

Forest @?a review of the Societ?taliana di Selvicoltura and Forest Ecologia. Post doc position on dissolved carbon export from soils Postdoctoral Research Associate Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Sciences Post Doc Position at Pennsylvania Been University Interactions between climatic change and terrestrial ecosystems Post - doc position on ground based remote sensing of atmospheric greenhouse gases POST DOC POSITION ON DISSOLVED CARBON EXPORT FROM SOILS. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation and closely linked to the CarboEurope integrated project (. The position is based in Berlin, Germany, at the Berlin University of Technology (. Chemical analyses will be supported by to laboratory assistant funded by the German Research Foundation. The work will involve collaboration and interaction with to wide variety of scientists of different disciplines organized in the CarboEurope project. Experience with hydrologic modeling is advantageous. The project will to require travels to sites in Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland and within Germany. This is to two year-position available from June 1, 2006. Review of applicants will start April 1, the position will remain open until filled. The Berlin University of Technology has 32,000 students and 6721 employees of which 15 scientists, 7 technicians, and four Student assistants work at the Soil Science Department. For further information or to apply, contact electronically: Dr Jan Siemens Department of Soil Science YOU Berlin. Applications should includes to description of research interests, CV, and the names and contact information of two potential referees. ASSOCIATE POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY AND ECOSYSTEM SCIENCES Place: University of Toledo, Ohio USA. Field sites includes Ohio, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Missouri, Michigan, and Inner Mongolia in China. The positions to require ability to synthesize existing given, aid regional and continental up-scaling efforts and identify priority areas for future research. The successful candidates must have to solid understanding of biological processes governing ecosystem function, including aboveground-belowground feedbacks. The candidates to are also expected to have to strong publication record in international peer-reviewed journals. Experience with maintaining and troubleshooting research instruments would be an asset. Both positions involve loads field-work and travel and occasional work under inclement weather. The appointments to are for 3 years with progress evaluation after the first year. For the first position Job # 2110, experience with statistical analysis of large datasets is required, preferably with SAS, S-Plus or R software. In the absence of this experience, the successful these candidates is expected to learn one of languages. Experience with leaf- or soil gas exchange is highly desirable, as is experience in coordinating field projects. For the second position Job # 2115, experience with ERDAS and ArcInfo programming and ground-validating remotely sensed information is required. Experience with spatial statistics or spatial modeling is highly desirable. Use only one method of application. The review of applications will begin in Feb. 17, 2006, and will continuous ones until the positions to are filled. Information on the current projects and personnel in the LEES lab can be found at. The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator. Post Doc Position at Pennsylvania Been University INTERACTIONS BETWEEN CLIMATIC CHANGE AND TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS. Earth and Environmental Systems Institute To postdoctoral position is available to work on the interactions between climatic change and terrestrial ecosystems. We to are seeking an innovative individual who will become to catalyst for interactions among ecologists and climate scientists. The successful candidates should have to strong background in terrestrial ecology, atmospheric sciences, or to closely related field. Strong quantitative skills, particularly the ability to work with complex databases and numerical models, to are required. Experience with terrestrial ecology, statistics, geospatial analyses, and inverse methods in the earth sciences is especially desirable. Strong collaborative skills will be necessary. The initial appointment is for one year, with good potential for continued support. Applications received by 20 January, 2006 will receive full consideration. The salary will be competitive, commensurate with experience, and will comply with Pennsylvania Been University guidelines. Northeastern Regional Center of the DOE National Institute for Climatic Change Research 2217 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building. Penn Been is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. POST - REMOTE DOC POSITION ON GROUND BASED SENSING OF ATMOSPHERIC GREENHOUSE GASES. The Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC) in Jena, Germany, invites applications for to post-doctoral position at the Biogeochemical Systems Department (.), on the topic of ground based remote sensing of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere using high resolution solar absorption spectroscopy in the near IR. The successful automate candidates will and deploy to high resolution FTIR spectrometer for long term operation at to monitoring situated. Further, this involves analysis of the spectra for column abundances of CO2, CH4, and other gases, as well as an improvement of retrieval algorithms to drifts vertical profile information. The instrument will be deployed as part of to global network designed for validation of satellite measurements (OCO, SCIAMACHY). Good experimental skills, the ability to work in to team, as well as communication skills with good written and spoken English to are required. Basic programming knowledge and experience in spectroscopy are desired. Applicants to are required to have to PhD in physical science, or another appropriated field. The deadline for application is March 31, 2006, with to start of the position on May 1, 2006. The position is for an initial period of two years. The salary level is according to the German TV?or an equivalent postdoctoral stipend of the Max-Planck-Society. For further technical information please contact Christoph Gerbig by email: cgerbig@bgc-jena. Situated in phase of migration on a new serveur web. We make excuses ourselves for eventual difficolt?ella visualization of the contents. These pages have been optimized for to screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

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