats underlines the n?ssit?e standard into obst?ic for the r?isation of childbirth assist?. TO SUBSTITUTE does the DEPISTAGE ORGANIZE WITH the INDIVIDUAL DEPISTAGE the premi? relate to the n?ssaire substitution of the actions of d?stage organis?u individual d?stage. "It is all the stake of the d?stage", has soulign?e d?t?Pour the other mammographies of d?stage, refunding owes?e of 0%, estimate the auteurs.Reste to?avoir if they will be suivis."Nous want to offer largest s?rit?ux women. The authors make also a certain number of proposals aiming?m?orer the conditions of?luation of the program organis?D' other proposals relate to the am?oration of the qualit?u program of d?stage, in particular on the apparatuses of mammography, with the diffusion good practices. The sugg?nt authors to fill the gaps in terms of?ipements and to anticipate the effects of the pr?sible reduction in manpower of radiologists. Lastly, the organization of the program is?oderniser by informing the women concern better? and by implying the m?cins g?ralists more. (R?ltats of the d?stage of the breast cancer, OPEPS, by Marc Bernier, 83 pages, n.1678 of Assembl?nationale and n.362 of S?t, n.ISSN 1249-3872, 3,50 euros) PREMATURE OF WORK: ROFECOXIB AVERE A TOCOLYTIQUE AS EFFECTIVE AS SULPHATE OF MAGNESIUM. Cyclo-oxyg?se the 2 is the enzyme n?ssaire?a production of a prostaglandin which is most likely of?e impliqu?dans d?enchement the pr?tur?u work. Donn? ant?eures sugg?nt that the treatment tocolytic prolong?' isn't effective for am?orer the fate of new-n?t which it remains controvers?L' childbirth has? retard?e 48 hours for 90,4% of the women under rof?xib and 88% of the women under sulphate of magn?um, the diff?nce?nt not significant. There no was significant diff?nce either concerning the dilation of the collar, the index of the amniotic liquid or the length of the collar. The dur?d' hospitalization?it the m? in the two groups, two days. There was no diff?nce concerning the incidence of the effects ind?rables n?atals. The Barber: Catherine Petitnicolas tackles the subject in the Barber. The journalist notes however that. are Fran?ses good the derni?s in Europe?rivil?er this type of solution for their B? .. Catherine Petitnicolas explains that Pr Domenica Turck, professor of p?atrie?ille. sees several reasons?ette d?ffection in the Hexagon. ] Does another reason also pr?ante, the d?nt?t of the m?cins and miss it time of the?ipes looking after to learn to the young moms B Site from Soci? Fran?se de M?cine Perinatale. How one saves the b?s before the birth. With 63 % of r?site, it is a step moreover in one attractive adventure m?cale.. Does the newspaper explain thus why op?r a B? before isn't the birth any more science fiction. D?mpress? do the lungs enlarge and finish m? by pushing back the visc?s in the cavit?bdominale.. The r?ration of the malformation of the diaphragm is then pratiqu?sur the infant. Until?r?nt, less than 10 % of the foetuses were likely to survive?or malformation, concludes the Parisian quotidien."le" Site from Soci? Fran?se de M?cine Perinatale. Indeed, alcohol is the premi? cause nong?tic mental d?ciences in the child?a?e.000 b?s per annum particuli?ment?a R?ion, in North-Not-of-Calais and in Brittany. However if it is taken?emps this pathology is?table.Aujourd' today, one estimates? % the rate of woman enclosures drinking + of 2 alcohol glasses per day. A d?ut of information of the professionals and future m?s support the cases of SAF. However, it is a enqu? pr?minaire demand?par the parquet floor of Lille on the complaint of 3 pregnant women which gives this subject to the front the actualit?Elles ones wish d?ncer the d?ut information of which they have? victims on the risks li??a consumption of alcohol during the pregnancy. Indeed, the code consumption pr?it when a product is dangerous to inform of it the consumer by the d?gation with the women's rights and?'?lit?es chances between the men and the women of S?t..De m?, the s?trice Mrs. AM Payet (R?ion) which formed part of this d?gation, had propos?lusieurs amendments with the sant?ublic bill relative?a. They have? subjected rejet?car?a pressure of the drink alcoolis producers? Only have? reserves, information campaigns on "the pr?ntion of the SAF" and incentive pregnant women?e not to consume alcohol. Bient?une countryside of information and pr?ntion on the SAF. The ambiguous one should not any more be accepted? between the cultural tol?nce fran?se on the benefits of scientific alcohol and the r?it?es?des. A possible r?nse with the SAF: the r?aux ones of sant?Afin to organize the pr?ntion and the assumption of responsibility of SAF, the professionals of sant?r?nt too. the installation the r?aux one of sant?Le SAF is a complex pathology because it is often difficult of d?cter the conduits of alcoholization during the pregnancy. Will the chance of the d?cter be multipli? if the professionals are able to set up a multi-field follow-up of the p?ode n?atale?a birth of the child. Moreover, the d?ndance?' alcohol, the social and psychic suffering of the m?s of families require a multi-field intervention for?e effective and compl?ntaire. For the moment is, the only existing example the r?au of sant??lopp? the r?ion: : r?au of pr?ntion and assumption of responsibility of the saf. It is coordonn?par Dr. Lamblin de Saint louis, and gathers 350 multi-field professionals: midwives, p?atres, alcoologists, professional socio?catifs, magistrates. Currently, the r?au follows 305 m?s concern? by does alcohol and accomodate of it a score each ann? The assumption of responsibility can of which to pr?cement be done. The moiti?es participating have arr? of drinking. This r?au is financ?ar the council g?ral of the r?ion, the?t, and the sickness insurance. Miss means for?ndre this exp?ence in m?opole. If this exp?ence of the r?ion is recognized per many professionals anxious to fight against the SAF, it difficult?eproduire in m?opole. will be held from the 15 to January 20, 2005?ort-of-France (Martinique). To know some more: to connect?or site:. August 3, 2004: Amniocent it? risqu?que. Los Angeles, 3 ao?(APM): A?de randomis?internationale shows that amniocent it? ?a fine of the troisi? month of pregnancy involves more risks than the biopsy of trophoblaste. Many women expos? ?n risk of foetal g?tic anomaly has recourse?a biopsy of trophoblaste, pratiqu?entre 10 and 12 weeks of am?rrh?ou?' amniocent?, between 15 and 18 weeks of am?rrh? In order to?luer these two techniques?1-14 weeks of pregnancy, Dr. J Philip of Rigshospitalet?openhague and its coll?es have them compar? of mani? randomis?aupr?de 3. If no diff?nce has? d?ct?ur this crit?, c.est. the rate of spontan miscarriages? before 20 weeks and the abortions induced by the proc?re?ient more?v?dans the group amniocent?, from 74% (1,5% against 0,9%). Moreover, amniocent it? ?a 13? week?it associ??n risk 4 times more?v?e club-foot varus?in (0,66% against 0,16%). Donn? ?ient insufficient for?luer this risk?a 14? week, the authors note. Source APM: to connect itself to does the site of the APM Sandrine Cabut indicate on a page of Lib?tion that according to a enqu? who comes d.?e publi?sur Internet site from the minist? of Sant?. ?va plut?bien in the field of the p?natalit?n France.. Sandrine Cabut notes however that. isn't all pink in the maternit? Thus of? maternal, which does not cease a cro?e: women the 35 year old and more repr?ntent 15,9 % of the m?s, that is to say 3 % more than into 1995... And that to think of the increase in the pr?turit?d?nie by the birth before 37 weeks). In the enqu?, its fr?ence is pass?de 5,9 % in 1995?,2 % in 2003. Does Parall?ment, the proportion of low-weight children of birth (inf?or?500 G) have grimp?e 6,2 %? %., notices the journalist.
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. Emo is a title it that it covers a wide number of styles of punk-rock moves them. They but have been extremely influential, therefore the present situation is that many boys listen third or quarter generation of emo without neanche knowing it. I hope to succeed to expose the wealth of the great previous music that gradually is more and more easy to find. I will divide the mass of "emo" bands in some distinguished kinds. Like every effort of categorizzazione, there will be tangent exceptions, crossings, and relations. The attempt is only that one to delineate of the styles generates them, notes generates them on the sound, music and the topics of the lyric ones, and like noticing them. A true consent does not exist on what l"emo" and the "emocore" is, or quite if difference exists one. Nowadays it is easy to speak clearly using terms as "punk", "postpunk", "no-wave", "hardcore punk", "old-school/new-school", etc. Records, between the more recent things, many bands of the Jade Tree. This is my attempt to delineate the history of the emo in some trend and for geographic developments. It will not be detailed and it does not contain all, but it will give a general idea to you of what is happened, when, where, and to who. Melancholic 7"consequence" Salad Days "of the Minor Threat exit in 1984 completing the cycle of the hardcore punk of D. are true a rock melodico with sensibility punk. In the spring of 1984, one new band called Rites of Spring shape from members of the The Untouchables, the Faith and the Deadline. This band withholds the speed and the frenzy of punk but the door completely new a vocal approach to the mix. Its voice explodes in the apexes in urla and complains. Some withhold the fast rhythm of the hardcore punk joining it to the new vocal approach, the Dag Nasty are a famous exception. Musically, the band (formed in great part from former-members of the Faith) sound mid-time, one risen of sour music with guitars a lot poppy. The vocals of MacKaye they are buckets and with a deep tone, with solo some variations in which it adds loads moves them. The sound of these groups becomes famous then like the classic "D. In part called in derisivo tone "emo", as shortening of "emotional" (moves them). It seems that before the time that this term has been used, is in an interview with Ian MacKaye appeared on the review "Flipside". Little after, the label of "emo-Core" came buckled to the D. Poco after (1986), some groups begins to focus itself on the element "emo".) they seem to have been the first post-Rites of Springs to make it. From them little, the Moss Icon appears on the scene from the same citizen. For this, I consider them the point of departure of the movement emo, not the Rites of Springs as it comes commonly thought. The band emo successive they take very from dynamics of the Moss Icon, from their guitars and theirs vocals. Eccovi therefore some councils on the fashion emo: L'. Emo Romulan look: short hats, inks of black, with gel with the fringe on the forehead, and cut to you high over the orecchie. In practical, whichever hat cut provided that has much gel and hats inks of black. Also the fringe and leaving them long behind are a lot emo. It glances at them with one large montatura, if possible black. It peels to you, but with the beard (only the males, I recommend myself). This is suited particularly to glances at them of which I have as soon as spoken. Jeans heavy, tightened and short if possible. Lean, shirts in polyester of dark color of ransoms many small, or Ts-shirt from children with whichever slogan. You connect also the buttons of the collar if ce you have them. Trick (for both males and females). Lean much to seem anoressici (to be vegani it can help in this). Not there are currently comments to this question. * In order to add a comment you must have executed the access fatevi ***** yours if you are here in order to throw ***** on people because the girls do not know to make this. Give a your opinion to me on this video. Ballot from 1 to 10 for starlight of MUSE red hot chilli peppers or maroon 5. If you think that it is an interesting question, you ignite for first the star currency neither does not guarantee the accuracy of the contents sendes to Yahoo.
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With Guide to Microbial Infections: Pathogensis, Immunity, Laboratory Diagnosis and Control. Proceedings from the Second Net Care Meeting Singapore, October 2000. Proceedings from the Second Net Care Meeting Singapore, October 2000. Proceedings from the Second Net Care Meeting Singapore, October 2000 Proceedings from the Second Net Care Meeting Singapore, October 2000. The Molecular Pathogenesis of Arenavirus Infections Edited by Michael Adler Frances Cowan, Patrick French The Molecular Pathogenesis of Arenavirus Infections Edited by Jacob Lalezari Graeme Moyle. Prospects one the Total Department of Defense Emerging Infections Monitoring and Response System. Anne Edwards Jackie Sherrard, Jonathan Zenilman. Mechanisms of Neuronal Ramming in Virus Infections of the Nervous System. Immunological Screening and Immunotherapy in Critically Ill Patients with Abdominal Infections.
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. ]: The session id contains invalid characters, valid characters are only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 in /home.10/scubadat/www/scuba-channel/index. ]: Cannot send session hiding place to limit - headers already feels (output started At /home.10/scubadat/www/scuba-channel/index.10/scubadat/www/scuba-channel/index. Improve the search with this tags Video of the tekweek in Large Cayman 2007. submarine ruby and its estival fauna. Scuba diving movie/Film of deep-sea diving. Prepare to plunge itself at sea Rouge. Diving with great white sharks french TV crew diving with great white sharks in south africa (NO CAGE). Ushuaïa TF1 16/06/07: Nicolas Hulot and his team plunge without cage of protection with the large white shark to South Africa (Town Cape). Total duration: 30 min * First part (before the diving): 13 min (this part) * Second part (the diving. Ushuaïa TF1 16/06/07: Nicolas Hulot and his team plunge without cage of protection with the large white shark to South Africa (Town Cape). Total duration: 30 min * First part (before the diving): 13 min: to see here: * Second part (the diving. Wreck of the submarine ruby between cavalaire and St tropez depth: 42 meters. My new coaster makes on NoLimits, it is a Divine Machine of B&M. Not yet of remote loading available of the coaster. AWG san andreas: head divine. I comady one AWG san andreas made it cus I was bored. subsricbe for more funny better vids. The buzz one Jennifer Batten began rising from the guitar underground in the late ' 80' S. The guitar magazines promptly picked up one Jennifer, chronicling her savvy musicianship and highly original approach to the electric guitar in print. One Guitar for the Practicing Musician' S pr. FINA Diving Great Price 2008 Shenzhen (CHN) 10m Final Platform Round 6 now this time I saw the divine of god. those judges were blind He should' ve got 7 10s No kidding. FINA Diving Great Price 2008 Shenzhen (CHN) 10m Final Platform Round 5. Flax Yue' S beautiful 307C got him all 10s. FINA Diving Great Price 2008 Shenzhen (CHN) 10m Final Platform Round 4. PS I dunno y cctv didnt broadcast national round 3. weird chinese stupid sports channel. FINA Diving Great Price 2008 Shenzhen (CHN) 10m Final Platform Round 2. Matt Mitcham Flax Yue Zhou Luxi Matt Mitcham, Flax Yue, Zhou Luxin - 107B FINA Diving Great Price 2008 Shenzhen (CHN) 10m Final Platform Round 1. FINA Diving Great Price 2008 Shenzhen (CHN) 3m Final Springboard Round 5. in fact matt' S round 2 307c was awe-fuckin-some. it reminded me of recording some vid goal after all I cuts No vid of that outstanding 307c. This skydive was done one the AboveUltimate server[aboveultimate. The Pit and Grand Cenote Dive At The Pit and Grand Cenote in Quintana Roo. of the Shabbaton we went one following the Released Time program' S Winter Camp. Join custom one Face book: Dru' S Divine. Join custom one Face book: Dru' S Divine. Join custom one Face book: Dru' S Divine. Join custom one Face book: Dru' S Divine. Join custom one Face book: Dru' S Divine. Join custom one Face book: Dru' S Divine. Join custom one Face book: Dru' S Divine. Join custom one Face book: Dru' S Divine. Your space plong?sous marine notebook of diving, to store your Warning documents: Unknown(): The session id contains invalid characters, valid characters are only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 in Unknown one line 0 Warning: Unknown(): Failed to Write session dated (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown one line 0
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10 a yearly "space boy" in, but not foreign does not penetrate too, terrestrial radios - national industry -. stepping it with us into connection 10 a yearly "space boy" penetrates, but. The world Prime Minister Jonzun of the radio kids is -. 10 a yearly Shali "space boy" Jonzun, production assistant and CO landlord for surplus the last year of its celebrity dad, Michael "space cowboy" Jonzun of the Jonzun crew (world-wide sells the recordings 20+ million as an artist), internationally all star music discussion appearance, hearing sample Radio.com), that on WPUL 1590AM ventilated, Daytona beach, flat steel bar, is soon landlord of its own weekly Tweengespraeches and maintenance show - Jonzun radio kid - on the same station. This forms certainly Shali one appearance landlords discussion of our nation of the youngest and the youngest at WPUL. The world Prime Minister Jonzun of the radio kids actual Saturday, September 1, 2007, of 12:30pm -1pm (EST) and becomes world-wide on www Shali is certainly no foreigner the terrestrial radio. Some the music legends, the famousnesses and the artist that Shali had the honour of the Interviewens, during CO landlord with its appearance landlord on hearing sample radio include dad and CO landlord Mamma (cherry): Bang icon Tiffany. Vocal group of the Grammy appointed music legend Mr. Walter Scott that whispering. You. Committee for the American academy of child medicine, Dr. Donald Shiffrin. Oil on canvas main artist, Dr. Rayford. 14 a yearly opera feeling, which a duo with Mr. Andrea Bocelli accomplished, Ms Holly place. 6 time Grammy appointed Producer/Writer/Artist/Entrepreneur, Kashif. Son Tae Bo of the creator, Mr. Billy blank, jr. of Cardioke). Bang Impresario, Maurice "the general" rigid. Son late legendary photograph artist gentleman Curtis Mayfield, Mr. Curtis Mayfield, III (Singer/Writer/Producer). Aluminium Sharpton. Florida condition representative. Joyce windshield frame section and original soul course dancer and to the stars, Mr. Tyrone Proktor. As Shali stood space boy for a juengsteren son. Michael "space cowboy" Jonzun of the legendary Electro Boogie Boogie group of hip hops of Jonzun crew (more appreciative suspect the hip hop. ) admits during the galaxy for to be a multi-platinum 500+, platinum, gold sourcelikes and. Album success Songwriter, producer and music industrial consultant, that sold together 200+ million recordings world-wide on rock 13 and resounds the fame-drawn in and the superartists of the stern-50+ - including Mick with Peter Wolf, P. new kids on the block, new edition. "top side 40" notice board diagram strikes and is the CO author largest selling ring clay/tone in history ("Laffy Taffy" by D4L. of which Jonzun straight ASCAP's "bang music price" as an author u. A new radio interview by Shali on hearing sample radio, marking Excerpts of its interviews concerning its new appearance, by Mr. Walter Scott that whispering and Rev. the Sharpton, is need on its web site available. Accumulated as point of the interest, its interview with Rev. of a press conference, it mention at the Daytona beach message journal, the Daytona times gotten, on MSNBC. the attention of some television message stations. Teens received to begin over co-ordinate in and become regularly. "in most cases, discussion appearance speaks about us (kids), but not directly with us by other kids, adults and senior on the radio belonged. Jonzun radio kid is age 7-14 and their families. Which listeners can expect. Radio kids always get a complete lot fun to listeners. He loads kids and Teens around the ball in, in order in his appearance and into web site to be taken part to have, which is on your understanding, a special talent, a video overall length from a new journey, which you took or visited you set, a message history, a volume, which must hear the world, an opinion over a new film or book, or still we would love something, which you would like to divide with our listeners, to hear of you by our web site. While Jonzun are radio kids, interview-end easily and signatory celebrity in a juvenile manner photograph artists, we certainly young indi artists will break. If the Haupttweenunterhaltung of nets gives generally support to their own acts, Jonzun serve radio kid this recent indi artist niche. Despite the busy schedules Shali CO landlord hearing sample radio continues, and its parents are the producers Jonzun that. SoSIND listener in the layer, Shali, to hear Saturdays of 12:30-1pm (EST) on its appearance and again of 1pm-3pm (EST) up. It is as "Shali thon", coined/shaped Shali. Shali believes gesegnet, in order to have this opportunity to have a world-wide voice at the radio and thanks herzlichst. He understands, has not everyone the breaks, which he is had, and hopes its appearance continues spurring and helping other one, in order to fulfill their dreams. In its spare time this fifth degree enjoys more homeschooler go karting, which reads video games and (it is read aprox. has numerous prices), entertainment park, road journeys, attendance museums, the zoo won and jokes and short. Speaking actually wrote of the. Bush Shali back, with a photo and a letter of the encouragement in order to continue, into its community with to be included read, and learns new something. For interview requests with Shali, or Shali and contact Cheryl Levittan, central relations, mailto: JRadioKids @. Downloads -- Throws one digitally a platinum party. Decatur conference center and hotel, Decat. ' angel of the dawns ' provokes social ethics and shows like purity spirit box of the Brs of the child. Geotoys announces a running for holiday and 2008 sales with new red State/Blue gives geo puzzles at ADMET leads Quattro -- a Windows creating. New spin university verses place spin university Universities of LLC. New measure reportreport measure report -- digital, which prints 2007: Bevy of the beautiful talent, is not the photographers and the condition artist offers expenditures for key for salesman exemplary plus magazine on fixed by the author, all contents for not commercial re-use, new edition and transmission, on the net and. Opinions are those the participations and not necessarily by AMD enterprise are endorsed.
Cough with reflux
Acid Reflux Diseases Symptoms: Knowing your Body Acid reflux disease is a condition in which the stomach acids abnormally reflux into the esophagus. This phenomenon is irregularly experienced by most people, most especially after eating. Our body uses gastric and stomach acids to break down the food that we eat. Normally, after the digestion in the stomach, the food is delivered by the digestive muscles to the intestines for extra digestion. But in patients who have acid reflux disease, the acidic stomach contents are moved back to the esophagus, which then causes inflammation. Cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, pregnancy, and fatty foods are some factors which worsens acid reflux conditions. Our present knowledge about acid reflux based on medical researches tells us that this disease is common in men as it is in women. Moreover, the prevalence of acid reflux is more frequent in people of 40 years of age or more. Symptoms of acid reflux May be typical or atypical. But based on the diagnosis of acid reflux patients, only 70 % of those who have this disease manifest typical symptoms. Typical or esophageal symptoms concern indicators which are related with the esophagus. Such symptoms include the following: Heartburn. This is a condition in which the patient feels a painful burning feeling in the esophagus. The pain often develops in the chest and May swell to the neck or throat. This is most probable to occur in relation with these activities: after a heavy meal, lifting, bending over, and lying down. Based on one study, about 75 % of acid reflux patients experience this symptom at night. These nigh- Tim patients also tend to experience more harsh pain than those whose symptom occurs at other times. Researches show that about half of acid reflux patients have dyspepsia. This is a syndrome which consists of pain and distress in the upper abdomen, nausea after a meal, and stomach fullness. It is not a rule however, that those who have dyspepsia have acid reflux. This is when the gastric contents back up into the pharynx and sometimes as far as the mouth. In cases where the acids have spilled into the tracheobronchial tree, respiratory complications can be stimulated. There are many instances, though, that acid reflux patients do not manifest symptoms such as regurgitation and heartburn. Instead, they experience atypical or extraesophageal symptoms which include the following: Throat Symptoms. Although it does not commonly happen, acid reflux patients suffer from symptoms that occur in the throat. Hoarseness, the feeling of having a lump in the throat, dry cough are undergone by those who have acid laryngitis, a throat symptom. Patients can also have difficulty in swallowing, a condition known as dysphagia. In critical cases, the food May get trapped in the throat or even choke, which can result to a severe chest pain. Other throat symptoms are chronic sore throat and persistent hiccups. When a patient suffers from nausea which persists for weeks, he May have acid reflux. There are few instances where vomiting can occur as often as once a day. Coughing and wheezing are counted as respiratory symptoms. These result from the overrunning of the stomach acids into the tracheobronchial tree creating bronchoconstriction. Acid reflux disease can last for several months if not given proper medical attention. Drug treatment May only be required for a short time. But when the symptoms tend to repetitively occur, the drug treatment May have to be reapplied. XML error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 13 - This appears to be an HTML webpage, not a feed. Apple Cider Vinegar And Acid Reflux Food That Cause Acid Reflux Natural Cure For Acid Reflux Natural Remedy For Acid Reflux What Cause Acid Reflux Disease Foods To Avoid With Acid Reflux Home Remedy For Acid Reflux Simple Ways To Stop Acid Reflux
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Hotel RELAIS MERCURE RUN MILAN GENOA bar - credit cards - garage - animals small ransom rooms in order not smokers - TV-sat - frigobar - telephone - taken modem - hair dryer 105 beds, 0 baths and showers, 105 rooms or suite, opening Points of interest around to the hotel Bench of saint Brescia Paul - cab spa popular Bank geminiano saint Verona saint Prospero Savings and loan company of Padova and Rovigo spa Financial institution saint Paul of Turin - imi popular antoniana Bank veneta scparl Savings and loan company Verona Vicenza Belluno and Ancona b spa Veneto bank associates coop for actions to r l Bench of saint Brescia Paul - cab spa National Bank of Labor spa of saint Brescia Paul - cab spa Financial institution saint Paul of Turin - imi popular Bank of Bergamo - credit varesino scrl National Bank of Labor spa Financial institution saint Paul of Turin - imi Financial institution saint Paul of Turin - imi Financial institution saint Paul of Turin - imi Bank mount of i paschi of Siena spa popular Bank of the emilia romagna Financial institution saint Paul of Turin - imi popular Bank of the etruria and the Lazio popular antoniana Bank veneta scparl filial Hsbc bank plc of Milan Savings and loan company of Parma and Piacenza spa Financial institution saint Paul of Turin - imi Bench of saint Brescia Paul - cab spa Bank mount of the paschi of Siena Financial institution saint Paul of Turin - imi Savings and loan company of Parma and Piacenza spa popular Bank of the etruria and the Lazio popular antoniana Bank veneta scparl Merrill lynch capital markets bank ltd Case subsidies and savings of the Italy staff b popular Bank of Bergamo - credit varesino scrl Financial institution saint Paul of Turin - imi Savings and loan company of Parma and Piacenza spa Bench of saint Brescia Paul - cab spa Bench of saint Brescia Paul - cab spa Savings and loan company of Parma and Piacenza spa Savings and loan company Verona Vicenza Belluno and Ancona b spa Bench of saint Brescia Paul - cab spa. 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Maddalena Di Persi Fabrizio - Via Strain Ascanio 9 +390258105366, Ambrogio [ 15 ] Public square Sant' ambrogio (Milan) 028645089 Saint George To Palace [ 2 ] Saint Public square George (Milan) Greater Monastero Run Magenta (Milan) Saint Maria Near Saint Celso [ 37 ] Run Italy (Milan) Diocesano Museum [ 95 ] Run Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 028940472 Ag Of Milan [ 6 ] Public square Of the Transactions (Milan) 0272426 Museum Study Francisco Saint Messina [ 4 ] Way Sisto (Milan) 028645300 Palace Borromeo [ 7 ] Public square Borromeo (Milan) Door Run Ticinese Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) Palace Of the Schools 11 Tippets [ ] Public square Merchants (Milan) Clerici Palace [ 6 ] Via Clerici (Milan) Columns Roman Run Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) Saint Greater Lorenzo [ 39 ] Run Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) Sant' eustorgio [ 5 ] Public square Sant' eustorgio (Milan) Collection Of the Bertarelli Press Public square Castle (Milan) 028693071 Archaeological Diggings Late-Roman Via Brisa (Milan) House Run Grandona Italy (Milan) Saint Bernardino To Monache [ 13 ] Via Lanzone (Milan) Trivulzio Palace [ 7 ] Via Of the Plates (Milan) Litta Palace [ 24 ] Run Magenta (Milan Palace Litta Biumi [ 7 ] Via Pointed hood (Milan) Ship Pavian Tow rope Ship Pavian (Milan) Saint Sepolcro Saint Public square Sepolcro (Milan) Foundation Mazzotta [ 50 ] Hole Buonaparte (Milan) 0287819 Museum Zucchi Collection [ 4 ] Via Ugo Foscolo (Milan) 029025523 Rests Of the Roman Circus Via Circus (Milan) Sant' Alexander Sant' Public square Alexander (Milan) Museum Of the Collector Of art [ 4 ] Via Quintino Saddleback (Milan) 027202248 Ambrosian Pinacoteca [ 2 ] Devout Public square Xi (Milan) 0280692 Saint Maria Of Carmine [ 2 ] Public square Of the Carmine (Milan) Public square Of the Dome Public square Of the Dome (Milan). Maria Of Thanks To the Ship Tow rope Ship Great (Milan) Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II (Milan) Saint Fedele Saint Public square Fedele (Milan) Sant' ambrogio [ 25 ] Public square Sant' ambrogio (Milan) 028057310 Pusterla Di Sant' ambrogio Public square Sant' ambrogio (Milan) Theatre To the Scale Public square Of the Scale (Milan) 027200374 Saint Maria Near Saint Satiro [ 3 ] Via Speronari (Milan) 0287468 Saint Gottardo In Court [ 2 ] Via Francisco Pecorari (Milan) Palace Of the Giureconsulti Via Of the Merchants (Milan) Palace Of the Reason Via Of the Merchants (Milan) Teatrale Museum to the Scale ** [ Milan ]. Ambrogio [ 41 ] Via Giosue Carducci (Milan) 028053505 Real Palace [ 12 ] Public square Of The Dome (Milan) Museum Poldi Pezzoli [ 12 ] Via Alexander Manzoni (Milan) 0279488 Teatrale Museum To The Scale [ 2 ] Via Filodrammatici (Milan) 028053418 Anguissola Palace [ 10 ] Via Alexander Manzoni (Milan) Arengario Public square Of The Dome (Milan) Saint Maurizio [ 70 ] Run Magenta (Milan) Public square Of The Merchants Public square Merchants (Milan) Museum Of The Dome [ 14 ] Public square Of The Dome (Milan) 0286035 Saint Vittore To The Saint Body [ 25 ] Way Vittore (Milan) Manzoniano Museum [ 1 ] Via Gerolamo Morone (Milan) 028646040 Loggia Of the Osii Public square Merchants (Milan) Saint Maria Of Thanks [ 2 ] Saint Public square Maria Of Thanks (Milan) Sant' Augustin Via Lanzone (Milan) Brentani Palace [ 6 ] Via Alexander Manzoni (Milan) Velasca Tower [ 5 ] Public square Velasca (Milan) Ship Great Ripa Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) Saint Converged Paul Saint Public square Eufemia (Milan) Alley Of the Lavandai Private Alley Lavandai (Milan) Real Palace [ 12 ] Public square Of the Dome (Milan) Saint Maria Of Thanks [ 2 ] Saint Public square Maria Of Thanks (Milan) Museum Study Francisco Saint Messina [ 4 ] Way Sisto (Milan) 028645300 Poldi Museum Pezzoli [ 12 ] Via Alexander Manzoni (Milan) 0279488 Diocesano Museum [ 95 ] Run Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 028940472 Palace Of the Reason Via Of the Merchants (Milan) Palace Of the Schools 11 Tippets [ ] Public square Merchants (Milan) Ambrosian Pinacoteca [ 2 ] Devout Public square Xi (Milan) 0280692 Collection Of the Bertarelli Press Public square Castle (Milan) 028693071 Saint Maria Near Saint Celso [ 37 ] Run Italy (Milan) Rests Of the Roman Circus Via Circus (Milan) Saint Fedele Saint Public square Fedele (Milan) Museum Of the Collector Of art [ 4 ] Via Quintino Saddleback (Milan) 027202248 Palace Of the Giureconsulti Via Of the Merchants (Milan) Manzoniano museum [ 1 ] Via Gerolamo Morone (Milan) 028646040 Door Run Ticinese Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) Loggia Of the Osii Public square Merchants (Milan) Sant' eustorgio [ 5 ] Public square Sant' eustorgio (Milan) Museum Of Dome [ 14 ] Public square Of the Dome (Milan) 0286035 Alley Of the Lavandai Private Alley Lavandai (Milan) Saint Greater Lorenzo [ 39 ] Run Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) Columns Roman Run Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) Sant' ambrogio [ 25 ] Public square Sant' ambrogio (Milan) 028057310 Sant' Augustin Via Lanzone (Milan) Saint Gottardo In Court [ 2 ] Via Francisco Pecorari (Milan) Pusterla Di Sant' ambrogio Public square Vittore To the Saint Body [ 25 ] Way Vittore (Milan) Palace Clerici [ 6 ] Via Clerici (Milan) Saint Converged Paul Saint Public square Eufemia (Milan) Saint Maria Near Saint Satiro [ 3 ] Via Speronari (Milan) 0287468 House Run Grandona Italy (Milan) Teatrale Museum to the Scale ** [ Milan ] Trivulzio Palace [ 7 ] Via Of the Plates (Milan) Saint Sepolcro Saint Public square Sepolcro (Milan) Archaeological Diggings Late-Roman Via Brisa (Milan). Maria Of Thanks To The Ship Tow rope Ship Great (Milan) Litta Palace [ 24 ] Run Magenta (Milan) Velasca Tower [ 5 ] Public square Velasca (Milan) Ship Pavian Tow rope Ship Pavian (Milan) Saint Bernardino To The Monache [ 13 ] Via Lanzone (Milan) Greater Monastero Run Magenta (Milan) Theatre To The Scale Public square Of The Scale (Milan) 027200374 Saint George To The Saint Palace [ 2 ] Public square George (Milan) Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II (Milan) Teatrale Museum To Scale [ 2 ] Via Filodrammatici (Milan) 028053418 Public square Of The Dome Public square Of The Dome (Milan) Saint Maria Of The Carmine [ 2 ] Public square Of The Carmine (Milan) Palace Anguissola [ 10 ] Via Alexander Manzoni (Milan) Arengario Public square Of The Dome (Milan) Foundation Mazzotta [ 50 ] Hole Buonaparte (Milan) 0287819. Ambrogio [ 15 ] Public square Sant' ambrogio (Milan) 028645089. Ambrogio [ 41 ] Via Giosue Carducci (Milan) 028053505 Sant' Alexander Sant' Public square Alexander (Milan) Public square Of the Merchants Public square Merchants (Milan) Palace Litta Biumi [ 7 ] Via Pointed hood (Milan) Saint Maurizio [ 70 ] Run Magenta (Milan) Ag Of Milan [ 6 ] Public square Of the Transactions (Milan) 0272426 Museum Zucchi Collection [ 4 ] Via Ugo Foscolo (Milan) 029025523 Palace Brentani [ 6 ] Via Alexander Manzoni (Milan) Palace Borromeo [ 7 ] Public square Borromeo (Milan) Ship Great Ripa Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) Burghy [ 1 ] Via Evangelista Torricelli (Milan) 028322330 Motta Friend [ 1 ] Via (Milan) 027200221 The Place [ 8 ] Via Of The Sluice (Milan) 025831353. Pizzeria Biagio Sas Di Iannone Assunta & C.bop Snc Of From The Pra' Anna Maria And Basil Erne +390289407146. Map of the world [ 11 ] Via Giovanni Pezzotti (Milan) 028951690 Bread & Flour [ 6 ] Via Marsh (Milan) 028693274 Column [ 10 ] Via Saint Maria To the Door (Milan) 0286181 Rostogest [ 40 ] Via Filippo Argelati (Milan) 025811086 Black Friars [ 16 ] Run Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 025810613 the island Of the Treasure [ 2 ] Via Ludovico From Viadana (Milan) 025830700 One Restaurant [ 13 ] Via Cusani (Milan) 0285601 Fishing boat [ 2 ] Via Quintino Saddleback (Milan) 0286141 To the Marta Saint [ 6 ] Via Saint Marta (Milan) 028052090 Of Locksmiths [ 19 ] Via Lamb (Milan 028646498 Primafila [ 1 ] Via Ugo Foscolo (Milan) 0286202 Be Bop [ 4 ] Tree-lined avenue With Of Wool (Milan) The 028376972 Contrary Bastian [ 12 ] Via Peter Caretakers (Milan) 025810088 Don Lisander [ 12 ] Via Alexander Manzoni (Milan) 027602013 Hostaria Borromei [ 4 ] Via Borromei (Milan) 028645376 Grand Hotels Saint Dome [ 1 ] Way Raffaele (Milan) 0288331 Bistrot Di Gualtiero 2 Marquises [ ] Saint Way Raffaele (Milan) 0287712 Four Moors [ 1 ] Wide Maria Callas (Milan) 0287848 Song Sixth [ 11 ] Via Gentilino (Milan) 025811382 Factory, Pizzeria [ 70 ] Tow rope Ship Great (Milan 028358297 Old Molino [ 3 ] Via Pioppette (Milan) 028940330 Saint Ciardi [ 6 ] Way Raffaele (Milan) 0287769 The Topaia [ 40 ] Via Filippo Argelati (Milan) 028373469 Pirandello [ 6 ] Tree-lined avenue Gian Galeazzo (Milan) 028940290 To From Tuscany Hill [ 1 ] Via Peter Orseolo (Milan) 028378373 Of Gennaro [ 14 ] Via Saint Radegonda (Milan) 028056108 Brunelleschi [ 12 ] Via Flavio Small shacks (Milan) 0288431 Circle Friends Of The Liberty [ 20 ] Via Savona (Milan) 028394302 To The Good Convent [ 26 ] Run Italy (Milan) 028645354 To The Pistoiese Hill [ 1 ] Via Amedei (Milan) 0287724 To Beautiful Calm [ 2 ] Via Of the Fontanili (Milan) 028951157 Sciue Sciue [ 6 ] Via Andrea Solar (Milan) 024800302 Crown Of the King [ 22 ] Via Matteo Bandello (Milan) 024398263 From the Dam [ 34 ] Via Turin (Milan) 028645383 8 Good Things [ ] Saint Way Martino (Milan) 025831058 Of the Knights [ 1 ] Public square Giuseppe Missori (Milan) 0288571 From Tawny [ the 6 ] Via Maurizio Gonzaga (Milan) 0280436 Sant' eustorgio [ 6 ] Public square Sant' eustorgio (Milan) 025810139 Typical Sardinian [ 9 ] Via Carl Bazzi (Milan) 028940679 Oaks [ 8 ] Via Vincenzo Foppa (Milan) 024812494 Cleat [ 3 ] Via Of the Carmine (Milan) 027200318 Calafuria Union [ 8 ] Via Union (Milan) 028646209 Hosteria Of Spider [ 3 ] Via Giuseppe Mercalli (Milan) 025830960 Bio Peak, Pizzeria [ 16 ] Run Italy (Milan) 028645213 Victoria Cafe [ the 1 ] Via Clerici (Milan) 028690792 Grill Moor 2 [ 7 ] Via Valparaiso (Milan) 0246087 Peck [ 4 ] Via Victor Hugo (Milan) 0287677 Of the bear [ 5 ] Via Ciovasso (Milan) 028646340 Damatra [ 1 ] Via Elia Lombardini (Milan) 025811122 To the Dollar [ 11 ] Via Paul From Cannobio (Milan) 028692432 Pope Francisco [ Via Marine Tommaso (Milan) 0286217 Gironi [ 10 ] Via Eugene Villoresi (Milan) 028940239 Timebrek [ 14 ] Tree-lined avenue With Of Wool (Milan) 028940285 Trattoria To ancient [ the 4 ] Via Montevideo (Milan) 025810486 From Milan [ 11 ] Via Saint Marta (Milan) 028645199 Savini Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II (Milan) 027200343 Bieffe Two [ 9 ] Public square Erculea (Milan) 028645165 Bloomed Island [ 83 ] Ripa Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 028940206 Albric [ 3 ] Via Alberigo Albricci (Milan) the 028646132 Saint Cimbraccola [ 8 ] Way Tomaso (Milan) 028692250 Garden Gallery [ 3 ] Via Amazes (Milan) 028055125 Old Milan [ 25 ] Tree-lined avenue Gian Galeazzo (Milan) 025831833 Tiffany' s [ 15 ] Saint Way Martino (Milan) 0258300 Jungle Juice [ 1 ] Via Customs (Milan) 028699680 Emilia and Carl [ 10 ] Via Giuseppe Bags (Milan) 0286210 Biffi Scale Public square Of the Scale (Milan) 0286665 3 Red Maple tree [ ] Public square Virgilio (Milan) 024690288 Sand Of gold [ 3 ] Via Vigevano (Milan) 028940676 7 Olivia [ ] Tree-lined avenue Gabriel Of notice (Milan) 028940605 6 Coast [ ] Public square Serafino Belfanti (Milan) 028372380 Piedigrotta [ 1 ] Via Fabio Mangone (Milan) 028940664 62 Conconi [ ] Tow rope Large Ship 028940658 Del Tavern Binary [ 1 ] Via Tortona (Milan) 028940942 Ladder [ 3 ] Large square Station Genoa (Milan) 025810029 Preferred Pizzeria [ 11 ] Via Giuseppe Meda (Milan) 028321387 Tavern Di Porta Cicca [ 51 ] Ripa Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 028372763 Tow rope [ 26 ] Tow rope Ship Great (Milan) 028323526 El Brellin [ 14 ] Tow rope Ship Great (Milan) 025810135 Ai Three Siblings [ 11 ] Via Terraggio (Milan) 028645159 Tavern Via Pre [ 4 ] Via Country house (Milan) 028373869 Light Srl [ 62 ] Tow rope Ship Great (Milan) 025811506 Saint Vittore [ 13 ] Saint Way Vittore (Milan 0246835 Red Bridge [ 23 ] Ripa Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 028373132 the Toque Di Sadler [ 14 ] Via Ettore Troilo (Milan) 025810445 Pierre Milan [ 32 ] Via Edmondo De Amicis (Milan) 027200058 Briosca [ 13 ] Via Ascanio Sforza (Milan) 028394933 Pastarito [ 7 ] Via Conca Of the Ship (Milan) 028942308 Cafe Maximm [ 37 ] Via Conca Of the Ship (Milan) 028360180 Meat-Ing steak house Argentine Tornavento [ 36 ] Tow rope Ship Great (Milan) 028940606 Bicycles [ 2 ] Via Gian Batiste Cakes (Milan) 028394177 House Of Peak [ 21 ] Ripa Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 025810443 Rewarded, Pizzeria [ 24 ] Via Edmondo De Amicis (Milan) 028940607 Pastarito Pizzarito [ 8 ] Tree-lined avenue Tibaldi (Milan) 025810272 Torchietto [ 47 ] Via Ascanio Sforza (Milan) 028372910 Tavern Cut [ The 1 ] Via Ariberto (Milan) 028940697 The Creperie [ 21 ] Via Cesar Running (Milan) 025810103 De Luca [ 1 ] Via Galeazzo Alessi (Milan) 025810025 El Piranha [ 25 ] Via Giacomo Leopardi (Milan) 024692276 Tavern Cuncheta [ 8 ] Via Conchetta (Milan) 028323389 Brasera [ 13 ] Ripa Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 025810089 The Two Specialita [ 1 ] Private Way Sartirana (Milan) 028940318 Carbonaia [ 38 ] Via Giosue Carducci (Milan) 024800008 Burla' Gio [ 18 ] Via Amazes (Milan) 028057096 Saint Lorenzo [ 1 ] Via Of the Fabbri (Milan) 028372870 Tavern Of Fried Gnocco 2 [ 2 ] Paschal Way Pauls (Milan) 025810021 Tuscany [ 58 ] Run Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 028940629 Drops Of Sea [ 4 ] Via Francisco Petrarch (Milan) 024692487 Boccondivino [ 17 ] Via Giosue Carducci (Milan) 0286604 the Playa Of Sol [ 11 ] Via Daniel Crespi (Milan) 025810307 Deep Mayan - Mexican Grill y Cantina++ Tavern Of 54 Cheeses [ ] Tow rope Ship Great (Milan) 028940941 61 vines [ ] Ripa Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 028375617 Summertime [ 33 ] Via Vincenzo Mounts (Milan) 0246191 Grand Hotel [ 75 ] Via Ascanio Sforza (Milan) 028951158 Marotta [ 11 ] Via Giovanni Boccaccio (Milan) 024819546 Blues Bikers [ 7 ] Via Francisco Brioschi (Milan) 028372816 Bebel [ 3 ] Saint Way Vittore (Milan) 024812824 Al Pont De Ferr [ 55 ] Ripa Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 028940627 Olga Grandmother [ 32 ] Via Vincenzo Mounts (Milan) 0243526 Busy Bee [ 16 ] Via agnese Sant' (Milan) 027200359 Entropy [ 34 ] Via Edmondo De Amicis (Milan) 0286763 [ 46 ] Tow rope Ship Great (Milan) 028373426 Shell [ 15 ] Via Ferdinand Mouthfuls (Milan) Bees Via Conca Of The Ship (Milan) Bees Public square Of The Rosary (Milan) Fine [ 32 ] Via Odoardo Tobaccos (Milan) Agip [ 7 ] Public square Serafino Belfanti (Milan). Self-confident Paul Giuseppe Studio(Milano)MI +39028052566, Ceruses Doctors Angelo And Fabio Studio(Milano)MI +39024986022, Barons Medical Mark +39028052653, Specialista(Milano)MI Anna Maria Medico(Milano)MI Study +39028356539, Rings Medical Edoardo +39028392179, Chirurgo(Milano)MI Pine Medical Mark +39028322272 Chirurgo(Milano)MI Figini Doctors Erika And Lara +390248018847, Studio(Milano)MI Hazon Giovanna Study +390272001899 Medico(Milano)MI Catozzi George Study +39028373244, Studio(Milano)MI Leonardi Visconti Jacopo Willi Jacopo Wil(Milano)MI +39024982516, Flowers And Plants Sandro(Milano)MI Volume +393495283421 Flowers In The Time Di Massazza The GAL +390287391597, Marialui(Milano)MI Hairdressing salon For Mrs. [ 2]Passaggio Duomo(20123 Milano)MI+390272002912 Optima Beauty Center - Aesthetic Center I dared Some - Profumeria Key Be [ 23]V. Amine Snc Di Mazza Anna Maria And Sartori Claudia [ 11]Corso S. 6 Inch Hairdressing salon Srl [ 13]Via Madonnina(20121 Milano)MI+390286463635. Albani Alessio Enea [ 42]Corso Magenta(20123 Milano)MI+390248013275. Giulio Barbers Hairdressing salon For Man [ 2]Via S. Hairdressing salon For Man [ 8]Via Of The Torchio(20123 Milano)MI+390286454799 Benito Hairdressing salon For Man [ 1]Via Rovello(20121 Milano)MI+39028056172 Optima Beauty Center - Aesthetic Center I dared Some - Profumeria Key Be [ 23]V. Ambrosino Welcome [ 7]Via Falcone(20123 Milano)MI+3902861997 Adam Angel Hairdressing salon For Man [ 13]Via S. Cacciola Ferdinand Hairdressing salon Man [ 9]Via Paul From Cannobio(20122 Milano)MI+3902864349 Postamat Run Postamat Italy 16, Milan Postamat Via Giosu?arducci (Milan) 7, Milan City Postamat Via III 2, Milan Postamat Via Giuseppe Mazzini 15, Milan Postamat Via Emilio Motta 5, Milan Flick & Flock Center +390255194180, Tim(Milano)MI Srl Tim Center +390289420505 Point 187(Milano)MI Vodafone One Delphinus _ Via +390248512727, Olona 12_Milano_MI Hertz [ The 5 ] Via Maurizio Gonzaga (Milan) 027200131 Sixt [ 21 ] Via Giovanni Boccaccio (Milan) 0246834 6 Europcar [ ] Public square Arming Diaz (Milan) 028646345 6 Avis [ ] Public square Arming Diaz (Milan) 028901064. Artuso Garage Of The Park (Milan) Machine-shop truck +39024817412, ARTUSO - GARAGE Of the PARK (Milan - +39024817412). Artuso Garage Of the Park (Milan) +39024817412, PR Park Of the Basilicas Via Molino Of the Crews - Milan PR Diaz Public square Arming Diaz - Milan PR Pharmacy Missori Snc Di Angela And Elvira Liberatore - PR Gallery Vittorio Emanuele Gallery Vittorio Emanu - Milan PR Wide Pallavicino Park Police officers Of Italy - Milan PR Pharmacy Carl Alberto Dottor Piccinato Elena -. PR Genoa Door Large square Station Genoa - Milan PR S Pharmacy Maria Beltr Di Cassago Dottor Helium - PR Tommaseo Pharmacy Of the Dottor Brasi Roberto - Solar PR Park Tree-lined avenue Zugna Cones - Milan PR Ferrari Pharmacy Doctor Anna Rita - PR Pharmacy Olmetto Di Catalucci Doctor Anna - PR Pharmacy S Gottardo To the Montagnetta Di Bianchini D. PR Pharmacy Dottor Legnani Riccardo Maria - PR Pharmacy Of the Dottor bear Giulio Merlon - PR Pharmacy Carrobbio Dottor Sandro Silkworms - PR Pharmacy Dante Dottor Columbus Federica - PR Pharmacy Ticinese Di Curi Doctor Ginetta - Peugeot Milan - tree-lined avenue Cassala 22 - Milan Via Gian Batiste Vico 38, Milan. Of Mongiardo S & C [ 12 ] Via Andrea Salaino (Milan) 0243325. Mondialauto Di Spinelli Mario [ 56 ] Run Magenta (Milan) 024390799 Ambros Saro Spa (miniums) [ 20 ] Via Edmondo De Amicis (Milan) 025811224 Ambros Saro Spa (bmw) [ 20 ] Via Edmondo De Amicis (Milan) 025811224. Sportwagen Service Srl [ 38 ] Via Giambattista Vico (Milan) 024801440. Uniauto Spa-mocauto-sirca [ 53 ] Tree-lined avenue Papiniano (Milan) 028940115. Of Accounts Rosary [ 12 ] Tree-lined avenue Liguria (Milan) 025810197.lli Milani SNC - Milan (ME) - Tel. Social cooperative Aquasalus Well-being In Water Coop. Milan Door Genoa [ 4 ] Large square Station Genoa (Milan) Saint Lorenzo [ 45 ] Run Di Porta Ticinese (Milan) 026671207 Odeon [ 8 ] Via Saint Radegonda (Milan) 028051041 Saint Carl [ 4 ] Via Morozzo Of the Rocca (Milan) 024813442 Gloria Multisala [ 18 ] Run Vercelli (Milan) 024800890 New Orchidea [ 3 ] Via Terraggio (Milan) 0287538 Orfeo [ 50 ] Tree-lined avenue Cones Zugna (Milan) 028940303 Ariosto [ 16 ] Via Lodovico Ariosto (Milan) 024800390 Park Of the Basilicas Via Molino Of the Crews (Milan) Wide Pallavicino Park Police officers Of Italy (Milan) Park Solar Tree-lined avenue Cones Zugna (Milan) Consumptions: According to Unioncamere, the decrease pays it the small storees and the tourism Tourism, the mayor of Riccione: "Sar?n' black summer". Bit: innovation in the pugliese tourist system, the vacations in click a Terme: The Room approves of appropriation for the thermal field Mud to five stars for l.eterna giovinezza All the news on lodges, tourism and ristorazione HotelScout?n search engine for lodges hotels hotel rooms and bed and breakfast. Based on Google Maps BEES filler news on hotel, bed & breakfast, restaurants, birrerie, pub, farm holidays, shops Automatic teller, railway stations in Italy. The visualization of the news happens on a practical and easy street cartina or to satellitare
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