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. HEARING WITH THE SENAT TO SENSITIZE AND RELAY THE MESSAGE OF PREVENTION ON THE GROUND. The pr?ntion of the syndrome of foetal alcoholization (SAF) remains a significant subject, subjected?a pressure of the drink alcoolis producers?. Anne-Marie Payet has n?moins insist?upr?de the d?gation on the fact that it acts of a significant subject. The d?gation thus has souhait?uditionner the sp?alists of the question to make a point. "We do not have for the moment of project of d?t of a new amendment because that has?ou?u S?t", indicates to?' APM the parliamentary assistant of Anne-Marie Payet. "is the goal [ of this hearing ] to sensitize all the members of the d?gation?e probl? who is known little, except?ar some sp?alists. Many a m?cins g?ralists m? do not know it. "We saw that there were too many pressures by the means of the members of Parliament. "We have D? trouv??a R?ion ] of the wine growers int?ss? who are Pr? ?ettre of them-m?s a medical message on their bottles ", pr?se it. "We try, by the n?ciation, to arrive?mposer this kind of?quette?lement in the others d?rtements".000 b?s per annum to France, particuli?ment?a R?ion, in North-Not-of-Calais and in Brittany, underlines-T-il.000 births per annum, around fifty of b?s will be carrying a SAF, according to REUNISAF. If one can think that the wine is not alone causes some, the s?trice wishes n?moins not to make distinction between strong alcohols and wines. "In practice?a R?ion, rum is not alone causes some, there is also the wine" which, if it is less strong, however consumes in larger quantit?DE the SICKNESS INSURANCE: PHILIPPE DOUSTE-BLAZY GUARANTEES the ACCESSES DIRECT TO The GYNECOLOGUE. With the exit of a demonstration having rassembl?amedi 5.000 "men, women and gyn?logists" according to CDGM'S (1.000 according to pr?cture), a d?gation of the comit? ? Re? by the Minister for Sant?t of social protection. Concerning the increase in the number of stations of interns attribu??a gyn?logy m?cale, Philippe Douste-Blazy took note of the request of the CDGM. "We are satisfied with this interview with the minister, but we remain vigilant", has d?ar?undi?' APM Claude Groussin, vice-pr?dente of the CDGM.700 m?caux gyn?logists currently exert. A enqu? did CDGM have quantifi? 119 stations of interns per annum the simple needs for replacement of the d?rts in retirements, recalls one. PREMIERE BIRTH IN CONSECUTIVE FRANCE A a RECEPTION Of TOULOUSE EMBRYO, June 17 (APM) - is a small girl of 3,4 kilos and 50 cm the first B? ?a?e in France continuation?n reception of embryo, announces a Toulouse?ipe. It acted of the first transfer of embryos for the parents of Clara, and a deuxi? couples has a pregnancy in progress?lement apr?le first transfer, fact knowledge Dr. Montagut. Does its?ipe have r?is?on troisi? transfer, of which it does await the r?ltats blood test, effectu?15 apr days? The treatment for the usherette simply consists of a pr?ration endom?e to?ecevoir it 1 or 2 embryos, by estrog?s and progest?ne. About fifteen files of couples candidates are?lement between the hands of the?ipe. According to Dr. Montagut, the number of likely embryos of?e accomodated and numbers it couples pr?ntant the indications of double st?lit?our a reception of embryos would currently correspond one?' other. A member of the Trade union of the centers priv?de in vitro f?ndation had estim?en d?mbre 2003?00.000 the number of embryos congel?stock?en France, whose 15%?0% would not be any more the object of a parental project, recalls one. The couples r?ndant?es indications had before only the solution to adopt a child: Contract of professional practices for the m?cins g?ralists practising them. This contract of professional practices had? concluded, initially, in October 2003, for the m?cins sp?alists (cf Seuls the g?ralists practising more than 380?ographies per annum will be able adh?r?e CPP. In?ange, the sickness insurance begins?erser a contractual r?n?tion of 2.000 euros to the g?ralists who have a activit?nf?eure?.000 euros for a activit?up?eure or?le?.000 euros per expert)", pr?se the endorsement. The WISE WOMEN ARE OPPOSED A the INSCRIPTION OF The PRACTICE OF. Is Consid?e like "traumatisante and dangerous", this practice "too often pratiqu?faute to be able to use vacuum extractor", pr?se the communiqu?61 midwives having r?ndu, which repr?nte 10,66% of the profession, 69,05% have indiqu?u' they did not wish?e autoris? ?tiliser the suction cup. of d?t of pregnancy r?ites by the gimgembre. Is the ginger front? ?a B6 vitamin for r?anger the naus?ivalent?, heaves and the vomiting. In the receiving group of the ginger, 53% of the women have rapport?ne am?oration of their sympt?s by report/ratio?5% with B6 vitamin. The vitamin B6?it l?rement better tol?e than the ginger, which caused fr?emment of the?ctations. Lastly, the authors do not have relev?ucune increase in malformations cong?tales in the receiving group of the ginger compared to the contr group?. gyn?logique.assur?ar the m?cin g?ralist in one 1/3 of the cases. The r?ltats of the?de have? pr?nt?la week derni? at the time of a conf?nce of press. The enqu? ?it divis?en two parts: one men?aupr?de 212 m?cins of the r?au, the other aupr?de 2. It arises from the questionnaires filled by the patients that the recourse to the m?cins g?ralists and the gyn?logists are r?rtis of mani? ?itable. Of a mani? g?rale, more the cabinet of the gyn?logist is?ign?plus the follow-ups gyn?logic are assur?par the m?cin g?ralist. Are the women m?cins g?ralists much more often sollicit? for a follow-up gyn?logic that men. Pr?de nine g?ralists out of ten practise smears and a third poses st?lets. A CONTRACEPTION ON TWO INITIEE BY THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER. Many g?ralists affirm to r?li?ment give councils on contraception, m? when the reason for the consultation is without report/ratio. But 23% of the women are estimated "not or insufficiently inform?". Acting of emergency contraception, the women are even more?e d?arer under-inform? (63%). Does the CDGM ask for the opening of 119 stations of interns in gyn?logy m?cale of F? to?aintenir manpower of the profession. EXPERIMENTAL IN the ANIMAL Of EFFECT DELETERE OF The MATERNAL NICOTINISM ON The FOETUS. With the oppos?la production of?stine, prot?e constitutive of the art?elle wall him conf?nt its?sticit??it significantly r?ite. The researchers have retrouv?es r?pteurs nAchR on the fibroblasts producing of the collag?. OBSTETRICALE EAST a SOUR ALTERNATIVE TO the FORCEPS, ACCORDING TO a LONDON STUDY, July 5 (APM) - does the use of the suction cups at the time of a childbirth by low way constitute an alternative S? with the forceps, a?de am?caine shows. N?moins the suction cup?it utilis?dans 68% of the childbirth by low way assist?en 2000, against 41% in 1990. Did the researchers want to compare the risk of complications in new-n?t the infant according to whether a suction cup or forceps has? utilis?lors of the childbirth. Their?de has port?ur more than 11,5 million single births in the United States and more than 375. The comparable mortalit??atale?it enters the inceptions with suction cup and those with forceps, for the premi? troop, with a relative risk (RR) of 0,94. In the troop of the New Jersey, the larger suction cup?it associ??ne probabilit?e complication, by h?rragie postpartum (RR = 1,22) or dystocie of the?ules (RR = 2,00) the risks of h?rragie intracr?enne, difficult?d' food and h?rragie r?nienne?ient comparable between the two techniques. "the childbirth?' assistance of the suction cup is at least also s?qu' with the forceps", conclude the authors. "Although the childbirth with the suction cup involves risk, that remains an alternative S? ?' childbirth with the forceps. Our r?ltats underlines the n?ssit?e standard into obst?ic for the r?isation of childbirth assist?. TO SUBSTITUTE does the DEPISTAGE ORGANIZE WITH the INDIVIDUAL DEPISTAGE the premi? relate to the n?ssaire substitution of the actions of d?stage organis?u individual d?stage. "It is all the stake of the d?stage", has soulign?e d?t?Pour the other mammographies of d?stage, refunding owes?e of 0%, estimate the auteurs.Reste to?avoir if they will be suivis."Nous want to offer largest s?rit?ux women. The authors make also a certain number of proposals aiming?m?orer the conditions of?luation of the program organis?D' other proposals relate to the am?oration of the qualit?u program of d?stage, in particular on the apparatuses of mammography, with the diffusion good practices. The sugg?nt authors to fill the gaps in terms of?ipements and to anticipate the effects of the pr?sible reduction in manpower of radiologists. Lastly, the organization of the program is?oderniser by informing the women concern better? and by implying the m?cins g?ralists more. (R?ltats of the d?stage of the breast cancer, OPEPS, by Marc Bernier, 83 pages, n.1678 of Assembl?nationale and n.362 of S?t, n.ISSN 1249-3872, 3,50 euros) PREMATURE OF WORK: ROFECOXIB AVERE A TOCOLYTIQUE AS EFFECTIVE AS SULPHATE OF MAGNESIUM. Cyclo-oxyg?se the 2 is the enzyme n?ssaire?a production of a prostaglandin which is most likely of?e impliqu?dans d?enchement the pr?tur?u work. Donn? ant?eures sugg?nt that the treatment tocolytic prolong?' isn't effective for am?orer the fate of new-n?t which it remains controvers?L' childbirth has? retard?e 48 hours for 90,4% of the women under rof?xib and 88% of the women under sulphate of magn?um, the diff?nce?nt not significant. There no was significant diff?nce either concerning the dilation of the collar, the index of the amniotic liquid or the length of the collar. The dur?d' hospitalization?it the m? in the two groups, two days. There was no diff?nce concerning the incidence of the effects ind?rables n?atals. The Barber: Catherine Petitnicolas tackles the subject in the Barber. The journalist notes however that. are Fran?ses good the derni?s in Europe?rivil?er this type of solution for their B? .. Catherine Petitnicolas explains that Pr Domenica Turck, professor of p?atrie?ille. sees several reasons?ette d?ffection in the Hexagon. ] Does another reason also pr?ante, the d?nt?t of the m?cins and miss it time of the?ipes looking after to learn to the young moms B Site from Soci? Fran?se de M?cine Perinatale. How one saves the b?s before the birth. With 63 % of r?site, it is a step moreover in one attractive adventure m?cale.. Does the newspaper explain thus why op?r a B? before isn't the birth any more science fiction. D?mpress? do the lungs enlarge and finish m? by pushing back the visc?s in the cavit?bdominale.. The r?ration of the malformation of the diaphragm is then pratiqu?sur the infant. Until?r?nt, less than 10 % of the foetuses were likely to survive?or malformation, concludes the Parisian quotidien."le" Site from Soci? Fran?se de M?cine Perinatale. Indeed, alcohol is the premi? cause nong?tic mental d?ciences in the child?a?e.000 b?s per annum particuli?ment?a R?ion, in North-Not-of-Calais and in Brittany. However if it is taken?emps this pathology is?table.Aujourd' today, one estimates? % the rate of woman enclosures drinking + of 2 alcohol glasses per day. A d?ut of information of the professionals and future m?s support the cases of SAF. However, it is a enqu? pr?minaire demand?par the parquet floor of Lille on the complaint of 3 pregnant women which gives this subject to the front the actualit?Elles ones wish d?ncer the d?ut information of which they have? victims on the risks li??a consumption of alcohol during the pregnancy. Indeed, the code consumption pr?it when a product is dangerous to inform of it the consumer by the d?gation with the women's rights and?'?lit?es chances between the men and the women of S?t..De m?, the s?trice Mrs. AM Payet (R?ion) which formed part of this d?gation, had propos?lusieurs amendments with the sant?ublic bill relative?a. They have? subjected rejet?car?a pressure of the drink alcoolis producers? Only have? reserves, information campaigns on "the pr?ntion of the SAF" and incentive pregnant women?e not to consume alcohol. Bient?une countryside of information and pr?ntion on the SAF. The ambiguous one should not any more be accepted? between the cultural tol?nce fran?se on the benefits of scientific alcohol and the r?it?es?des. A possible r?nse with the SAF: the r?aux ones of sant?Afin to organize the pr?ntion and the assumption of responsibility of SAF, the professionals of sant?r?nt too. the installation the r?aux one of sant?Le SAF is a complex pathology because it is often difficult of d?cter the conduits of alcoholization during the pregnancy. Will the chance of the d?cter be multipli? if the professionals are able to set up a multi-field follow-up of the p?ode n?atale?a birth of the child. Moreover, the d?ndance?' alcohol, the social and psychic suffering of the m?s of families require a multi-field intervention for?e effective and compl?ntaire. For the moment is, the only existing example the r?au of sant??lopp? the r?ion: : r?au of pr?ntion and assumption of responsibility of the saf. It is coordonn?par Dr. Lamblin de Saint louis, and gathers 350 multi-field professionals: midwives, p?atres, alcoologists, professional socio?catifs, magistrates. Currently, the r?au follows 305 m?s concern? by does alcohol and accomodate of it a score each ann? The assumption of responsibility can of which to pr?cement be done. The moiti?es participating have arr? of drinking. This r?au is financ?ar the council g?ral of the r?ion, the?t, and the sickness insurance. Miss means for?ndre this exp?ence in m?opole. If this exp?ence of the r?ion is recognized per many professionals anxious to fight against the SAF, it difficult?eproduire in m?opole. will be held from the 15 to January 20, 2005?ort-of-France (Martinique). To know some more: to connect?or site:. August 3, 2004: Amniocent it? risqu?que. Los Angeles, 3 ao?(APM): A?de randomis?internationale shows that amniocent it? ?a fine of the troisi? month of pregnancy involves more risks than the biopsy of trophoblaste. Many women expos? ?n risk of foetal g?tic anomaly has recourse?a biopsy of trophoblaste, pratiqu?entre 10 and 12 weeks of am?rrh?ou?' amniocent?, between 15 and 18 weeks of am?rrh? In order to?luer these two techniques?1-14 weeks of pregnancy, Dr. J Philip of Rigshospitalet?openhague and its coll?es have them compar? of mani? randomis?aupr?de 3. If no diff?nce has? d?ct?ur this crit?, c.est. the rate of spontan miscarriages? before 20 weeks and the abortions induced by the proc?re?ient more?v?dans the group amniocent?, from 74% (1,5% against 0,9%). Moreover, amniocent it? ?a 13? week?it associ??n risk 4 times more?v?e club-foot varus?in (0,66% against 0,16%). Donn? ?ient insufficient for?luer this risk?a 14? week, the authors note. Source APM: to connect itself to does the site of the APM Sandrine Cabut indicate on a page of Lib?tion that according to a enqu? who comes d.?e publi?sur Internet site from the minist? of Sant?. ?va plut?bien in the field of the p?natalit?n France.. Sandrine Cabut notes however that. isn't all pink in the maternit? Thus of? maternal, which does not cease a cro?e: women the 35 year old and more repr?ntent 15,9 % of the m?s, that is to say 3 % more than into 1995... And that to think of the increase in the pr?turit?d?nie by the birth before 37 weeks). In the enqu?, its fr?ence is pass?de 5,9 % in 1995?,2 % in 2003. Does Parall?ment, the proportion of low-weight children of birth (inf?or?500 G) have grimp?e 6,2 %? %., notices the journalist.
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