Medela bottles pump in style
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The best fables than always in audio format completely gratis. the innumerevoli sources of literary inspiration the critics record us to the first places (if to first in absolute) the places, the famous atmospheres to the writer, the beloveds villages natii, where pi?ntensamente that sense of belongings is perceived that?omponente precipua of identit?ersonale. the those places conserve today (, pu?en not to say, thanks to a true miracle of the historical vicissitude) the face of the past, s?a to only seem firm in the time, also continuing to being lives to you, covered, "used" from the generations that succeed to you?i?acile that they offer traces and cues of writing to who, living in rapportandosi they or spiritually to they, has these scarne considerations easily which it is the potenzialit?vocativa of a place like Pescocostanzo, cos?nusta of history and of art, cos?iva for traditions and attivit?rtigiane, cos?icca of peculiarit?Ma?contato that a such node of suggestions would remain inert and silente if not were a ready mind to recepirle and tradurle in literary fact, an intelligence available to the novellistic construction and alla. personalit?i Giuseppe Sabatini, which it emerges also from these storys?ontesta of one extraordinary sensibilit? of one great capacit?i reflection: two dowries rare to find entirety, but that when is coupled they can produce turns out you of remarkable validit?ul slowly human and also on. In the specific case, then, the ferment that ago to leaven the novellistic creation?a familiar memory, tank of anecdotes and profiles of personages, sure situations berthed to peculiarit?' ambient and vicissitudes trasfigurate in local mythology, a memory that?ome thickened around to the paternal figure, that luminous, serene figure of student, citizen, pater familias that the author evokes with loving dedication this process are born "history of Pescocostanzo", distinguished between those recepite for oral tradition and other directly lived from the writer (but, in realt?la distinction stretch to dissolve themselves in the unitariet?ella number evocativa, always soffusa of one tenuous ironica airframe and with of a impalpabile melancholy of who regards far away from a love object). they are "history" that invest poor craftsmen and wealthy possidenti, local glares of events to national dimension and moments of the habitual life of the village, and ognuna of they it has a feature symbol, a quid peculiar, in the bottom also encloses one its moralit?come "gravy of all the history" (would say Manzoni) and implicit, discreet monito to the sgranano reader history in the time arc that takes start from the beginning of the 1800's in order to conclude itself to the times puts into effect them: if customs, behaviors, mentalit?i ollow varying, there?uttavia one modalit?pecifica that invests great part of they, conferring omogeneit?' temetica inspiration to various storys, and?l difference between the premises and the outcomes, the waits of the personages and turns out you of their actions, insomma the side of the imprevedibilit?he conditions the destiny of single cos?ome the that one the author speaks in premised della"contrad-dizione" as "strange rule of life sets up the man", subject to the whim of the case who amuses itself to turn upside down plans, hopes, habits radicate. costatazione would remain a simple declaration self-criticism, if it were not translate, in the alive body of the writing, in one compartecipazione to the disappointments, to of the personages, if it were not converted, as in effects it happens, in a deep one taken of conscience and in an affectionate adhesion to those suffered vicissitudes tie with the small imagined world un tie that exactly the ironico separation unconsciously stretches to disguise that constitutes the vital nucleus goddesses wefts of "History of Pescocostanzo", narrated with much limpidezza of style and sobriet?rguta of language, to traspare in filigree the vicissitude of an entire one comunit?he evolve from the "times of Franceschiello" to the postmodern age cos?etta, pointed out to the Two thousand also in the constant adhesion to a defined place and a time, they contains a valence pi?mpia, universal meaning, is the cordial message lived, from the domestic memories and the pi?ari affections of the author. it has written in the conclusive story that d?l tito it to the volume: "the game of the life and the dead women, the joy and the?ntico pain how much the man, its essence remains invariata. only the rules changes with the passage of the time. WHO SA' in the architrave of its thought and opened wide in the spirit would have carved also he ' one window pi?mpia towards the world ". that the time leviga and the lived experience rischiara, s?he seems brings antichi, small history acclimatized to native Pescocostanzo paese with to episodes of the Promises Spouses or of the Don Chisciotte, child of quattro-cinque years from my father narrates to you like fables to me its words, simple and picked, then red-establish the existing chronological distance between we, that he was of sessant' years, and they made it to assume sembianze of grandfather father loving pi?he attempt to entertain the son or to distrarlo from a whim while a varied and real world s' he went revealing to the look. When then, for its exceptional one longevit? validit?fisica and intellectual, such distance to sembr?ccorciarsi (for thirties years still we had a happy relationship father-son) notary publics always, in its narration of historical facts or other vicissitudes, the amalgam of a critical spirit and a fine humour, by means of which the human element of the facts, like leaked from one advanced semplicit? wisdom, appeared outside from particular, in the its authentic value, always current sure that many of those anecdotes had been narrate to you, this time said firsthand, to he child, in same the our house of Pescocostanzo, not many years after unit?' Italy, when they went dissolving itself in the changed and changing city oral report in order to enter in the history of the daily paper and mentalit?in the great part still to write news of happened facts nearly two centuries ago and recalls to you in these pages (as the carbonari motions of 1821) me are committees mediated only from the voice of my father who to the end of the century nineteenth knew the spectators, if not the actors, of events. But the sense of those narrations, the spirit with which the personages were made living to the end of the XVIII and in XIX the century, dipanarsi of those storys in the domestic frame, and, then, the memory and the interpretation of collective vicissitudes and facts my personal (seppur never happened) that also they put head to Pescocostanzo, all these factors insomma, constitute of sure a particular historical sequence pages in two parts, scandite from the passage from the narrations heard to the lived one, to me it seems meaningful that it renders in sure leggibile way the destiny and monster the spirit of a small champion, but of umanit?cos?ome that city small, coffer riposto of culture and of it is offered to the student which risen of model for the analysis of historical, artistic problematic pi?mpie it picks then, and one comes true, a message of knowledge that the contradiction?na strange rule of life sets up the man, only constant between the thousand variable ones of the quotidianit?identica in the substance also in changing of the ages, of the cultures and of the temperaments of the men who that rule must. Contradiction of facts, destinies, thoughts and often of desires here the uncertainty and the doubt, the fears and the hope that the maxim expresses "CHI KNOWS", carved in the stone of Pescocostanzo from an ancient hand from the tear of an old one coltre, by now all toppe, the lived one of Pescocostanzo emerged from the extended one policroma of the cultivated earth borders: tawny those plowed of coolness, yellow-gold those with the stoppie of grain or oats, greens the medicai. siepi and the low walls of town-walls the diligent job and. The disposed houses and gardens in formations ordered, converging towards the church, seemed to want to entrust them gasp it you of hope and faith of the inhabitants, which s' ergeva hermit messenger to the sky the bell tower with the high cuspid, the banderuola, the ball and the cross. the coltre it did not have and still today it does not have pi?oppe and slarga in a great mantle, green and plan, spread between the cerchia of mounts. from these Don images Archangel it was induced to serene thoughts: the affection for the native place had replaced in he from much time the love for the men and. The ends of the panorama, the hunchbacks of mounts, the forest forelocks that s' insinuated in the canaloni, in sure sense had acquired in the mind its meant and the lost value from other sembianze pi?ntime, faded by now. Those places were l?fedeli, to relieve it with their aspect. Perci?oleva to make long walks coming down in goes them, in that plain, species in the late summer and in the beautiful days of autumn it fascinated the silent and, own powerful solitudine of the place in that season, than quietava the fears and spasimi that they accompany the solitudine of the man between the other men it caught up one of the necks that surpass the grassy extended flat hardly and it embraced it with the look, Don Archangel did not perceive pi?l annoyance and the sourness that far away held it during the permanence in bleated country of some flock dispersed in the immense pasture, the violaceo color of the colchici that they dulled between the grass by now yellowed and slow snodarsi of its thoughts and its memories to wanting to widen that small world in which s' it was narrow and to consolidate of staff rising, inner dominion, recalled to the mind the images of the metamorphoses that that one goes endured them in the other seasons. of full moon, with the serene sky and the candor of the snow that reflects luminosit?unare, a day with a small sun seemed to it of living and cold in via of spegnersi. plain it assumed a swampy aspect with flocks of aquatic birds us of step. It loved little, perhaps, the aspect of that campaign in the late spring when without warning myriads of primule bloomed, of ranuncoli and above all of narcissuses, it calls to you in country rosesughe perch? children sucked the contained nectar drop in the goblet of these flowers dividend to met?e corolle. the yellow pollen remained attacked to sides of the mouth and on cheeks paffute. they picked large makes us in order to adorn the icone and the altars in the churches and of those flowers badly did not appeal to and procurava of head crossing in that season the prateria: from mounts they were come down fast, swollen clouds that had been rejoined around and of a feature s' it was found alone, between clouds, in a bloomed Prato metamorphosis to the age of the falciatura and of the collection of the hay, when to observe it from far away affinch?e voices and the noises dumb horses loaded with three large hay nets remained, slow proceeding of the wagons he hauls you from the buoi and of the slitte that they slipped on the grass, the small men who muovevano in the bizzarri riquadri of the small letters propriet?pettinati in varied towards from the falciatura and the rakes, it seemed ants give birth from the earth that, after the collection of the supplies, to the earth would be returned in their lairs leaves prateria and of its vital cycle. Archangel perpetuated cos?ella memory memories and images of facts of which had been in those places nearly always protagonist hermit: one day of fortunate hunting for the bravura of one its brace of segugi. the feelings tried during one "mail to the lepre" when of evening, alert piece of real estate and in the wait of the game heard the noises of the forest that s' addormentava like those of a body that is prepared for the sleep of the incipient night, a large animal avvent?u a lepre that it had hardly pulled down, spar?ncora in that direction and race to see of that what. Trov?n' real Aquila that it still held clawed the small. It made to imbalsamare cos? two animals and conserv?l trophy in one room. An other time, by now not pi?iovane, while it rested seated on a pebble between the first bushes del forest, saw to sbucare gives it to spot disowned men, dressed in forestiera Foggia and armed, which seeing it urlarono:." Don Archangel cap?he was be a matter of briganti, in country also had felt some to speak. Pretending to obey to the received order avvent?invece, in one run to rompicollo gi?er the last cliffs del. they went off, sure that the fiumicciattolo to it that it was of forehead in any case. Don Archangel, instead, arrived to the torrent spicc?n jump, sure the pi?ungo of its life, and was from the other part continu? to run, sent?ietro to s?rla and rallent?si, rifle shots then pi?ulla. still volt? it did not see no impossible one to repeat its jump, unloaded against of he you arm and ingiurie. its proverbiale thinness and the fright had it. From then the lands-surveyor, in tracing the maps of propriet?n the that one contrada, ritrassero to you, with ingenuous but expressive images, a man in. Gustosa report of the same country and useful indication. Archangel returned from these its walks walking on the carpet of the hay threads fallen from the wagons loaded on the cobbled paving with the rustic ways and. It was often stopped to watch these antichi manufactured with the peg scale supported to the door of the straw pile mails up on the facade in company of or two strabiche finestrelle and the door of the stable habitually opened wide of day it seemed agresti lari in attended protecting patient and of the return from the fields of their abitatori quadrupeds. in country it less covered the attended roads and caught up its palace of it it opened the portone and quickly if it closed it behind, like rejecting the looks and the thoughts of its concittadini that it felt against of s?Se it were due to feel with its same orecchie, although ammantate from good ways and hidden from an outer smile, knowing in which, unwillingly, s' imbatteva and in order to have them ravvisate pi?rude, even if less explicit, in the behavior and the ways of others to he less. It held by now for sure of being object of rising of public prosecution for that the malvagit?mana innata one has always considered colpa:.Tutto ci?er he was unjust and bitter. in house it travelled over again the way of its life: it seemed that always it had been carried out on an obliged distance from the circumstances on which little or null they had been able to influence its volont? its decisions years were subdolamente roll one to you on the other the events that seemed not to have to leave traces in the moment in which they happened, later on, with a driven in chain of causes and effects (talora remote first, but it puts into effect them and unavoidable the others) had forced it to an acceptance supina of its destiny wealth, than in realt? it did not seem such and instead he appeared opulent to the wretch and to the eager ones who encircled it, it was alone the result of many had rendered heir only of the familiar patrimony while it attended to Naples the gymnasium and the grammar school, its house came. One to siblings and sisters, hit dal badly, became delle larve human and they extinguished blood, al which the first times nobody had given importance but that then it generated immediate the anguish, to giving to the start alla disease. which followed slow and inexorable passed its then. Cos?n house was remained single, with a iroso and decrepit uncle who rendered testimony with regular s?nicamente. Then it was forced to interrupt the studies and to be interested of the administration of the familiar patrimony avvert?e difficolt? trouble of such tasks and very soon panic to feel incapable to affrontarle. years happy and spensierati of its studies had dreammed, instead, to become large lawyer or doctor famous, as those professionals assert to you that she had known to Naples, of which, in virt?elle its signorili origins, had. Then one had made firm purpose to achieve also he bachelor and to remain to exercise in the understood one them. The proceeds of the job, that it imagined lauti, to which the unearned income of its quota familiar patrimony would have joined, would have concurred to it to lead a full life and wealthy, just like that one of the good one societ?he it had known and that it had ignited its young person. The obsession of "roba" and the saving, making at all costs and always "economy", the avarice, only criteria that regulated the course of the parental home, had to remain in order always excluded from its. It remembered with misfortune the continuous one to lesinare of its parents: every expense, ancorch?odesta, were always considered one sperpero and endured like a salasso. the payments, those inevitables, came delay the pi?ossibile to you, also when the money was l?ronto in the drawer like if holding to you guarded it some day still it had been able germogliarvi. estimated always lean and, for principle, systematically curtailed from abilit?dall' the obsession of "roba", that it rendered grama the life and that perhaps had been responsible of the greater misfortunes been necessary to its family, rattristato infancy and the adolescence of Don. If from children they refused a pietanza for a whim, or had turned upside down for latte carelessness one ciotola of, to the strict reproachs s' they added to strange comments and adages that then were seemed borings to it single attitudes of the adults, but then to it they had revealed propriet? of the well-being. Cos?i had many admonished times that which in house in order to save had been nei periods s' "were eaten bread and salted", than "dry bread and wine vinegar makes the economy della house" and to dampen the enthusiasms and the illusions for their future programs, the principle had repeated it until alla trouble: ", merlons. When Slowly adolescent had asked new dressing that favoured its vanit?iovanile, it had been object of bitter reproachs and it they had been made profezie of a future buio: ch?i that step would be ended on lastrico to ask the elemosina as it was happened to many other getlteman spendthrifts of the country (and here gi?ilastrocche of names and last names of people ended badly, died and buried from at least a century). that "Homo too much late sine and that account of its sconsideratezza would have become, and only when of the future creditors they would be it flings to you on its patrimony and they would have removed to it all," even the meat under the language ". of this risen of surgical operation and its executor, than sure it must have had something of rapace and grifagno in the aspect, s' it was then fixed in the mind of the adolescent Archangel. from piece threshold of old age, just when it would have intentional to have a relationship pi?ranco and immediate with the world that encircled it, had to notice that for he such relationship constantly was mediated from "roba". perch?er living, against not only every its ancient desire, could not make other confidence that on its roba (and had to hold very knits it between the hands, ch?a propriet?uanto devout? immense much pi?are inconsistent and it seems to crumble itself from a part while it is tried to resist it and to adorn it from the other. but above all perch?hiunque it approached it always from fargli had demanded of qualche.cosa: it was alone through inevitable, and perci?dioso, for being able to approach that one risen of warehouse of assets, which evidently. He was, insomma, the only obstacle that frapponeva between such assets and their possessory futures grandsons, n?ltri next relatives, that they are those that aspire with eagerness. And to show cupidigia they were not the diseredati ones, true poor of the country the these seemed satisfied of carit?he he had given order were to wish in a generalized manner with obvious ingordigia its assets, or one of they in particular, was individuals of the rank that pi?li succeeded hateful: that one of new the rich ones and the faccendieri publics, to which joined the stuolo of compares and comari that nearly every day dulled like fungi. to give of the right to it, they evoked with amazing vivezza of particular, as they were happened yesterday, the cresime and the baptisms to which the tie of affinit?che put head instead was far in the time and the generations, seppur never. And they had also to hold it for rimbambito perch?anche when lie could easy have refuted one they or have refuted a conflicting narration, he, al overflow della trouble and del annoyance taceva or offered dei."distaccati and separated, before to find the time way, insomma, people had appeared that with sfrontatezza showed with he a familiarit?he never had existed, give which she drew it presupposed for having in eredit?na house or an adjacent land col just or whichever other employed good communal was violino of large pregio that pi?rande the goddesses its siblings had bought to Naples menando, then, virtue del precious purchase. The several employee in ways had tried to come some in possession, foss' also a.tito it of loan receptions, when v' he was invited like musico, renewed with garbo the demand to Don Archangel, adducing also the good reason that a similar instrument had to be played in order to avoid that it lost strength itself irrimediabilmente. demanded, per?non never was esaudite and Don Archangel continu? to hold. Those that did not have some reason in order to hope in some slice of its eredit?trovavano anch' they way it makes yourself you live with he with a immancabile reference to the roba and for ricordargli that sooner or later it would be escaped to it of hand. Indeed that gi?na part gliene. Cos?ndavano to riferirgli, pretending affectionate understanding of the own weakness and the impotence of its et?vanzata one, than while remembered to it, than during the night they had felt of the noises in its granary or in its pantry and that then they had seen with the own eyes the ladri that they carried via grain bags and sporte entire of informing supplies Don Archangel did not give the time to end the story interrupted their querulousnesses with a cold." that it left them interdetti, adding then endured: "Who you want that the ladri derubino, if who the roba ce does not have it times pi?piccio: "Sure, from you that you do not possess nothing ladri that the such reasons also had ordered to us to the domestic servants not to give on loan some tool of house, like in the countries suol is made with environs, perch?on could sopportar of the lacked restitution. the reason of such omission the clear and clean intuiva like if it had felt to offer the words: "as well as to he this thing by now servants pi?intrinseco was not reason in order to consider it gi?orto, making to feel it like a defunct one that a temporary licence from the aldil?difesa passed in that house of" roba ", insomma, for Don Archangel it had become, still pi?he one principle issue, last the its vital motivating force, the test. They returned to the mind with the aura of profezia the those ancient words: "When the meat even removes you." It had opporsi to this destiny, to prevent that compisse desire of how many, ignoring its umanit? estimating to the cent its substance, they wanted to undress it of all its assets and ridurlo in a hostel of mendicit?morto to all the civil effects this state of mind trov?on the Giancrisostomo, young person and facoltoso getlteman its neighbor of house, when the and? to make visit was widening the family palace, that it was placed between two dirupati alleys, with the purchase and the demolition, one after the other, of the adjacent casipole. Enterprise that had the scope to catch up with the body of the factory one of the two main roads that ran to mount and to they of the two alleys goes would be constructed a facade of beautiful architecture, ennobled from a wide portale, that she would have in sure sense concluded and conferred a harmonic aspect to. Otherwise this would be appeared incompiuto and monco. Don Giancrisostomo not to pot?cquistare the last house perch?l owner, a host, had its store to us and it did not have intentional to yield it to no pact mount, between the palace in widening and the main road, to the point in which they were the jobs remained only a very small barn, that it was just of forehead to the palace of Don Archangel and of its propriet?la family of Don Giancrisostomo and that one of Don Archangel v' had been in other ignited times arguments for issues of eredit? an ancient rust was then always remained, even if the original reasons of the contese s' were lost in. In the last few decades indifference had taken the place of the argument and the two families simply had ignored jobs, per?Don Giancrisostomo for the purchase of the manufactured small was tried to the thought to o from he those ancient issues would have increased, and not little, the gi?ota difficolt?' to entertain relationships to us because of its scorbutico character. but consider?' et?vanzata some, riflett?he between they two, personally, in bottom, was not never run offensive word or. Not there was indeed some reason perch?ra they. Moreover, any sum of Don money Archangel had asked to it for that small, malridotto building he would have paid it rec?quindi, to make visit to Don taken Archangel account with garbo of the health and congratul?er the green vecchiezza that still promised one long life and heals. Parl?oi of the immancabili troubles that the works in progress and the laborers the procuravano. to make work that it added honor in such a way to the contrada eliminating many different poor and the sometimes restless ones catapecchie and removing also. It would have appreciate also the council of Don Archangel on the development of the jobs, if it had intentional to have the compiacenza to give some to it, knowing its experience and its signorile taste. the visitor perorava with abilit?a its cause, Don Archangel, than very the reason of the visit imagined, went considering with crescent bitterness that costui pushed from the interest, it had intentional to forget of a feature one hundred years of arguments, of causes in the courts, dispetti mutual and of subjects of gossip and hour it came to tendergli the hand as they were two old friends who not. Once again one addressed to us to he for its roba and only for it: it had lived pi?el been necessary time perch?a factory caught up its barn that one was the single reason of the interest for its person. Waits that were made it the demand for sale holding fixed on the visitor its iridi you try from the old age without to betray in some way its feelings inespressivit?i that face read a weakness condition, of senile inertia that its words had gi?into and rammaric?i to have themselves feared a lot that encounter, to have it cos? along sent back without a valid reason. it was perci?i?ranco and explicit in formulating the demand for a prompt one. Archangel did not answer to it endured still remained with the hands supported on the ginocchia, cos?ome had been from the beginning of the talk, inspir?rofondamente air, somewhat pushed the busto towards the espalier of the chair helping itself with the arms like if its shoulders they had had to resist a new and pi?ravoso cargo, then said calm and bitter: "Six come from single me. It serves to you for being able some to you to exit in carrozza, and manufactured small?ncora l?ai our days, to testify dispetto. the time after some laborers who of good mattino oed to the job, passing in front of the palace of Don Archangel, found to earth the bow of violino. They understood that by now it could not be pi?estituito to its owner violino was first of the assets of Don the Archangel to go dispersed with its cavalcatura of don Tommaso preceded of little steps that one of Zeferino on. The mule knew the road that after some miles would have led back it to the stable, covered many times hour with the saddleback like cavalcatura of the canonical one when these hour with the pack-saddle like beast of burden oed to Sulmona for the cure of its interests, directed to the markets and the fairs of that one citt?Tommaso, the fixed look to the path that snodava in climb between the orecchie of the mule, noticed alone the ritmico raising itself and lowering itself of the head of the animal, sincrono with the motion of legs, than it gave a feeling to it of incedere discontinuous on the land, while the continuous movement and rocking that through the dorsal thorn it was transmitted to all the body he invited to think. Those were thought fragments that, by now for a long time, upsot serenit?i don the serenit?nvero Tommaso. never caught up fully although it had always yearned for it like one be if not of true and own grace, at least of gathering. From when it had become parish priest of it it had perceived still pi?cuto the need for being able to turn all the entire its energies to the cure of the spirits in the parish being worked to compose with infinite patience, like were to weave of a mosaic, the contradictions and the paradoxes that the life daily put to it under the eyes, the opposite thoughts that of it gushed and the feelings and the emotions that at times the ribollivano in the mind. its original vocation had lead one, ch?nzi in giovent?e its inclinations they were very various and in order priest makes itself had made renunciations talora to wear the dress to talare assigned its ultimogenito condition to it of in the numerous familiar compages and the necessit?i to avoid that some ecclesiastical benefits passed in enjoyment to an other branch of the stock those its destiny, however, it they had helped desire not to betray the expectations of the parents, implicit in many they speeches and the custom of the family with the religious functions, cos?pesso recurrent in several the day, from the early riser to the Hail Mary, the bells of the near church. Of other part in house v' it was such quantit?i ecclesiastical books, of screw of knows to you, of collections of famous omelie belonged to previous preside generations, than the juvenile readings of don Tommaso they had been carried out nearly exclusively on similar topics of moral edificazione and. The volumes with the works of the classics and those of right, written for the pi?n Latin or in Greek, being in minor number had not been able, perhaps, to attract the attention of the young reader. The little books of mathematics that were understood to it to you between the hands, then, were seem to you endured to Tommaso abstruse and cabalistic, as well as that it had wondered (would not know to say if in perfect good faith) perch?on were consider magic books you and as such it numbers to you between those it definitively prohibits you from the Church and puttinges to the Index of the books. of information, povert?i the ideas that of were the consequence and the mitezza of the character had maintained, cos?nei its I proposed one to you be of inertia that was gained easy when the moment reached to receive the Sacred Orders then, in the implementation of the sacerdozio and species in the confessore office had culture rendered it impacciato, don Tommaso, beside that patient lavor?di to overwhelm own gaps, had been applied in readings, was dipped in meditations and had tried of cavar costrutti of general value from the daily experience, living it with critical spirit sure time, widening the horizon of its thought, was been worth to dargli one greater emergency and sometimes, in the daily exercise one. But now that it was ahead in the years, it perceived to times pi?a times less clean, a lack of interest for matters and tasks of which before s' it occupied with lena and for which to times it was capitato to it also to afflict. From some time men and things they appeared to it under a various light, in shapes, expressions and means to you various. In the leisure moments, than the canonical one before it avoided, and that instead hour often tried, this new inner world seemed to it that sprouted from ancient and deep essences of the mind its to possess something that was pure of less immediate perception to its senses, but pi?oncreta in its mind. a need to seize concepts that vivificassero in he a less formal faith and pi?scetica. that they rendered it to pi?hiare sure intuitions that intravvedeva present and deep in the thought of the authors of some books (hour of it when read also of profane) and in the same ones it was an event to the appearance of all the insignificant one to put in prominence the discordanza between its state of abstraction mind and the realt?uotidiane, and, old and the new perception of a fact, by now both uncertain ones were overlapped, don Tommaso was picked from a trepidation and an anxiety that felt various from the same colleagues of the Understood one it of the Collegiata. of some it had always admired the austera life and the great doctrine, and with they it maintained relationships of timid courtesy and respect without to feel itself some for ci?miliato. of others instead the crassa could not sopportare and very pasciuta ignorance then, to contrariarlo was events that in country provoked mormorii, maldicenze or "scandal", like frankly spiattellavano the right-minded people, of which was protagonist a priest before, to the sung putting, it had stizzito one of such facts, also perch?on it was successful to withhold a smile of participation to the ironico mormorio that of a feature s' was levato between the faithfuls panegyric that with great fervor recited from the pulpit, condemning the lussuria and exalting the purity, a canonical one that, as all knew, had had a son from one woman known like "Passover of the three ducati" it showed to be astonished hearing from which pulpit it came foretells it knew the proverbio well, then often recurrent: "Ago those that the priest says and not what ago." But the things took a fold various when Passover, sure contravvenendo to precise orders of its lover, pens?i not to lose the putting that Sunday and just during it foretells (to that point the people thinks that the putting is "still good") entr?n church. Who saw the woman ammicc? he gave of elbow to the neighbor, comprised who endured the reason of the tramestio does not toast if of inform?ma the oratore that they give the high of the pulpit had noticed Passover between first, yields endured account of the cause of the mormorio and become red in face, s' impappin?perse the thread of its to say forbito and in order to conclude in some way the begun phrase, than between the other she exalted the fedelt?oniugale, usc?on one. Expression that they then give entr?el to jargon of the same country pi?ecente and personal reason of cruccio had been for don Tommaso that one to have assumed like domestic servant and Zeferino. muleteer wizard and to fattucchiere, however of correspondent, foss' also of quart' order, the hidden forces of the malignant one. How much was enough, and ve n' it was d'.avanzo, perch?li other servitori of the family, the environs and even simple knowing of don Tommaso sentissero in must be criticized its decision and to ironize quite on that one risen of strange society between two representatives of the opposite powers of aldil?canto its it had only meant to give honest job pover' to a man who glielo had asked showing a preventive giving up the probable thought refusal that, even though practical Zeferino advised to someone against the malocchio, these were sideboards and uses in the end accustom them to those times near poor people and of all the innocuous ones. It, don Tommaso, had not never had way to complain itself of the service that Zeferino lend: high, allampanato, with the brache tightened to the cintola from one wraps that a time had been of color red, the short jacket and the cap to cone of the peasants, was always punctual. Muleteer from always, had great familiarity with the animals: he approached himself like not seen a puledro ombroso and while the rabboniva with the voice had to it gi?tretto around to the head the cavezza. with little simple gestures placed the pack-saddle to a mule and he balanced the load or he attacked some. While he seemed that he rested, in a song of the stable. Tommaso had not never picked it in practical or attitudes suspiciones of witchcraft and, after the repeated ones dinieghi of Zeferino to the explicit questions that had turned to it in purpose, had not asked it pi?ulla. a lot in a lot had to still rimbeccare someone that did not lack to make with he references the hidden powers of the new domestic servant to distogliere don Tommaso from the thoughts in which was absorbed, on the path of the Pendinelle, this time was just Zeferino that vociando from its cavalcatura recommended it to hold short the bridle to the mule, perch?oteva to scare itself together for abrupt the folate ones of the wind who s' was levato and that, to the inicipiente sleet, did not promise null of bond for the rest of time s' and?ettendo al worse and, when the two viandanti had caught up a quota pi?lta del they route, the snow had gi?operto the land and the wind threaded ice needles nelle folds goddesses they capes. Sant' Antonio was picked from torments that at times it removed the sight and. Zeferino affianc?a its cavalcatura to that one of don Tommaso and walking of conserve cerc?i to avoid that the animals sinked in the pits that the snow had overwhelmed or that s' ingolfassero in distant produced cumuli you still give a lot from the country. With the beautiful time and a sent sailing point unattainable goal would not have caught up it before two hours cos?ra one. The only place in which sheltering themselves and finding shelter, to that point, was the Eremo di Sant' Antonio who between upsets some and the encircled other intravvedeva from its. The vain small opened to the viandanti, icy and perusal, concurred alone the shelter from the wind and the snow shaken from brividi of cold, the hands and the feet intirizziti. tent?i to walk on and gi?er the stambugio, but the legs muovevano in jerks, nearly independently from its volont?e the feet did not perceive the contact with. The storys of fellow countrymen picked from snow storms returned it to the mind. Little not having smarrito the road also to short distance from the country, had passed the night to the bivouac and there was who in such circumstances. Torn?n the mind the story of the three goldsmiths that picked from torments, an evening, while they returned from a business trip, was resolutions to survive until the mattino instituting one risen of courier between they: going ahead and behind turn between two points of reference to voice capacity had prevented to it smarrir and to remain frozen every good account it was between four walls. The snow storms between those mounts, per?possono to last to times also pi?iorni. these thoughts were turned in its mind, and before that it recites it of the prayers it alleviated the anguish that accompanied them, Zeferino avvicin?uardandolo the careful one like to scrutare its thoughts with those just its celestial and fanciulleschi eyes fuor of place in that dark face, marked from the hards work. Don Tommaso pens?he had something of pi?a storm?orte, much before it stops or there are of the schiarite. to before." Tommaso said don, like in order taking heart and to reassure it, in realt?er cutting short and avoiding too much confidential attitudes of its companion of travel in that surf word and torn?ui its passes remaining ritto in feet supported to the wall of the wrapped vain small in the cape. But after some minuteren and after to have open the uscio, from which entr?n turbinio of snow and to have I toast it richiuso, like if with that gesture it had taken without warning courage, addressed to don Tommaso saying: "Vossignoria, don Toma', sapete that in country they say that I fiut?l danger but rifiut?i to mean the sense of the words of Zeferino. sper?i not to have very comprised. Said cos?l domestic the time to conclude." But Zeferino had to be interrupted, don Tommaso fulminava it with the look while it was marked with three crosses, on the forehead, sulle. diniego and of sentence that exited it of mouth, then, they were cos?ronte and fixed that to it seemed pronounced from an other person, very pi?ecisa and Attese therefore that ira the sbollisse, calm with an enormous effort of volont was prevailed? therefore, in order to prevent of other proposals, spieg? Zeferino that all ci?ra mortal sin single them pensarlo. that very pi?ella poor life of the body, was that one of the spirit to keep itself from account and that, in any case, never it would have taken. Zeferino torn?l its corner and remained to along silent. within of s?on Tommaso when it thought to have rejected every initiative of. "To have like assistant in similar circumstances a fatuo that it believes also of being equipped of supernatural powers to address directly to he, expressed to high voice its convincement that not was other to make that to wait for one schiarita and it appeared firm in this purpose: one was in the antemeridian hours, the family waited for it, seeing the encounter one slips pulled ahead from the buoi as it was always made in those. mostr?ssolutamente incredulo on possibilit?he the such evenienze they were taken place, and, after some minute, without to move from its corner, azzard?"Non I said so much for noi.Noi we could also wait for beasts tomorrow are digiune, outside of the stable begins? to repeat, with making of who speaks between s?come a capricious child who has stopped to have fear of the threatened punishment: "If you said the three words turchine within the hat." Don Tommaso from the other head of the room interrupted every a lot its prayers with of the stizziti ones: "You are zitto." And, after some minuteren, of I always send back to pi?itto the mormorio one of Zeferino: "It thinks next to your spirit if of six able one cos?Dio does not want, you straight go to hell that one was perhaps its last hour, unexpected in verit?anche if many times. It had always thought that you aura of great mystery would have been prepared with gathering and Sent?' that accompanies the idea of the dead women when?resente it in the thought pi?he. Cominci?d to perceive then, with sgomento, a strange feeling of possibilit?ei comparisons of the supernatural and the magical one of which, perhaps, just l?ccanto to he it was a tangible element. in which. This ennesima contradiction of its life terrorizz?sent?n the urgent need to go away from that place. "Perhaps one schiarita is beginning disse. hour port here. And?uori, torn?ubito, aiut?on Tommaso to. And here that a still pi?mpetuoso wind, but n?reddo, n?aldo, wraps for a moment the travellers e.don Tommaso does not believe to the suoi.Ges?siamo to the doors of the country, is to the Hill of Saint Maria esclama. in front of the church of Thanks. Zeferino: costui it was to uncovered head with the hat in hand, under the snow that. "Don Toma' fece these in excuse tone. the story of this supernatural and diabolic rescue, than in the country run of mouth in mouth becoming rich always pi?i particular prodigiosi, avvelen?li last years of life to don Tommaso: its recise refutation of cos?antasiosa and absurd gossip, were not worth to rintuzzare and cancelling in the public opinion the effect of the furbeschi ammiccamenti of Zeferino. which, when it was spoken about that fact, it had to also defend its good name of wizard and wedding of Don Cross, the primogenito one, would have had the pomp and the pump that. The opulent wealth of the family would have been. The lands of Puglia, fertile latifondi in the Tavoliere, grondavano still oil, grain, wine, herds, wools, cheeses. if the factors had often spoken about lean harvests, of morie of the cattle, if every so often they had carried, with rispettosa subjection, obligations to sign to the Master and some time s' it was due to cut and to sell some slice of that one pingue propriet?"solo for being able to decide at the moment of liquid money") all ci?on modified the tenor of that opulenza, that it seemed had fixed stable dwelling between walls them of old Colajanni. house often remembered the festini given to the age of theirs giovent? those still pi?ntichi, splendid, record to you in annals of the familiar report. If they narrated some mirabilia for the number of invites to you, for the splendor of the jewels and the dresses that the getlteman had ordered to Naples or quite to great sartorie outside of the Reame, for the number of the botticine of valuable wines and the enormous ones quantit?i foods and of dolciumi prepare you for the occasion: in the days that preceded the festivity, not only in the pantries, but also on it goes tables to you in many rooms of the palace, were prepared hampers of pizzelle and macaroons, cakes of pan of Spain and creams and, to second of the recurrence, colustre. The duration of such festivities, then, varied to second of the age in which they were carried out: if capitavano in the winter months, in the course of snowing, they could protrarsi for an entire night, or a night a day and an other night when the knights were attention to lock dark of the windows during inebriante the memory of the polche well and of quadrilles danced to the sound of. of memory in memory, from storys, the observance of uses and customs of which s' the original motivations were lost, from the familiar report of the cavavano Colajanni not other memories that of dissolutezze and sperperi, especially, in occasion of wedding, baptisms and funerals in fact, were a good pretest in order sfoggiare pump and to raise to the family oral and written sperticati praises on great tables posted up between black curtains on the portone of the palace and the portale of the church had in occasion of the festivit?i knows of which the family to you thought the representative and special mandataria for their offices lands to testify the right to such standard of living, that was thought senz' other natural one, it publishes reason, if never ve of it had been need, not only were the lands of Puglia, but it was l?l palace gentilizio, one of the pi?elli of the country, and the coat of arms, painting on the time of the androne, the shops of the carrozza and carved on the altar of patronage in church. In verit?sarebbe be appreciate what if it had been able to demonstrate, papers to the hand, authentic possession of tito it the nobiliare, or that the Colajanni was the branch cadet, at least transplanted some century before in country, of one of the great and noble lineages of the Reame. it would have increased by far their prestige in the comparisons of the other rich families of the country with which the contest of affectation of the greater wealth was, and remained then, always open and pendant would finally have replaced that generic one of "baron" of which insignito came, for popular decree, the main personage of those families weel-off people, with as well as greater consent how much pi?repotente, bislacco. gave for sure that the documents of such nobleman origin had to be found in the family archives that, while, in several the modernizations of the palace were. L?iacevano cases and sporte of books of every type and format batteries of volumacci in folio binds to you in parchment, meal of the rats in their days of lean. "papers entire sheep" that returned profits to the boys in order to make glue and aerostatic balloons in occasion of the sullodate festivities, and much it makes us of "old papers" that nobody pi?ra in a position to reading quand' also gliene had come wants those to it gentiluomini had read to them, instead, they would have uncovered with how much hard work, parsimony and shrewdness those they patrimonies had been accumulate to you and with how much wisdom, then, it trains to you. They would have known that those ancestors, craftsmen of their wealth, were in kind agents or local representatives of the feudali getlteman against which they had had to fight hardly, with resources to the Direction Room of Highly summarized and the long causes in the courts, in order to free from burdens to me and you skip theirs begins them propriet?gli notarial deeds, the letters and the tiny reports of the unearned incomes, were in that makes of old papers jetties us in attic, to they time folded, tied and riposte with cure. which brought to plico margin del, with abbreviated words metallic sheaths the lauree of those people (lawyers, doctors, notary publics) that they had acquired those old and reietti books, rising cos?primi della stirpe, the basic step della social scale that?uello della culture. in happy union with the economic well-being, it had conferred to the family for approximately two centuries a clear authentication of nobilt?he prescinded from enamels. She would put account to study the causes of the ruin that in the arc of average century, between the end of the XVIII and the first quarter of the XIX, was involved many of the rich families of Pescocostanzo, but this not?ompito our explanation of those facts, however, ce will give to them, for less for the family Colajanni, Don Ignazio and its aunt Rosina. Woman zitella perch?a family had prevented the wedding to them with a magistrate of. Costui had asked it in spouse with much love and pars dignit?e just perci?el wedding not if it were made some null indeed, perch?on similar wedding would be come down some steps of. Lands to the sun wanted to us, and many, for expecting to the women of the Colajanni family. or at least a title authentic nobiliare it, and better still one and. Sudditi model of the Borbone, that it interrogated pennaruli the intellectuals of its reign, the Colajanni extended their aversion also to the ink pot and to the ink symbols of the attivit?ntellettuali and the acquired culture with the study, superfluous things, and even disonorevoli, for possessory we must take care of the wedding of Don Cross, that they urge prepared to you was renewed the decoration of knows them and of the nail head who were to the noble plan of the palace where the wedding would have been celebrated was renewed the garments of the servit? the luminarie. doubled sfarzosi programmed the festeggiamenti recently did not seem that it was succeeded to exceed, in originalit?il at least cerimoniale of the weddings happened in the families of the other rich getlteman of the country day of the wedding, per?l' idea nacque. were caught up fully, were made to know to the servit?he for the spectators of the wedding corteo were in Serb a rich surprise diffused various voices but all equally sure in a flash: Cantine.macch?e the pantries, would have been opened the public not as soon as it was exited of house carrozza of the spouses the same spouses to distribute manciate of silver coins. Cos?a crowd that usually made wing to the wedding cortei of the getlteman this time was double or triple and s' assiep?nsiosa to sides of the portone, withheld to When, it opens wide you the clappers, it appeared the carrozza of the spouses with majestic a shooting to four, people withheld the breath dumbfound from much magnificenza, but, above all, in order is ready to seize the occasion of the ignoto, but sure and rich gift that was in order to receive coachman was left over to the step finch?poco beyond the portone, had not caught up a feature of road in climb, with the cobbled paving pi?he elsewhere. Here the coachman without warning sferz? incit?on the voice the horses these, that it seemed did not attend other, with a refuse and a release. From their hooves schizzarono via, then, large luccicanti silver irons, opportunely fixed with a single nail. the crowd cap?url? s' accapigli?uzzolando to earth in the contesa of the iron and the nail. Cos?lle wedding of Don Cross was assured long-lasting reputation in the city report and of the circondario. I toast, on the spouses in travel of wedding to Naples, ran malevole voices and s' innesc?n pettegol?che it was involved in short all the right-minded people of. It was said that the things end from the first night were not, then, gone just well between the spouses who an other time, to anzich?ormire content beside the fresh moglie, Don Cross had aroused it in the cuor of the night having expected that it accompanied it to go around of Naples in carrozza while it played the mandolino and that, to the categorical refusal of she, "the gallinaccio andasse urlando for all house. the far?ccompagnato one from." In realt?l flown them it was only the disposed one to accompany it, also that service to its landladies before ending in brodo. in fact, than also to the stranezze of its landladies was accustomed, in this case sent?isposto not to get lost the face in the comparisons of its connects and to offend with similar hosts to edge the honor and amor just of the category the reports they soon recalled to the memory of the relatives other stramberie of the Don young person Cross, considered until then jokes and spiritosaggini, narrated (with the intention to perhaps put on the warning the parents) from Happy who were its waiter and companion during the travels told Happy showing oneself to the window of the room of the hotel where Cross, having seen l?i forehead a barber in attended its bottega in of customers, had said of wanting to go is made to shave some moment after Don Cross was returned in contrariato room, "Fel?gli had said. the barber?comparso. gli it had answered Happy. sar?llontanato a moment for some its. But cos?icendo Happy, come near to the window, it sees that the barber was to its place. "Don Cr?dice. the barber?"Allora I go" it answers Don Cross and it comes down in road for. A moment after, per?Felice sees it to return in room imprecando: "Persancristo, Fel?il barber?comparso an other." Happy it remains perplexed, s' it points out to the window, it sees that the barber?l its place and the extension to Don Cross. Cro' dice. but when exited from the hotel, turns or the angle della. perch?uesta barber's shop is not of forehead to the portone of the hotel, but." "Persancristo, Fel?hai reason ribatte Don Cross. but this to me the barber me did not have to make. to the return from the travel of wedding the things went better. the stranezze were succeeded to the stranezze, accesses of fury, talora abundant effect libagioni, they interrupted the monotonia of one be of mental confusion, and the moglie, than at first had it removed from s?ur remaining in house, thought better party that one than to return itself some close from the parents in the country without councils, if of that they did not see reached the moment to give the final grip to the despoliation process, of the started rest gi?en, the patrimony of the Colajanni, firm?ambiali Don Cross, obligations, bills of sale, guarantees, until making to appear on uscio of house the heralds of the misery: creditors who demanded money, uscieri that pignoravano you furnish, experts who estimated the residual borders of propriet?fratello smaller of Don the Cross, than as cadet had been always held outside from every decision familiar and whichever program (if never in that family ve they were some of constructive) and that from the song its had not let to escape the occasion of gold of the living spensierato offertagli from such condition, was torn to its preferred pastimes and forced to take decisions, in verit?molto advanced to its capacit?i judgment. the phantom of the impending misery, was the determined councils of the aunt Rosina who took care itself of he, the pi?iccolo of the grandsons and only member of the family to which, between many matti, s' she could become attached saw to remain "without art n?arte", as she would have said herself if Don Ignazio to anzich?ppartenere to a family of getlteman had been one of the people. but, given the rank that excluded "the art", for he we will only say that it was remaining of all the lacking one in "part". Ignazio felt the affection that this aunt nourished for he and was the only one to comprise that the sdegnoso isolation in which she s' was reduced had had to a its et?vanzata scorbutico character n?ll', like all the others showed to think, but to its impotence to lead back to the reason. In fact, to the point in which they were the things, when Rosina Woman was in presence of Don Cross, limited itself to emphasize of the madness pressoch?ompleta with one mimica silent: sticking themselves on the forehead with a finger and indicating then the grandson, it made sign "not" with the stiff index. that it was worth a beautiful one saying clearly that of brain in that skull ve n' was not point urged from the aunt, Don Ignazio s' induced, at last, to call a doctor. which, after a short talk with Don Cross, rilasci?a clinical certification being necessary perch?osse ricoverato in of Naples ineffective cures and indefensible their cost, quickly was transferred nel lunatic asylum of Aversa and he did not know pi?ulla being remained uncertain also the date della its dead women. Ignazio then had first of all to go in Puglia. from those lands by now for a long time unearned income did not reach pi?lcuna, but only letters of massari and factors that asked payments or demanded wages and reimbursements of sums that said to have on behalf anticipated of the pi?isti master or quite to have to it Nicholas (or Nicolacchio lend them s' was, as some time was seemed to feel to call it from its same companions) the factor head of the Puglie and its accoliti ones that in the times of the spensieratezza they carried statements, papers. Colajanni was remained alive in the memory of Don Ignazio for the novit?he represented to the eyes of the small and perch?l factor always had in Serb for they some small, special gift its strange one dialetto, the different names that it gave to the objects of domestic use, the titles pompous them of the excellence, most illustrious, etc and the deep duckings that it lavished to all the members of the family and also (the boys of was sure) to some piece of furniture or drapes particularly sfarzoso of the house, when you. The lessico of those visitors, still pi?he of serbato ritual or for the circumstance, was formulated and knocked together at the moment for the emotion and the astonishment that in they the vision of the widths provoked to specchiere, of the broccati ones, the gildings and the profuse cristallerie rilucenti in the rooms of the palace. Probably also for the express calculation, perhaps exaggerated, than those rozzi individuals, eager and sly, mentally made of the venale value of those its arrival in Puglia, in the main masseria of the Colajanni, Don Ignazio, although it had preannounced with a letter its visit, did not have cordial acceptances, n?uccessivamente the facts carried out second its expectations. When the vetturino of carrozza that he had rented in order to catch up its propriet?li he had said that they were crossing the border of lands of the Colajanni, it had noticed that the horses had still trottato to along before condurlo to the goal. it was then sure that he would have had rich unearned incomes to collect very from all those of God, without to consider, then, withdraws to it to you. He remained therefore to watch the extended flat of stoppie that seemed to continue itself and to penetrate in the line of the indefinite horizon and tremula for the summery sultriness. The burning of the earth and the rare, very small houses that they were noticed, lime white women, was interrupted solo from the olive grove rectangles mails where a fold del. was various the landscape from that one of its uneven country the other pel tangle of the Appennines of summer this brullo, when that one was green. and of winter, white men of snow its mounts and greens of. Between the two regions pei the transumanti crudes oil to make the bobbin tratturi, to weave the vital weft of the pastures and to hold faith to the lucrative one reached the masseria Don not?ubito Ignazio that was much various one from like remembered it in order to us is once from child with its father: they had been pulled down the old oaks that exceeded in height the manufactured one, were fencings of new construction, trees from fruit plant around and small added bodies to you of factory that snaturavano the ancient aspect of fortilizio. A barefoot woman, intenta to giving mangime to the polli, when she saw Don Ignazio to come down from mails them, without to interrupt its to make, said Don to it Nicholas would be returned a lot pi?ardi. Rested then in earth with malagrazia the sporta that she had in hand, she lead without to say it other in the large space of. L?on Ignazio remembered that its father, seated on a seggiolone behind along table, received massari and fittavoli. then on the table gifts piled up that the factor removing them dinanzi to the master pushed man hand from a part and made to put from one woman in some hampers. Don Ignazio seated then to the place that the father, while the woman with manifest reluctance carried in house with the factor, than for Don Ignazio had occupied would be remained like one of its pi?enosi memories, happened some hours after. Nicholas reached in the late afternoon of return from one fair, to horse, followed from a wagon loaded with bags, masserizie and. Its nasal voice, that it gave to orders and instructions in the pi?tretto dialetto pugliese, reached the orecchie of Don Ignazio from the windows. Then Nicholas sal?a it, the salut?hiamandolo signorino, the same churches like in health, taken one of the chairs that were supported to the walls of the room and seated from the other part of the table of forehead to lui.si removed the hat of black felt finally, scolorito and greased and pos?La the figure of the factor it was awkward for lowland and massiccia stature with a small head and lineamenti of the face he dominates to you and nearly he cancels from two enormous moustaches spioventi grays to you that they hid the labbra and great part of. But ci?he pi?i all to Don Ignazio it gave an uneasiness sense, if not of true and own anguish, he were to have of forehead its small, clever eyes and escaping and its unpleasant voice that did not know of where exited said clearly that of unearned incomes from those propriet?on it was the case of the same one propriet?on had not been enough to pay all the mortgages of which it was burdened that if the baron, buon' spirit, had listened to its councils of transformations and investments instead always asking, the things would have gone for an other back those that the Signorino saw around, in order to avoid that it went in malora and to conserve it (not to Colajanni, but to s?tesso) he, Nicholas, had had to put all its to us and it had not been enough and s' it had had to burden of weights, than hour it was supporting single God knows with how many and which sacrifices. Don Ignazio judgment would have been necessary others capacit?i and of critic it is in order to beat again those affirmations of the factor that they were manifestly tendenziose, is in order to pick the sense and to prevent the effect of the circumlocutions, of the sentences and of the proverbi popular on "roba", with which infarciva Nicholas impietosamente the speech that sure s' was prepared for a long time and hour lead with large abilit?er reaching levar of head to Don Ignazio, a good time in order, always every residual idea of unearned income and, quite, of propriet?Frastornato of its, tired with the travel and the wait, contrariato from the novit?he neppur far it imagined cos?rude when a lot had left to the time of the Puglie (in perception was far from of realt?il malcapitato understandings well, however, not only that those lands did not belong pi?lla its family, but that, if the place and the chair that occupied confacevano to the role of landladies, beh. indeed of Don Nicholas as it seemed that hour all called it that it was not sure that Don Ignazio had very comprised the situation which were in the realt?he had always ammannito, assumed pi?l behavior of a businessman that has many thoughts and worries little and time, and those to it little must dedicate it completely to such transactions and sciupar it for things that not. Sicch?se never to the beginning of the encounter in the attitude of Nicholas v' had been traces of the ancient relationship of dependency, they were in last completely passings as went illustrating the panorama of its the multiple and onerous engagements. Ignazio to this point alz?al seggiolone, churches information for the return in Abruzzi and, poich?iteneva just of being able some to have need, churches also to Nicholas one small sum of money for the computed travel, then, in pi?rande and the general account of the debit and the possession. Nicholas for this last demand mostr?n sure ristrettezza for liquid money however said that in some way he would have supplied registry and understandings not to sottrarsi to the elementary duties of ospitalit?inch?molto the time after the ruin caught up pi?a the Colajanni family close: carrozza, horses, pictures, furnitures, scuderie, barns and the same palace, were sold by auction and in order little price (and sfacelo mostr?ncora once the vastit? the wealth of that patrimony, like a cumulus of ruins d?dea of the size of the collapsed building). Don Ignazio did not believe to its eyes n?lle confused its orecchie., istupidito (pi?el usual, would want to add) was gone asking, in the general chorus of querulousnesses, than it was some of that it and the others of its rank thought one risen of nature law: that one that it sanctioned the right to the comfort and to the leisure for who, like he, was been born. Law for which, in the ordering of the human societ?reato from God (and it was reached here to invocare Its volont?dovevano it are to you beside the getlteman, the poor ones and those who in order to satisfy the own needs had to be folded. It thought then, between the unanimous and hypocritical consent of how many they encircled it, than one was completing a destiny gi?critto and ineluttabile. adverse fato that made instrument of s?omini malvagi and ladri and people from always invidiosa of the wealth and the fortune of its family therefore, with bitter but dignitosa giving up the role of the "decayed nobleman". figure that in those times s' went diffusing and acquired perci?na risen of own social appearance. Ignazio although it was not a lot ahead in the years, appeared prematurely aged also for the lack of how much the meticulous cure of the person and the elegant apparel of usual adds, improving it, to one scialba. Its ways were signorili, also if its instruction had gone very little beyond that elementary one, but that for those little learned during the adolescence and giovent?a the sporadic readings and. These above all concerned slight knowledge of naval engineering from when it had had news, would not know to say in order which via, of the experiments of submarine navigation and the construction of the Nautilus happened in France between the end of the 1700's and the first years of the 1800's. to a very small bequest of the aunt Rosina, Don Ignazio could decide hardly of one casipola and a poor sufficient annuity for a plate of minestra: a lot and of pi?ra the slice of propriet?he was not up to the females in house. In such atmosphere, in the solitudine, new prov?ensazioni and sent?ome stringerglisi around the small domestic world (the casipola constava of a space to the ground floor and an only space with the fireplace to the Association of Bologna, to which external scale was approached from one balcony). defined and new persons and things that also it were notes for a long time: the brush for dresses, its only saved personal object from the shipwreck who had a some value for the massive silver back, the small cauldron in which the scaldava water, the conca, the mestolo, they had an importance and a positioning in its life never imagined before. To the woman who carried it the park vitto (the plate of "minestra warm", some egg, a ciotolina of latte) s' noticed to turn an attention and a smile that never in the gone times it had had for some. As the time passed and the daily exchange on the door of house of the empty bowl with that flood scandiva the days of Don Ignazio, the interrogated ones to you on several the aspects of its misfortune, the solutions better than retrospettivamente it imagined for problems by now malamente resolved, went less and less occupying its thoughts sometimes the memory of the sconfinati panoramas of Puglia and its burned lands, riassorbite and vanished in order always in the foggy, rovente line of those. The rights of birth and chaste began to mostrarglisi of all the lacking ones in they value carry out them, of an intrinsic consistency, when they were not supported from the money. Not cos?' pride of its origins. In order too much time if it were nourished some and to times seemed the ribollisse within then swelling of air the chest and ergendosi in the person "are a getlteman", repeated to s?tesso. nearly that, cos?acendo, it also red-establish from its humble condition, a not pi?sistente social distance nei. life of Don Ignazio were still long, like the duration of its "dress from I take a walk" for rammendi the fine and sages that it made you of its shoes, always lustre of lamp-black abraded to the fireplace of the blond color ash of its hats cured with dye to the malli of walnuts and of its mysterious jobs in the terraneo space of the casipola, of where noises of sheets came sovente Don Ignazio saw to extinguish other families of getlteman in the citizen, with parabolas that repeated that one of the Colajanni. had been less ill-fated of the survivors of such families, which in the greater part of the cases had to be received in the communal house of the poor ones, where in two large numerous spaces giacigli they were aligns against the walls and every to you mend? it had its very small hearth, between two is known, under the cappa of one. Ci?he pi?ollevava the spirit of Don Ignazio, was the fact to have conserved, also in its poor conditions, what it considered I privilege irrenounceable of its chaste one: living without to work. When in the last years, exchanging with minor riserbo chiacchiere and convenevoli with environs, it learned novit?el the place, the new news on the rich ones and on the constitution of patrimonies made with the exercise of the liberal limbs or with the commerce and the spirit of enterprise, it remained. Re-entered in house it is of summer that of winter seated beside the loaded fireplace and ignited the pipa it smoked with rare puffs returning with the thought at the happy and fastosi moments of its giovinezza, to the pump of the receptions, the puntiglioso respect of the shape second the tastes of the age. It considered that all ci?arebbe remained in order always ignoto and stranger to new the rich ones, which to the occasion would be appeared impacciati and ridicules in the new social role and sorrideva of genuine pity for they pipa cleaned up it with cure, scalzava the tobacco burnt from the stove and emptied it light beating on a console that it was next arms conserte and the pipa extinguished in hand, to follow the thread of its thoughts. To these the time had conferred a calmness patina, perhaps of indifference and between the others it had insinuated, natural, the idea of the dead women pi?olte immagin?ei outer particular, sight and commented from the only persons who would have noticed it: the comari of the environs that for two or three days of it would have made argument of theirs cical? they stuck and he, dead man, recchie rifredde as one said in country, that it did not answer." and Don Ignazio Colajanni, recchie rifredde, not. Vociare of persons who consult themselves, ciarr, ciarr. to enter however in house: "Pu?tar badly the entrance in house from the window: "died E'?orto Don Ignazio. the opening to the comments and the subjects of gossip of the comari, entrances finally from the door opened wide from of within, to the discovery of its small, poor private world, guarded gelosamente for many years: "Uh, how many cogne of ova. of females they will not hold a moment the firm language. How much ash in the fireplace. and Don Ignazio Colajanni recchie rifredde. And when the space to ground floor was opened, you rinvenne a great made sheet hull, galvinized iron sheets and tubes, from the shape of a large egg in which a man it could enter and chiudervisi: it was the reconstruction of the Nautilus. In order to free the space ventata of the milleottocentoquarantotto had to be made pieces this revolutionary, like gi?uella of the ventuno, had been involved varies city of Pescocostanzo. active participation that they had to those motions makes mention in the history books. E' only the humble oral report, per?a to narrate the vicissitudes of those galantuomini that the same events called in appeal rising removing them, they in spite of, to quiet of the domestic occupations in fact, the that one with they capital, suol relegating these men in the oblivion in order to dedicate all the entire its pages to the agiografia of the king and the heroes, to the names of deals to you and of the battles frugando in the memory of the voices and the narrations heard, we find don Donated that to the eve of the festivit?atalizie of that year solution for a its personal quarantottesco problem gets enraged to the search of one. Donated?n priest, n?rimo n?ltimo to appear in these storys sar?pportuno perci?ir endured that in the slid centuries of priests in Pescocostanzo if they counted also thirty, all nearly canonical ones with their stall in church, said perci?ollegiata, and that of churches in the citizen, for its two thousand spirits (ch?ai were of pi?ve of were one dozen, nearly all existing and. Sar?uor of place not to make signal also of that Reverendissimo Understood it of Canonical that its prestige with the doctrine of many its members and with rigorous held high, puntiglioso respect of the antichi rituals and traditions which they were until we, seppur faded, the images of the pomp of those ceremonies: in the processioni the canonical ones parade in cappamagna, of winter with the mozzetta of white man ermellino and of summer with that one of silk color viola. processioni are carried out to the inside of the Collegiata, in the vespri solemn of the festivit?al lume of thousand candles, between two siepi of faithfuls, seems has animated the picture of a Neapolitan baroque painter: the deacon and Chancellor Understood it who place side by side it, paludati in the piviali antichi embroider to you with gold threads and of silver, they carry under drappo of the canopy the Saintest one in the ostensorio, that large one that seems an incense sun s' raises from the turiboli between the large ones arches towards the gold ceilings of. The notes of the organ echo sturdy, to which the instruments of an orchestra are annexed all (drum, grancassa, plates) that the organista sets in action when wants to push to the acme and to render completed the religious fervor of. You Deum, with the amebeo song of strofe between the feminine voices and the those turns them, seems one courageous contest of faith between the two groups of singers and never to pu?ogliere on the faces pi?chietta and deep expression of faith. the ceremonies of the Saint Week: the Gospel of the Passion sung from Canonical with assolo the low deep one of don Gregorio whom ago the Christ: "Quem." and the voices in contralto of upset: "Crucifige. All the faithfuls are l?poi, to wait for that don Peter makes the rooster: "canonical Gallus cantavit. that in the Gospel seems said in Latin. There?poi, the sepolcro with the ' stutafferro' (cos?l people it calls the two young manen who wear a medieval armor, with elmo closed and piumato) that they want to represent the guards put from Pilato around the sepolcro of Christ: when Christ revives they fall to earth like. People come from the near countries to assist to this sacred rappresentazione and, when the two squires ruin to earth with scrap iron bang, a brivido of fright she runs between donnette that they pray and the sbigottimento of the women of Rivisondoli: "Naire, to naire ru muarracine. Resumption then from the young manen who attend them to the escape from the church this Reverendissimo Understood made it part don Donated two its greater siblings, also canonical, that they had deserved reputation of great doctrine and they held philosophy and theology lessons, he the Latin had always digested it badly and cos?ure the other matters that in seminary they had. Priest had become for volont?ei parents and perch?l' we have gi?etto in other occasion, that one was the interest of. The autorit? perhaps some "recommendation" of the scholarly siblings had reduced it difficolt?egli the studies in Seminary then, with the time, also had become canonical sturdy, the practical sense of the life, its ways spicci and energetic, they pushed it pi?he to the prayer and to the meditation, to cultivate passions and interests first of all lands and the feeling of the friendship and the familiar tie that then in the et?nziana manifest?ome tender affection for the grandsons, inasmuch as to he moglie and sons had been denied such reasons, taking advantage itself also of that one risen of protection that the prestige of the siblings assured to it, every time that it was possible marinava oseremmo to say. pi?unghe and the impegnative religious functions armacollo, watched the agricultural jobs of the family business and went to. Time happened cos?una, of being picked in makes it from the same Father Abbot who had gone in country for the customary pastorale visit. Donated Don had made to justify its absence between the clergy who had received the bishop and had celebrated with he in church the solemn functions of the circumstance, adducing to reason one its light indisposition (ch?nvece had the trebbiatura in course and had to watch of the course). it picked don Donated in matters during the walk that it made in order to digest lauto the lunch that the Understood one it it had offered to the term of the functions. The canonical one was near a wagon from which two garzoni they unloaded of the grain bags: of it it carried the account on a its note-book and, between a travel and the other of the laborers, it examined with the eye of the master the yoked pair of buoi to the wagon, its recent purchase to the fair of the Announced one thought not to be able itself to esimere making one paternale to that indisciplinato priest and avvicin?on to make oneself determined. But don Donated, like if it saw ahead precame it and, after to have kissed the pastorale ring with an express ducking: "Padr' Abbot disse increasing the arms when not oremus, aramus. Donated, therefore, to approximating itself of the religious functions of the NATO them of 1848. When s' the voice of imminent police surveyings and searchs for the repression of the conspiracies and the revolutionary motions of that year was scattered in country, some liberal friends s' were revolts to he perch?i helped to cavarsi of impiccio. prepare to participate to you to the uprising and perci?i they were fortified of crews and a barrel of powder, but the course of the things had taken a various fold and the news of the searchs hour had picked them of surprise to hide the crews and documents, but they did not know just where to put a powder barrel, than per?volevano to conserve at all costs. in that circumstance don Donated sment?a reputation of its generosit?Tranquillizz?li friends in anxiety and did not say that also he would have found the way of. While they had to carry nottetempo in house its the barrel. The hiding place had it gi?n mind: in the chorus of the church of the Suffragio, contiguous to its room, under the stall of the Priore of the Confraternita of. Maria, was a ripostiglio that very little could know, l?vrebbe been able the entire time to hide it and star calm of the searchs. Other choice did not have for timely debit and valid aid its friends. But to approximating itself of the festivit?atalizie, continuations in short turning of time from the functions of the Quarant, the barrel was still l?Era stopped the fear of the searchs, from those days was passed much time, but nobody had to it pi?etto of wanting to resume it personally s' was revolts to he for chiedergli aid was not in country and, to that it it had been said, of they would be remained outside to along. to other persons also been involved in that matter, don Donated it did not think prudent and opportune to speak of, sicch?come it had been alone in putting itself in pies, cos?ra alone it had to be pulled some outside was the thought of the long permanence of the confratelli in the stalls of the chorus during the salmod?che in that church are carried out in such recurrences and of the luminaria of candles that s' it ignited to the evening. There was very reason to fear that some candle could become the fuse of that powder barrel. "Then Priore goodbye, confratelli and church while rimuginava in that way could have unravelled itself of the barrel when had it. Medit? rimedit?gni possible solution. the best one, after a lot rovello, seemed that one to it to go it to throw in a pit to the margins of the lived one that it acquitted the public functions immondezzaio. it would have covered the snow that gi?a some day fell abundantly. To disgelo, spring, the powder would have been beautiful and dissolved barrel in shoulder for three or four hundred meters, ch?anto that place toed be distant from the church, for don Was not donated great hard work. it would have been removed cos?notte deep, while the country were dominion only of ices and of it torments, sure not to meet nobody for road, don Donated, barrel in shoulder, exits furtive. The gradinata one had to come down on which it looks on to, to cross the sagrato one that it ahead has the ancient Wide name of "the Church" and that hour all say "Capocroce", therefore, after an other short feature of road, would have caught up the goal. the ice incrostato on the steps, the squalls of congiurano wind tutt' with to its damages and don Donated to the first step of the rampa slips and with one. The barrel, like launch on purpose, comes far away projected and beating and bouncing of step in step with noise always pi?esso it crashes on the sagrato one scattering the powder to earth. Donated the blood is frosted the instinct of the escape and the soverchiano panic the acute pain of the unexpected and violent collision against the chines. it is raised from earth and it runs to close in house being shaken the fear to pray and to invocare the good God that it sends gi?a pi?bbondante of the snowed ones that to man memory memories. Agatuccia di Benilda, the fornaia, gi?l job for a long time, was in turn in. It, in fact, after to have ignited the deliberate furnace and the hour in which it would have been to point for the baking of the bread, one oed of house in house to inform those that they were reserves to you perch?e. In the nights buie the good woman rischiarava the removed road churning itself a tizzo burning from the furnace. Cos?non much later the accident been necessary to don Donated, the woman, tightened in the scialle, crosses "Wide Ahead the Church" and notices in the candor of the snow the dark spot of the scattered powder to earth: "Here the cape fallen to the usual." it thinks and, in order to discern better, it approaches the tizzo. The?stantanea blaze, the buio becomes blinding light that. Urlo that it exits to them from the chest is still repeated pi?lto and acute when that one, parendogli to feel odore of sulfur, thinks that it had been the devil in person to stretch them that tremendous ambush urlando and marking themselves, runs also she to lock in itself in bottega. snow that gi?ra in earth and that fall on the powder after the breach of the barrel them that one had saved the life that then fell still for the prayers of the canonical one, never cos?ervide, covering all salv?a its good peace. Donated it had news, then, like all in country, of the nocturnal visit of the devil and of it it made object to the putting of successive Sunday of one of its the rare and short prediche: they were all pi?ii and good, ch?come they had very been able to hear, the devil held they I lean its eyes porcini. accomiat?a Don Giuseppe Andrea, its facoltoso and become attached customer, and torn? to be based to the writing desk while it re-united in an issue the papers that had examined with he, risuonarono for the scales and in androne the latrati ones of the two alani spocchiosi of that getlteman, sign of the last proditorio attack moved against of they from the house cat. Leg?on a tape the issue and taken from a drawer the ag from tobacco that Giuditta had embroidered for he the visit of other persons for that day and, loading the pipa, turned the thought to the prepared ones you of its wedding. They had fixed for the autumn, by now. In that moment they knocked, with unusual energy. pronounced the word that gi?ella room had entered Stick, its man of disse scrutandolo. six sbrigato to you to conferm?astone soon today gasping one perch?l Court I have incontrato.il cavalier Alippio, than it has called to me?atto from part with me and it has given for you a urgent, classified ticket to me to say cos?astone s' went frugando under the shirt. And it has said that after that you have read it, Vossignoria the dev' abbruciare. came then a plico small, stopped outside with a very small one seals of ceralacca, than the taken lawyer and apr?ubito. face, to raise suddenly the chair and to exit lesto from the room calling:. the canonical one of over in its room near the balcony, to the uncertain light of the sunset, was leaf through a book that did not seem breviario. canonical pos?l the book to it on a table, taken the sheet that the brother stretched to it, s' avvicin?l lume that it was on the bureau and it read: "Surveyings on that you have made for provocarle. soon partir?er the spiritual exercises." It answered the canonical one, showing tranquillit?i who it has gi?immi rather than canonical what?uccesso. then, lowering the voice tone, with making circospetto that to the brother risult?uovo in its still pi?llarmante behavior and of all those that was happening to it around, it said: "I not andr?er these exercises n? Montecassino, n?egli other places usual relatives Mint l?anno the possibilit?i to hold me hidden other insistent questions of the brother, the canonical one answered above all trying to calm of the obvious state of anxiety to the bottom of which it noticed the large one. Tent?i to reassure it dicendogli that it could it are sure that it had not never made of the evil to some (and this could swear it to it) perhaps that in all the matter was some error, some misunderstanding said that the arrest still had not happened and was not then sure, even if was times in which the police of it made use wide and unwrapped every case concluse. the fact regards alone me and I also for null am always reassured from those words, I insisted in order to know the particular. "If you leave, for the exercises or disse. we will not be able sure to communicate between we with facilit?e I, ignoring made and precise circumstances, very little to potr?are in your defense. Francisco then, as it had of a changed feature to seem, "Beh s?.ammise. not to pu?rattare of that of something in relationship with my liberal feelings, also if they are sure that they are not trapelati outside gives it cerchia delle my friendships, nella which intimate persons enter alone and. The reason of these surveyings aggiunse after an light hesitation must ago be the fact of the succeeded blessing some week, while you were to Naples for the audiences of your causes. but gi?n country if of it the canonical one speaks pi?.riprese m' I was not left to grow the moustaches and the peak to the Vittorio Emanuele, like hour it is said, and cos?enza not to make it just on purpose, I have given the serale blessing in my day of turn that then?apitato of Sunday, with the gremita church ". perhaps you did not know that the Borboni. did not want to believe to its orecchie. But hour the mind had been opened. the tenuous thread of hope of estraneit?i the its brother to the motive of those surveyings had fallen apart, and saw of a feature, real, clear, imminent the danger: the arrest of the brother and the involvement of all the family in i. Sent?mprovvisamente in the garments scomode of the political perseguitato one just to the eve of the wedding to explode itself in a sour reproach for the sconsideratezza of which it had given tries the brother, to greater he of ET? for of pi?acerdote, in revealing cos?mprudentemente its political feelings, but were withheld: a argument between they in that moment could have pushed its brother to rash actions that point, had to try to know some to bottom proposed you for the immediate future to try to reason to us with calm at least, with that calm that would be successful to imporsi in that surf indurlo to pi?editato council time, perci?dicendo that to that point it urged to give to dispositions perch?osse ready the horse for the travel of the late mattino successive and that it would have gone to supply that room was made you too much before on the door per?come taken to ribollire unexpected of one repressed temper, proruppe: "But the memory of the troubles of the ' 21, was not enough to you then, like if a new thought road in the mind in that moment had been made, esclam?"Ora you are to see if some train also of that old history not verr?uori. one referred to the vicissitudes, anch' accompanied they from pate me of mind and from anxieties, been necessary to its family in 1821 when the father, Don Giancarlo, in the garment of public administrator, had had to supply to ch?i resolved with the smaller possible damages for the citizenship the police surveying that a detachment of gendarmi Austrians had to complete in country man of good sense and good culture, consider?he the Germans (cos?llora came commonly calls also the Austrians to you) in that case did not act in order just account, but pel Borbone perjury to Lubiana. Pens?dunque, than if they had been able to avoid relief incidents during the permanence of those soldiers in country, to the end not would be complains large damages to you fulfilled to all the obligation forms them that the circumstances imposed stabil?li lodgings of the troop avoiding that they were in prossimit?elle houses of women sun or families particularly defenseless and decided then to hold the officials. Circumstance could have cos?ilevare for time their humors such thought norm of elementary precaution that one to get rid itself of the crews that were in house and gett?e its guns from saddlebow in the sink that was in the court of its palace. Avvis?oi with circospezione the friends of imminent surveying, above all those who had being reputation. He came then to acquaintance of facts who perhaps did not imagine: costoro, having established contacts with plotters of other countries and citt?icine, they held lists of affiliates, codes, formulas to you and other documents of theirs attivit?egreta. all "papers", as they called to them, that they had absolutely to be conserved with cure and, naturally, embezzled to the searchs ch?se the police had put the hands on that material, some concittadini would be ended in the Neapolitan jails and someone. To this point, with the time that urged, Don Giancarlo pens?i to act alone and, for trarsi of impaccio and saving the congiurati ones, it thought better party that one than to hide same he the issues of. Before the arrival of the Austrians in house its, removed the plan of one of the steps of the scale that lead just to the destined apartment to lodging of the officials, hid the papers of the carbonari in empty del. the Germans came, carried out surveyings and searchs everywhere, but they did not find null that it also aroused their suspiciones lasting hard work, succeeded to disguise to their apprehension in seeing every day the officials to go up and to come down on the tests of the conspiracy that they would have. The first inspection of the day, however, those officials the compivano in the wine cellar of Don Giancarlo where they had uncovered botte of a good wine and lardo of which they were ghiottissimi. cut large slices from pieces hung to the hooks for the stagionatura and cos?e they ate, accompanying the sorsate mouthfuls with long of the spillato wine. the Germans left again, the lardo of the four pigs kills that winter to you for the family supplies was ended and the botte, blow, risuon?uota. Escaped the danger the carbonari attivit?ei, per?non resumptions like before those that then pi?rgeva, ch?' was still to head of the winter, was of. The soldataglia starved and ladra, not only in house of Don Giancarlo, but in all the country it had made man low of very of God found in the pantries and, perhaps, if it had gone some to the good travel only when these. Passed cos?el time, indeed to say the true one passed of the years, and to the papers hidden in the step of Don not pens?i?Queste Giancarlo ancient vicissitudes, happened when canonical and the its brother they were children, then had narrated the thousand times in family talora like famous of color of the domestic report for those uniforms who hour seemed ridicules, for the foreign words and names that the children had orecchiato, interpreted and repeated to way they. but pi?pesso the story had had pain accents and of sgomento and, to who it narrated, it seemed to still hear the tintinnio of the sabres and tonfo of the those heavy and foreign steps in house memory of those events it had been made from the lawyer to the brother for the meant one, that s' it was always picked in the tone of the familiar narration, of training to pi?rudenti and being noticed in future in scansare. That memory, instead, mostr?come always happens for every memory of events passes to you. its ambivalence and contraddittoriet?elle the possible interpretations and of the judgments that if they can some draw when an example, a life lesson is wanted to be cavare from the memories, or if it wants some to make. The canonical one, in fact, thought that one the just occasion in order to express its point of view and its political convictions, to begin just from those antichi events. to dirgli that the horse would have been ready for the mattino successive, before that it played the early riser, still ringraziato it in way spiccio of the interest, like if it yielded to an inner sudden start, proruppe saying: for the innanzi I have left to repeat the history of the facts of the ' 21 as that one of a trouble capitato between head and neck to our?tato father perch?on I only had wants, or m' it was not seemed opportune, to attack arguments and squabbles in family on things passages for a long time and for regarding our mother you must know that I exactly mean to follow the example of our father who was active and partecipe of the political events of that time. s? its family, from shrewd man which well-known it was, must sure have very estimated them and however accepted those troubles our father had not gone to be attempted them of purpose interrupted the lawyer, trying to refrain the enthusiasm that was discovering in. Canonical, as it had not heard it, continu?on the irony: if those motions failed?roprio perch?'?roppa people to have fear or, than me it seems worse, too many cautious and excessive inert individuals of forehead to whichever event that is hardly outside of the ordinary, species if of nature who the lawyer had time of rispondergli one domestic avvis?he the supper it were ready and that the mrs. mother was gi?eduta to table brought then without pi?iscutere in knows it from lunch greeted the mother and taken account of its conditions of health, than recently were seemed, canonical recit?a the short prayer of the lawyer less good, rimuginando the words of the brother if dispiacque, to urt?sent?ccendersi itself some of ira thinking next to the storm that it was while, unaware of, it attended to the prepared ones to you of the wedding and cured also those particular of secondary importance that they seemed to it appreciate given Giuditta of the wedding would be due to send back to chiss?uando and for guilt just of its brother that would have had it to celebrate in sign of mutual. Which passion had irretito its mind much to render forgets it about the feelings that always they had joined them indeed, then, thought its civic sense, extinguished its inert sensibilit?er the political problems realt?a to judge from what little before it had said then, what the brother wears the symbol of its attivit?come had made with the history of the moustaches felt its open and ready mind to every new cognition that in all the attivit?mane and all the fields of the knowledge meant progress. but it only thought it valid if it seemed to it suitable to exceed the test of the facts, if its intrinsic consistency showed one. The programs of the pi?adicale wing of the liberal ones, to which by now were sure that the thought of its brother was inspired, seemed to it deprive of concretezza, utopian, fling to you. the dynastic change in the reign or its transformation in republic on the the ' 99 example of and the same unification of Italy (than the lawyer considered remote if not impossible) they were not indispensable conditions for giving start to the solution of those complex social problems to which referred to the words "democracy" and "fratellanza", cos?pesso repeated the university studies completed to Naples he had learned and felt pi?ongeniali to its pragmatic mind the pi?oderati ideas and aspirations of the liberal ones: the return of the monarchy to the constitutional shape and the start of graduate them process of economic reforms and social of which, moreover, same Ferdinand II had given some cautious test first of all to analyze in depth conceptually those problems and to choose then the just persons with which discussing of and eventually to operate naturally with all the caution that the circumstances demanded place, therefore, it was seemed the way to it to act of the canonical one just in that moment in which the repression of the Borbone it was infuriating on how much directly or indirectly they had manifested liberal ideas firm in the purpose not to show clearly and clearly to the brother the blame for the arrogant attitude that had assumed in its confronts part, one of the fundamental laws of the nature that wants the various men, species in the intelletto, as well as the lawyer was analytical and reflexive in the judgments how much its brother was intuitivo and synthetic in the thought. Francisco, in fact, young person and canonical diamond, within the Understood one it of the Collegiata had tightened friendship with the faction of the pi?pregiudicati elements, of which they made part also some old clergymen but of opened spirit, than they were you form to you in the cultural climate of the French decade, and of it he had assimilated the dominant liberal ideas I manipulate that he opposed to the pi?onsistente group of canonical conservatives and Dottori in theology, poets, cultori of philosophical sciences and literary, latinisti, they were usual to gather with laici friends of the same idea, in circles conviviali. in the long winter evenings, to the heat of burning logs of faggio in the great fireplaces of the ancient pescolane houses and of he decreases us of good wine rises in is drunk a toast, slid torrents of eloquenza, poetry, the good humor and, for the note, of liberal fervor with sure riserbo and the appearances of philosophical and literary academies, they were not unnoticed passages to the alert eye of the adversaries and someone of they must have of given to news the police supper and after to have augured the good night the mother the two siblings, everyone with its thoughts in head and the labbra locked from the malumore, feeling that in any case they would have had of that to speak, they seated in seggioloni the places innanzi al. to break off Hush was the lawyer: "Fortunately disse. the time?sciutto. if for the rain pits due to leave in carrozza it would have been difficult to hold secret the destination of your travel. but I must equally dirti with franchezza that I do not succeed to understand the reasons that they push to you to being partecipe with much ardor of the confused ideas and of the conflicting programs that diffuse democratics, radicals and republicans in perennial discord between they it agrees alone in hindering the work of the elements. E' necessary to try a lot far away and with quite revolutionary political transformations the rules of the good government and of tests. Great step would not have been made gi?n ahead if the respect of the constitution had been obtained from the king, instead provoking it and of offrirgli the right to tread on raising it ago a year the barricades of. You put yourself in head that I not nutro reactionary feelings and aborro the violence and the new attempt of restoration that?n action then you must admit that?ecessario that the larve, the ghosts of times by now gone return in the reign of the shadows and they do not think pi?i to be able to govern also the Vittorio Emanuele?n king and its dynasty. king who has conserved the charter, the only Italian prince that has shown coherence with the new ideas and courage in the sostenerle. we try to remain with the feet on the earth riprese the lawyer in order to become its sudditi would have to arrive to the unification of Italy. you cos?unga com' the?uesta peninsula, various from region to region, uniform for centuries in many states with laws, habits and even languages a lot. However me it seems the road pi?unga and tortuosa perch?l people catch up that well-being that instead the political movements that to all put in front the sbandierano idea unitary as a mature fruit, by now to only pick, (naturally endured after the Victoria of their part). he tests administration, the well-being of societ?e I I finally add to the dignit?iuridica par and the political equality of the citizens ribatt?l canonical, than then sembr?l pi?gguerrito brother and ready to dialectic politics of how much it did not believe cannot be scissi gives. Not to today pu?gnorare the ferment that pervade the mind and the work of many Italian and foreign thinkers: you have not read the Supremacy del. you do not know that also an other clergyman, the Rosmini, in a work of recent publication proposes legal reforms and religious quite in breast alla. I am trying in any case of procurami a copy of this wanted to interrupt that monologo, but the canonical one, showing a fervor and a conviction still pi?iena continu?"Ma, then, to perch?ndare a lot you have perhaps gi?imenticato don Ottaviano. he first of all educated us to libert?i the opinion, and not only with the words, but with the example: you know how many persecutions and impositions well sopport?er its ideas without never to fold themselves. They are not not even two years that?orto. loved and respected name of the concittadino from both like a master, the lawyer sent?n difficolt?come to express its brother, in the course of a dialogue that seemed had to every little transforming itself in argument, its basic concept of the indispensable use of the common sense in the difficult attempt to conciliate the theories with the concretezza of the facts, above all in a field cos?asto and complex like that one of the progress and the well-being of the collettivit?ricordo of don Ottaviano?acro also for me teorizzare, other?radurre in realt?l contrary thought, the facts of the past year demonstrate, like for the revolt of Palermo, than with two days of uprising to pu?ttenere itself pi?he years of. ?hiaro that gi Italian they must make from s?e with the revolution, if sar?ecessario. by now sure ammise the lawyer. the revolt of Milan against the Austrians, the republics of Rome and Venice, are people examples that ago give s?' God and. How indursi to continue on this canonical road, like if it had intentional in its turn it are persuasivo, moder? that point the determined tone of the words and admitted that perhaps some reflections of the brother could are right. but it added that a man does not have to never arrive to one passive wait of the events, perch?uando these have been completed, it does not remain it that to adapt itself to they to, for how much scomodi and less worse adverse it are very conscious, beloved brother disse then that every thing of this world changes in the time, even if imperceptible way for the greater part of the men. but who has a sensibilit?ine, ready intuito, this change then perceives it and not pu? it does not have star quiet. but it must reflect. How many would be then the endowed persons of cos?levato talent esclam?' lawyer. if many elect all possessed dowries those that are said. they are some, ce are of these persons pi?i how many you you want to admit. me, instead, it seems that it follows to us pi?ccesi of every political ideology are uncertain individuals, without the courage to face difficolt?ella the life, than in order to hide also to if same this weakness construct an imaginary world, answering to the personal conceptions of order, and justice. They color this fictitious world with the inks pi?orti of the political ideologies of the moment and then of it they become fervent supporters pu?nche to be one of the faces of the verit?assent?l canonical. but the other?he remains a natural duty, to which nobody must be embezzled, that one to show dissent and to make opposition to the so-called legitimate power opinions, if there?a police who arrests and pursued who she dissents?iusto, indeed then?overoso to ordire conspiracies, to arm themselves, to prepare and to make the creed that the revolutions favour always the human progress ribatt?Senza to go very ago in the time of it we do not have an example in that French: true, large and victorious, but then they have been the giacobini, the guillotine, the wars, and therefore Napoleone, then then?assato half century, seems to you little. ?ornata the republic, its president sends French troops to pull down. You will see if not far?nore to its last name. In purpose, I have known just of recent that in the ' 31 the Bonaparte in escape in the Papal States, braccato from the police in the viterbese campaign perch?ndava fomenting the uprising, trov?campo only perch? Viterbo the conte Goat held it hidden in its canonical palace this time did not answer endured, seemed to it to astrarsi somewhat, like in order reflecting on a thought that went see again or formulating and organizing in. The lawyer did not insist, waits that its brother spoke case about the roman republic that you, for two times, have remembered riprese after that pause the canonical one. ?ene to clear it?n absolutely particular, indeed only case: Rome?a rocks of cristianit??a the center of the Chair of Peter and its successory ones. Such it must remain, does not touch Bonaparte president, authentic revolutionary as you say, giving back Rome to the Pope it has given the test that also a revolutionary pu?en to estimate the single circumstances in which finds to operate and that the republic not?er its. Then, as it had decided to start on conclusion. proruppe with renewed energy. ?ra to say enough to the states composed from plebi diseredate governed from despoti. with the misery squallida of entire populations which turpitudini, to how many sins induce the misery and the ingiustizia." tent?i to interrupt it the lawyer, which it would have intentional dirgli that its part of world had very known it also he and every day had it under the eyes in the classrooms of the courts, where, beside justice desire the egoismo, hatred of the men come uncovered and talora also the sum ingiustizia. but insist?fratello glielo it did not make to see on the pulpit, infervorato in omelia. canonical, like if it had read in a its thought and it wanted to try to drag it in its adventure, continu?on greater heat: "In which other way, if not with the revolt, us pu?pporre to the Borboni. revolution to explain and to push all in the same sense the sails of the boats confuseed of several the political movements that hour follow broken off uncertain movements from the intimate force of the liberal thought unconnected weaving of national the political mosaic will return to the moment to their place to shape Italy. That it would be then the history of the umanit?enza the fruits of the burning and noble passions, without the impulse that it receives from these." Alz?al seggiolone, movements with the poker the live coals in the fireplace, where the firewood by now had been consumed, and like in order shaking the amor just of its brother also with the gesture, added: "I do not want to say with this, my beloved, than in your mind the vital fire of the feeling is extinguished, but sar? From its eyes traluceva a feeling I do not find to throw in my fire firewood that gives off that late flame vivida and?atto S', va' to rest, domattina you must leave answered the canonical one and s' avvi?erso its room was successful to speak with the brother with a great effort about volont?ma after that that one had gone via said vent to its malumore. in it knows it in front of the fireplace sent?' anxiety esplodergli in chest and transforming itself. It oppressed a deep turbamento, an indefinite inner uneasiness, not only for the dangers that imagined serious and imminent and for the express to succeed itself of the facts in those last hours: it perceived, even though indifferently, than those its suffering had one pi?asta and complex. Some I found them of the scene of its life were abruptly changing, some areas of serene and quiet came upsotten jolt and. a clear example that apparirgli unexpected of its brother in the revolutionary garments, those its to want to emphasize of a feature the image and the meant one of familiar events, that they seemed sure and strengthens to you for a long time, until giving to they the colors of a patriotic epic. The same memories of the facts of the ' 21, than s' had gone fading in those last years, first for he of job, love, social engagements and of programs of the et?dulta, those memories hour, under the sudden start of those unexpected emotions, jumped to the memory with one unusual vivezza provoking one risen of sdoppiamento of its perceptions. to feel the present like such and gi?issuto. a thought and sense irrealt?come when to the awakening the particular of an incubus, resisting to the perception of the real one before dissolving itself, incutono still terror procedure was inverse and was realt?ttuali polish to evoke. Together to many other memories of the infantile world, with which they were by now confused, the images of those minions Austrians emerged in the memory like threatening shadows, if also frammiste to those myths, but then loaded with much suggestion, that the sudden start of the emotion and the ira projected the "spider little sbollirono, the lawyer sent? to stiff actions to adorn the troubles. and if it went them enumerating these like in order re-uniting them in understood them to winnow, then, one by one: the brother fuggiasco. the fright of the old and sick mother and the spouse, cos?ite and kind, when they would have known all the minions to perquisirgli the house. And those papers of the carbonari, that they are still l?sotto the step. Esclam?' a feature carrying themselves the hand to the forehead and raising the tone of its. Without por time in means precipit?er the scales, cerc?l step, removed via the issue from the hiding place where it had slept in order nearly trent' years, ravviv?e live coals in the fireplace and ve the gett?annerirono ones, fumigarono and from last burned with one blaze. Then, while the house was dipped in Hush gett?el the sink, than gi?onosciamo, guns and guns of house (than, given the previous one, we will call of second generation, inasmuch as after nearly a century, during the nazi occupation of Italy, ve of it was one third to endure. The lawyer tent?oi to imagine in the particular the arrival of the police and makes itself of the future judgment: like sar?ormulata the imputation. "perch?ortava the moustaches to the Vittorio Emanuele. its brother could not have had an eczema of the labbro for which s' it could not shave. Very it knew per?he the control of the shape of beards and the Foggia of the capigliature made part of the transactions of. After the facts of quarantotto he it had seen in the courts (and.) to condemn and to menare in prison without piet?ior of galantuomini for banal political reasons equally dipped in these thoughts when ud?ella silent road to risuonare on the pavement the hooves of a horse and the brother to come down from its room caught up on the portone, the aiut? to arrange the saddlebags to sides of the saddleback, abbracci?accomandandogli the maximum caution, ch?ra useless ripetergli which pain would have had all and especially the mother if to that departure had made followed other troubles days after, punctual, the gendarmi arrived with the arrest warrant for. The lawyer said that the brother had left for the spiritual exercises mostr?i to fall gives them to clouds hearing those novit?avanz?' hypothesis that could are to you some error in that procedure, perch?ra sure that its brother did not have store clerk crimes however, could very sit down for the search naturally was del all the unfruitful, lawyer churches with garbo al commander if it could know which crime was suspected its inner brother irony s' waited for that they dulled outside dal sent baffoni del the piemontese king, but the minions said to it dry that it could not not only make questions but that, in lack del brother, had to follow them and in detention imprisonment dell' lawyer dur?olo little hours, is of the ultra vires act of those sgherri, to which he had it are seemed disonorevole to return from their heads to empty hands after one struck of hunting between mounts, is perch?l magistrate of Sulmona that knew it of it ordin?eduta being. The canonical one, instead, received from the relatives of People, was endured hidden in one casipola that was in one they propriet?resso "the Carried out ones", drawn tortuoso of the road that People give lead to Navelli and Aquila, perch?n country would have given in the eye and would have been dangerous for s? for. In that shelter, in the solitudine, lacking in every comfort, only resupplied of vettovaglie, the canonical one had way to complete with all the necessary gathering its spiritual exercises and its meditations which we do not have elements in order to formulate hypothesis an absence that had protratta a lot pi?i how much did not involve the duration of the spiritual exercises (to cause, said, of a disease that was for condurlo to the Creator) seemed to the very pi?rudente brother that for the innanzi. to pass of the time the strascichi of the ' 48 went itself exausting also in house of the lawyer, sicch?e wedding with Giuditta was celebrated in the December of the ' 49, only with light delay regarding the previewed date then the prole grew to the rhythm of a every son two years approximately and for three lustri not there were events of relief, political species, to upset. It to pot?volgersi cos?con the rhythms orders you that to the lawyer they were congenital: they were the bells of the early riser to arouse Francesca, the maid, than then with caff?vegliava the masters. but gi?a firewood in the forest, the vaccari mungevano the vacche in the stables to the lume of the lucerne to oil and the pi?iccolo of they it lead the animals to the pasture with to tracolla, in which it was its daily bread portion and annealed. of agricultural and zootecnica company, in fact, it usually made part of the familiar patrimony of the local bourgeoisie in that age and represented one good source of yield, beyond satisfying the consumptions alimentary of the family. Poich?l husband was always pi?reso from the attivit?rofessionale, Giuditta, with aware action of love, had man abandoned hand the embroidery and music, its juvenile pastimes and had assumed the direction of all the course. A wing of the immense house was destined to the management of this risen of company: v' it was the granary, a great pantry, a space with the chassis where for long periods of the year the weavers manifactured several the destined cloth to domestic uses and the ground floor the wine cellar, the legnaia, the premises of warehouse of rest of the house was distributed on two plans: in that advanced one they were the salotti, the library, the cappellina and the room of the uncle priest or Pep?ome the small called the canonical one. to the downstairs it was the apartment that all the house was a great space, with the fireplace that we know perch?' had been burnt the papers of the carbonari, in which the doors were opened of know it. To exclusion of the advanced plan, whose approached she was they prohibited, all the rest of the house, the courtyards and the garden who encircled it were the reign of the brood of boys not as soon as the strict lessons finished that to second of the et?li priest gave to the uncle dai first rudimenti of reading and writing to the first Latin translations sciamavano and ran after ovunque, organizing their simple games trying to widen the allowed margin between and prohibition of an education that followed strict principles also of formal order and austera. The family, as an example ate of shaves caciocavalli, producing of also large quantit?perch?ra a typical cheese of the place that had a smercio favorable and had for the note is serbato for. Canonical Sicch?l insinuated that if of only ate when a rat, rodendo the cord with which in braces they were hung horse of the perches, them. It had compound, perci?uno scherzoso oremus for the Mr. rat, that it recited when that cheese came served in table. Of other song the carit?ra felt like a duty and every saturday to noon Woman Giuditta, accompanied from one domestic, it personally served a bowl of minestra warm to the poor ones that in the androne of the palace, seated on along stone seat, attended those ristoro. thrifty regimen of life, without that ci?ostituisse a suffering or generated a frustration sense, was considered from the lawyer and from its moglie a guarantee in the comparisons of the unexpected of the fate, cos?ome today pu?sserlo an insurance policy against the accidents considered that ci?osse indispensable for giving to the young people the sense and the measure of the authentic values of the human life, that they thought to be those of the spirit and the culture a word those of the civilt?benefici of which, instead, did not have to be misers in spending money. On the thread of such logic the lawyer had a careful cure of all how much was worth to make to progress the instruction of the sons and to confirm the cult for the Cos? numerous baptisms, the familiar onomastici of the heads of household and other recurrences, were occasion of receptions for which the salotti were opened of according to plan search to you, dolciumi and, beside those traditional premises and for the particular circumstance, v' leccornie were pi?affinate, confetti of valuable Sulmona and wines that the lawyer had received in gift or had acquired in the citt?ove had oed for its professional engagements placed, then, in inserting in the list of it invites some name which it gave lustro to a advanced culture or a particular artistic talent to you, reserving to such personage the place of greater R-with regard to table and in drawing-room such organizational criteria, per?queste festivities did not succeed and they did not obtain the resonance in the citizen of those preserves from. Naturally this was reason of displeasure for Woman Giuditta, from which it was resumed when it was invited to participate with the husband to the receptions of the noble families or weel-off people of Sulmona and of the other countries. Then s' fashion informed of changes of and renewed its guardaroba, while the lawyer thought next to the arguments and the exchanges of views that he would have had with the eventual interlocutors, in order to carry the speech on those cultural arguments and professional who to he were a lot to heart and, at the same time, to remove it the political conjectures to salottiere, of which it did not make great account unit?' the Italy that in the meantime had been come realizing not modific?uesto regimen of familiar life, and, at least in the first times and the practical daily, for the lawyer it was resolved alone in the change of the emblema on the sheets of paper from I brand, where the shield sabaudo had taken the place of Little days before the passage of the piemontese army in those contrade, per?essendo run voice of a defeat of Garibaldi during the battle of the Volturno, the plebe reactionary sollev?d inscen?na. The lawyer, having had from a its customer a confidential information second which Paparuolo and Chiavone meant to provoke a putsch also to Pescocostanzo in order to make to pay it beloved to the liberal ones, as was happening to Isernia, supplied to pass timely. Little hours after, in fact, a group of lawless-men covered the country to the Alive outcry of "Francisco second of the lawyer, costoro began to call it: "Avvoca'. domestic to give endured from drink those scalmanati. then, when the boccali of wine began circular between that small crowd, answered gives behind the glasses of a balcony to urla that they called it outside with a soothed salute, removing itself two or three times the cap that it used to carry in house in the months. Cap that still increased pi?a its extraordinary likeness with. But those individuals did not know the effigie of Garibaldi and, it pays of the salute and pi?ncora of the wine, went beyond brandendo a coltellaccio and rolling a trough, perch?icevano of having to go "to hunt the panza" to Porcograsso, an obese trader who had being reputation. to canonical, if the echo of the siccardiane laws of the ' 50 were reached fioca and perhaps stranger the its orecchie, fourteen years after, the Sillabo di Pio IX jolt very pi?ivamente the mind its with the systematic sentence of the "errors of our time" (between they v' was libert?i the conscience, libert?i the dialogue and the attempt of conciliation of the Pope with the "progress, liberalesimo and the civilt?oderna"). That abrupt callback to full obedience to the Head of the Church and the dictation of the religion, ag?ul its emotional temperament provoking a radical change of humor, infondendogli loads asceticism that induced it to begin an austere regimen of life, prayer and penance: indoss?llora a cilicio, made daily paper use of the discipline, osserv?unghi and attends. to the first flares of the new reign, they followed shadows and disappointments: taxes, new and confused laws, an unexpected spread of paper counterfeit money, brigandage, the taken lacked one conscience from part of the new government of the serious problems and the social evils of the Reign of Naples, and other bad ones you auspices for between knowing of canonical who made cargo also he to have contributed for its part to the advent of every real or paventata sventura. if not been worth to indurgli a guilt sense, for the absolute infondatezza of the accusations, pushed it for? to schierarsi decidedly against all ci?he in those years was gone newly asserting that it had lay and anticlerical character relationships between the canonical one and the divennero lawyer therefore thesis to continuation of the laws of expropriation of the ecclesiastical assets and the sale of they to the city laws promulgate in 1866 with the declared scope (and then regularly failed) of ristorare the State treasury and promoting intensive agriculture. of such operations, than in the common language they were said of "incameramento and devoluzione" of the ecclesiastical assets, the lawyer meant to acquire at least those deep ones who ab antiquo its ancestors. The canonical one, as it had sentore of such purpose, was endured of seeming firmly contrary. "it repurchases" of such bottoms, as it used to say, it meant to only make rispettosa work of a good tradition of conservation and guard of the res familiaris, avoiding that ancient propriet?ella family was. At the same time, with realism sense, she would have supplied to the interests of its numerous prole. reasons and one opposed with all its forces and with the autorit?orale of its dress affinch?a family was not pertecipe in some way of the spirit. A lot pi?a its opposition was ignited and courageous when it knew that sugli purchasers of those assets could have burdened pi?i all had to suffer from such crash were naturally Giuditta, that it had in chest the contrast between the scrupoli that v' insinuated the words del brother-in-law and the good reasons del husband dall' lawyer and when, some time after, knew themselves that the scomunica could is removed col deposit of obolo alla Saint Sede, to pay it, for the salvation dell' spirit goddesses its relatives, was the canonical one. compisse the risorgimentale cycle, by now did not lack that the taken one Rome. This event, per?non had a concrete infuence in the familiar relationships. Although canonical he.blamed it (also with provocative words in the comparisons of the brother) which last and conclusive catastrophe of its times, the lawyer to such event did not show to be interested. and against the formations of armed angels of put heated swords in field from the canonical one to defense of Rome and of the Pope, not. But some time reflected between s?he the things then had gone in great part for they account leaving as usual all insoddisfatti, is those that to unit?' Italy put in front a substantial progress of the living conditions of the southern populations, is those that, like its brother, to every other consideration had put in front ten years after, the dead women premature of the brother amatissimo had to mark carrying out in the habits and in the style of life of of canonical to the immense pain for that loss he it had felt endured a fort moral engagement to help the brother-in-law in the guide of the numerous family, by now orphaned. Only the first two sons had achieved the bachelor and muovevano the first uncertain steps of their careers the others were adolescent or With its sprito spirit, acute and alert although the et?vanzata one, canonical cap?he the that engagement would have provoked sopraggiungere and perhaps chasing in its life of realt?uove, for he. Its mind was tempered from the illusions and disappointments of the gone times. from those inner conflicts experience was matured, a particular experience, per?non of facts and works, but separated, perch?' it was carried out in the apparently empty space that encircles the facts and the works in the space occupied from the ideologies and the critic, talora from the tried ones you to materialize of the hopes who the mind had been applied in readings, studies and controversies of counterpoint to the social events and, from last, in deep ascetic meditations being interested to the instruction of the pi?iccoli grandsons, to the familiar budget, the administration of the patrimony, things to which it had always supplied also for he (and with how much wisdom.) the brother, became account that was changing field that since then would have had to engage to bottom nel. svel?cos?un new world had different emotions, other anxieties. but together to they, new concepts to penetrate and new ideas to mature and to sent?isorgere in the mind its an ancient passion: that one of the active participation to the innovating events of the life. Passion that it loads emotional inborn in the tumultuous to carry out itself of the passed events in the lustri had soverchiato, but its attention was not turned then with amazing spontaneit? how much, perhaps for before the time, felt with true certainty and carries out them, concrete progress. And in pi?ccasioni trov? to think that ci?ra quel.immaginava and over every thing it wished its brother, ci?er which it would have gioito, for which it would have been entusiasmato and it fought to open ace seemed that this progress, pushed from the inventions and the scientific discoveries of those years, was left over fast, like never for the innanzi, sincrono with growing and progressing in the studies of the young grandsons they, that it studied medicine to Naples, commissioned attends purchases of books that dealt scientific arguments and, when it returned in country for the vacations, asked tiny information on the object for its studies, on novit?el the field of the medicine that, after the continuous discoveries of Koch and Pasteur and progresses of the bacteriology it came renewed in its conceptions from. Which hour would have been the destiny of the tisici that knew the great industry that s' always went pi?spandendo, as it would have modified the societ?diffusione of the vapor that the grandson had condurlo, ottuagenario, to make a short travel in train and wanted to have news detailed of the first automobiles that it carrozze without horses called also grandson, by now doctor, than to he it was particularly affectionate, was made curious from a fact: the uncle, when he had had sufficient news of the discovered new, cos?ome was happened in occasion of those its only travel in train, did not show the astonishment, n?' incredulit?se not quite the aversion, than constantly in such situations they showed the old day wanted chiedergli which was the reason of that one appearing contradiction between the large one curiosit? anxiety that he had in wanting to only learn every novit?d the lukewarm way with which he commented it, and if they asked themselves. Glielo said an evening going to greet it in its room, of where the canonical one by now exited of shaves and where the grandson was. The uncle was seated in its seat and recited the rosary not succeeding devout? to read to the light fioca of the lume to oil asks of the grandson intrecci?a crown in the fingers scarne of old and answered with ritrosia, as who fears is misinterpreted in revealing a its intimate thought: "the Getlteman has intentional whom I had a long life and that the dawn of the new century creed perci?i to be able to have one risen of intuition. These progresses of science, that they are the result of an extreme effort of analysis and synthesis, in a advanced circuit of feelings and also always human thoughts and lands, will lead far away to but a fascinating objective: that one of the Great Harmony the man has not known to conceive other image that that radiosa of God a lot, boy, I potr?verne certainty ". now, for come of Decimo the Regiment of the Grenadiers, the bis is not made." blaterava Cicco T?lo coming down the scales of the Town hall. It, in Council, had sung frankly the Mayor: for the country, place in top to mountains, malridotto from the incuria of the old administrations, the arrival of forestieri e of an important personage as. it had to be considered a fortune could indeed have represented the manna piovuta from the sky. Cicco T?lo, with feint air giving up, that it would have had to provoke from part of that it they were around, raising the voice tone exclaimed: "Vabbe' that in country not is remaining pi?essuno. all in America, all in America if they go some. but we, we are still. he says himself that after a po' they begin to send moneies to the mogli, perch?uando return from the America want to be all owners of house and lands comment?ingo Lupesce, to which regularly the recondite sense of the speeches of the head of its party escaped. gli Cicco acid addressed. and the vaccari, the garzoni in order to plow little, ch?essuno want to make pi?uesto job. at this rate, between some year, not if trover?i?essuno. not to succeed itself any? to make to plow pi?eppure a t?lo of earth. a buontempone that campava to the day, loitering in the public square pass?ccanto to the group of councilmen and onlookers that went itself collecting around to Cicco T?lo as they exited from the Town hall heard those goes to the church with seven sottane. he that it does not have thoughts comment?icco. as is said putiende: lu Pope, lu king and who does not hold niende. last usc?al Town hall the communal Secretary, than sluices to key. "Working and precise, the new secretary comment?ingo Lupesce. cos?i would appeal to to have a store clerk in my store will then see if not?olo ' frusc?di broom nuova' and with the time. Cicco T?lo igniting means sigaro, with the air of who, being world man, does not let to trick from the appearances comes to drink a glass of marsala with we said of the voices from the crocchio. Truly I drink alone during the meal and your company I have it. I must go to house to help my moglie perch?i we are. I wanted to only ask here to Don Cicco, cos'?uesta history of the arrival of general Bava who does not have itself to be repeated when arriver?l Decimo Regiment, as pi?olte he has said in Council. Mayor, but as soon as finished the sitting?lzato and?ndato via for. You must know a po' of the history, for cos?ire, of our country perch?ra you are also you of ours. Indeed you are one of autorit?aggiunse the Cicco with badly hidden irony that sfugg?l Secretary made?he also in the last Administration we were not ourselves in minority and little or nothing we are resolutions to make to make of bond the old mayor who then was also sick, tant'?ero that m?a the year?orto inizi? to say Cicco sure T?lo with its air of sufficienza, with which of usual he hid the interest that he had to show a complete mastery of the public matters. made of the?uesto general: General Bava, than like sapete?n lieutenant general, an excellence, a large piece also in politics, three years ago, going to the great maneuvers that made gi?ell' southern Italy and to which assisted also the King, passed for the Plan of the Five Miles. Those of its General Staff had decided that it made stage and it spendt the night here. In fact a ten of days before the passage of the general had come of the officials for scegliergli the lodging and to predispose the others. The lodging had been fixed in the house of Tirlittappo, than per?on it is in one main way interrupted Mingo Lupesce. You must also say the secretary perch?i had to resort to the house of Tirlittappo, with many beautiful palaces that are in country, senn?l Secretary makes one bad idea of all how many noi.stavo saying riprese Cicco T?lo somewhat irritateed from this interruption. the house of Tirlittappo, than?ure one beautiful mansion, but giust' exactly, not to pu?ettere itself to comparison with nobody of the palaces of i. Per?n eight days was not made in time to prepare the lodging in one of these palaces, perch?i these getlteman, who not was, who did not want strangers in house, who did not make in time preparare.E all this perch?prima, the autorit?enivano always accommodated in the house of Don Giovanni. it has a quarter just for the hosts of care, always ready. to deal them to way also for the name of the family, than?i large getlteman. Only that they give a little time to Don Giovanni.Insomma, species if opening some bottle of pi?i a certo.allora vattelo to riacchiappare behind its crickets and. And of bottles recently of opening always of pi?quella time that says that it had made to prepare the fire in order to brace." interruppe of new Mingo. but Cicco the said ones on the voice: "Enough, we remain to the fact, senn?l Secretary does not go pi?d to help. Insomma, just little days before the arrival of the general, Don Giovanni had accommodated the Mansueti member of parliament who went around of its college. After a day of speeches, of encounter with the constituents, of tightened of hand, promises and to chiacchiere, as they make the deputies in time of elections, and after a great reception and supper to house of Don Giovanni with several friends and many the member of parliament drinks a toast itself, if she goes some to sleep read and turned of quarter for pigliare sleep that feels behind the door a music, as it was one serenata. Don Giovanni who with some of the others invites to you made music with the harmonic cassette and good rest augured it ringrazia of much courtesy: "Also the serenata one, like pits if it returns some to bed, ch?tava just stracco. But it had as soon as taken sleep that music recommences and the member of parliament, that had understood that Don Giovanni was tipsy, is raised of new and tries to calm it, still ringraziando and saying that the joke was of taste, but that it had need absolutely to sleep, perch?a morning after had to be raised soon and to continue. It seemed that Don pure Giovanni had been made able and if of it had gone to bed he but the member of parliament were to the first sleep when music and the din behind the door recommence pi?orti first member of parliament reopen the door of the room and try to make to understand to Don Giovanni and the others that it was itself to feel badly that please they had proprio.Ma not ago to time to say two words that Don Giovanni passes from the joke and the joy to the incazzatura and the ugly ones and badly begins with the words and the threats to the member of parliament: ' Imbroglione, bugiardo, ladro, lazzarone.' Insomma, in little words the hunting outside of house had not thought Lurito to us, the factor of Don Giovanni, which, seen the mala adorned for the member of parliament, it had gi?atto to inform to house its ch?bita just of forehead to the palace of Don Giovanni that prepared a bed, perch?oteva to serve for the member of parliament, that one passed the night in the middle of the street. and it was spring and it made still cold. Here perch?er the general, to the last moment, had itself to be resorted to the house of Tirlittappo ". well, he goes well, he was chosen the house of this Mr. Tirli. disse the spazientito Secretary. but to the arrival of the general who what?proprio nothing riprese Cicco with sarcastica and mysterious air perch? to receive it not was nobody. the general, when they arrive in country in order to by now announce that the carrozza of the general?ui, than?rrivata to the Tree of Coconut, does not see nobody in turn and quite believes still to have arrived to the main public square does not go ahead and cos?scono from the other head of. Then s' they notice that the country had gi?ltrepassato it, they return behind and they understand that the public square of the?uesta country, than that one?l Town hall and also understand that to receive them not there?essuno. and they see only a man sdraiato on that stone step that is l?era Nardone that took the sun and sonnecchiava in the desert public square, like same to. The couriers then approach and that one when it feels the horses that wide awake the near scalpitano and s' raises in feet piece of man who has made the door-keeper Naples and always goes in turn with one camiciola turchina on which he has pined many medals and medagliette, of that of usual the priests d?o in church to the children and of those taken for memory in the sanctuaries Nardone accompanies always the countrymen who go nei.. We imagine what they had to think surprised the couriers piemontesi seeing Nardone. also perch?e of its strange way of. Soon, secretary, you will know also this. Therefore the couriers ask to it if it knows where the mayor finds itself and which?' lodging of the general mayor I do not know risponde Nardone to it. but I know which?' lodging: house of Tirlittappo (stavolta the secretary made chorus to pronounces of that funny name).' Cos?icendo collects from a part complete perch?l the hat of high Nardone?n' tuba to which it, beyond hanging other medals, has pined around around long pens of every. In that moment, with great failure of wheels on the pavement and scalpitare of horses, the carrozza arrives in public square of the general with its. An official shows oneself to the window of the carrozza: That?che not. The couriers explain to have found only that man that it could indicate dov' was the lodging of the understood general "interrupted to that point the secretary who had haste. but it is, is to feel the end, ch?e is worth the pain disse Cicco that s' was infervorato in the story. Nardone to that point, after to have made a rispettoso ducking to the new ones it arrives to you, is put to the head of the corteo and it approaches. Someone of those getlteman, then, sembrandogli sure sconveniente that a caravan much nobleman was preceded and guided from a cos?omico individual, says to Nardone to go up to cassette beside. What that Nardone made indicating the road with wide gestures of the hands, perch?uei galantuomini did not understand its speech well abruzzese-Neapolitan, cos?ome he little meant their piemontese. He knew, then, that the general had given order to the lookout put of guard to its portone to prevent the income to any citizen whom he wanted to go to fargli visit, with the exception of that good man who with great courtesy had guides them to you, and that, then, he did not have intentional to accept the currency that an official wanted to give to it when they were to destination secretary perch?n Council I have said and repeated not to make the same made acceptance the general, now, to the arrival of Decimo Regiment of the Grenadiers that comes for the summery field and the maneuvers. of soldiers not?osa of the same importance of the other, ch?n' occasion of. However?empre a issue of honor for the country and also of acquaintance from part of the colonel and the other officials of secretary assicur?he for part its would have completed its scrupulously must in ossequio to the dispositions that it would have received from the Mayor salut. other dispetto not you p?a, innanzi to house you you? cac?voce bitter Peppe Farfuglia, the Mayor, taking a walk on and gi?er its. That morning had oed in Common before the usual. Council the matter of the acceptance, of the "welcome", as Cicco T?lo said, to give to the Regiment that of l? two days it would have arrived in country, had put out of order it the digestion and the sleep malignit?li seemed to touch it with the hands dragged behind not only the consent of those its caudatari inept four, but nearly it succeeded to convince of bont?elle the its proposals the doubtful ones and the disattenti of the such adverse part its speeches were the ambiguit?ei. Farfuglia never felt hour pi?he victim of one conspiracy warp against of. "the head of the opposition ringhiava to tight teeth when the body bile the traboccava and seemed carried it to labbra the words of those its rimuginare. as it defines the gang that capeggia. like if we were in Parliament with left and the given right to make the T?lo," Don Cicco ", like held makes itself to call, during the elections for contendergli loads with Mayor he not to only would have the facts us its to fix itself making the mayor, as I of remain I have mine, but?nche an ambitious. Don Cicco here, Don Cicco l?Se had not had the necessit?i to assure in the communal auctions the good pasture of the mountain of Mazzamora to its sheep, with loads with Mayor he if highly it would be stropicciato some. if it would have go huntinged some from the morning to the evening, that it was its passion. Hour, then, that it had a new gun. To that it served to it, to he, to put itself in extension said the uncle priest. the Peppe Latin had not studied it, but from when the uncle that maxim had explained it, if it never were not scordato, and pi?assava the learned time pi?veva quiet makes the facts its festeggiamenti for the arrival of the soldiers was only dispetto that a Cicco T?lo. That glie went some in pocket to the T?lo from a good one or here, one l?acquistati all for a bread piece from who had the chiappo as one beautiful is said in country in order to express the money urgency making propriet?altro that the Americans beautiful acceptance, a welcome to the Regiment, two words said well from. It knew the T?lo well that it to speak, species in public, did not find themselves to us were died pure the canonical uncle, who glielo would have written hour a speech. us sar?poi, with me to receive the soldiers. T?lo, sure, than verr?er to see, for sfottere and being able to tell then to the four twenty all the malignit?he will come to it in head. and then someone goes to the store of Mingo to buy a pound of salacche, it sends it via and closes the store in order to come to make good acceptance the soldiers. He goes to ask Guiduccio, the taylor, perch?on was present to. Dir?he just then had gone Don Chissach? it is made to take to faithfuls to the maxim they: to the fair it goes to us and to the store stacci. in public square and the part of Nardone this time far?o. the that point s' was only made late and it employs you to it of the Common one (that then they were three in. The communal put Mayor chiam?l: "D?l Secretary who wrote and made to iettare the ban in order to inform the citizenship that pi?ardi, in quiet of the roads of the country, after the nasal peee. the horn of the auctioneer, came recited the ban like a comprised poetry, second the cadence of the lines written from the secretary on foglietto of paper the that ban was not worth to assemble people for one festosa acceptance to Decimo Regiment Grenadiers of the Regal Army, Peppe Farfuglia did not believe some glue sfaccendato to it that rester?ol culo to the pi?ontana cantonata one of the public square, with air absent for fear that the commandos qualche.cosa. the usuals monelli that they will be resolutions sgusciare between the legs of the parents whom they wanted to close them in house in order to hold them dalla. far away only on which the Mayor it thought about being able to count others were not that the three employ to you communal, Zibono and Pitolla the two rustic guards, the netturbino and peck, on the which last ones felt of having autorit?ndiscussa. "Better than to find itself single as Nardone. was always the mortgage of that previous fact). rustic it was not then much sure one of being able to count perch?ensava that they held pi?er the T?lo that for he to part the fact whom sufficiently they were indisciplinate of theirs in order to have need it are tempted in. Above all Pitolla, which, from when it had killed a bear had become o felt. a popular hero to make its job, passed the greater part of the time in the taverns makes itself to pay from drink in order to tell ogni time with unknown particular. its adventure with the bear: it was only that it was returning in country after the passed day to supervise on the fields and the communal forests of Goes them of the Canala, when from a macchione sbuca and is adorned, in feet, a bear how much once and half he, ringhiava and urlava as was a lupo mannaro and then it recovered of new in the folto of the spot. pi?rossi hid behind the log of the trees and tried to take it to the shoulders to find the time in order to load the perch?roprio gun little before, for emergency, had unloaded it then had to try to make a good shooting in order to hit it before botta, perch?n single blow had its gun and the skin the bear?ura and that one did not give sure the time to it to recharge being made pure forehead the bear he with urla and sassate, quand' had loaded the gun, a moment that the bear pulls outside the head gives behind a log, ready. Farfuglia, in order to recall to the order this employee indisciplinato, pens?i to resort to the moglie that, by all accounts, at least within them walls domestic servants. Ordin?llora to the communal put one to go to the source and of fargli coming endured innanzi Annina the lavandaia, moglie of Pitolla. sure woman precipit?al Mayor that that call had connection with the lay-off of those fannullone of its husband, ch?i?a time she if. It would have tried perorare to the Mayor the cause of its family and of the three children who had put to the world with that man it would have tried to rabbonire the mayor, would have made all the possible one in order to defend its marito.beh, then she would have spoken clearly. in country it was saves at least its reputation of great worker to forehead of that one of the husband who was gi?ella and ruined he reached gasping the cospetto of the Mayor, holding with a hand the apron wrapped on a flank, gesture whom it wanted to be of respect and decency for the place and the persons that it had and that, making them to ergere the busto and rimarcando the curve very modeled of the flanks, conferred them an aspect of bellicose fierezza correspondent to its true state of mind. ' gnor Mayor, m' you have from scus?disse. if I introduce myself senz' it are changed to me innanzi to lorsignori, but I was to the source. Mayor wanted abrupt and is decided in speaking with she, but not trov?ubito the formula, sicch?uella he had the time to continue its speech: if I do not raise the morning to the four and I do not go for firewood to the forest, to casa.Qui s' he noticed to have begun to the cuff the speech that he wanted to make the mayor. its personal papers would have had to only put them in table after that one before defended was failed, say of office, of its husband. but by now the speech was started, the face of the Mayor, inespressiva usual and melensa, stavolta it was buia, sicch?ontinu?lesta, to go to the source to wash the cloth cowlings of the getlteman, would not be eaten. But without those little of wage of my husband until the end of the month the sons woman it seemed did not want to end it pi?ma to that point the mayor had just. "Beh la interrupted. if your husband not sar?n public square, and with the uniform in order, posdomani to the arrival of the soldiers, I assure to you that on two feet I fire it ch?'?n other volenteroso young person to put. With the history of this bear your husband not raccapezza. I want some pi?entir to speak. ?tato brave?n sharpshooter, at this point knows all the country to it that it has paid to it from drink now enough. Annina, to which the language for the history of the bear gi?rudeva for a long time, did not seem true of being able to empty a good time the bag also perch?os?oteva to demonstrate to the Mayor that the husband was in its power and that of hour in then could. Of other song, hour Suria, verit?ell' the bear killed from my husband would have had a good reason to adduce its husband in order to justify itself to have broken the solemn promise fattagli not to tell to nobody the true history of the bear says I m?a. That evening my husband was late to return to house like ago when it goes to drink to the wine cellar with the friends and ready I gi?ro to fargli the acceptance that is deserved (ch? fury of cazzotti gliela I make to pass I want it of drink) when me they are seen to arrive with the spallidita face, the eyes I block to you, the legs that had the tremarella and one smells, one I smell that he stank. Then m' he has told that while returned in country s' it was seen ahead unexpected a bear, than was taken to accidents a lot to it was ugly and large he has pulled to it endured one schioppettata and then without to turn itself ago?cappato and with three he knows to you s'?rrampicato on a tree l?Da l?opra, calls and he calls aid, nobody has felt it, sicch?'?imasto until night made for fear that the bear the same ones to make the mail. Only when he did not succeed devout? to stand on those coppers, than us had been intisichito?ceso and?cappato pi?i fury that of career to house. and if. I there know that stomach?oluto for lavargli the brache with. Only the nearby morning, when before?ndato day to collect the gun, than in order to run pi?velto had thrown after that it had pulled the blow, s'?ccorto that close to the gun there was the bear stecchito with you can star calm that of hour innanzi must straight rigar if not the svergogno. And it must stop of drink, perch?e the wine s' noticed that it was in order to repeat to the Mayor the phrase salace that used to say non without a sure satisfaction and affectation -. to the companions in Fontana: that if the wine had put out of order to the husband the only thing that it had of bond, that one was the time that it would have hunted it of house to kicks had been the effect of the ban or of the ritorsioni threatened from the Mayor to how many could fear them between its concittadini or that, more rather, to move them it had been the curiosit?erpeggiante in country, tempted and ravvivata from the words of Cicco T?lo, the morning of the arrival of the soldiers in public square was assembled one small crowd. First to arrive they had been the communal dependent. Zibono and Pitolla, on whose uniforms were to habitually ricomparsi the lacking buttons and some councilmen, with the exception of whom they were bottegai. then had come the sfaccendati ones, those citizens that were found in that moment free from their engagements and Schioppetta with its buonumore. to say it were Cicco T?lo, than to the eyes of one watching unaware of of the facts of the country the sent pi?mportante personage of the comitiva. seemed sure between the groups of persons spoke with all accompanying the speech with round gestures of its stocky hands and a solemn one to raise and to lower of the head like who, bont?ua, grants audience and promises with sussiego spigliato and active to the interlocutor favors and supports, how much instead it was impacciato and sovrappensiero. n?ra easy for a stranger to notice that the Mayor was he, perch?a wrap tricolour had encircled it with reluctance under the jacket and if they noticed some hardly. Cicco T?lo, while, was preparing it an other of its shooting birboni. Little before the arrival of the soldiers it had made to carry from the caretaker of the elementary schools the footrest of a chair and it had made it to decide to the center of the public square, in front of the group of the councilmen and of. Costui intu?' use perfido that that one wanted to make some and was on the point of. It was not successful that to think four words to say to the colonel and the officials in colloquiale tone, in a crocchio in which us the hands would have been tightened and exchange smiles to you stereotype to you and those convenevoli in which it had to be only careful not to commit gaffes. time on that footrest, than what never he would have said little to noon when the notes of fanfara of the drawn Regiment the public square were heard were full of soldiers, with flag and colonel on its horse. The notes still echoed a moment between the buildings, then. The Mayor came pushed on the footrest from impietose hands, between which he seemed it to recognize for the push pi?ecisa those of Cicco T?lo. volt?erso the councilmen with a gesture that it wanted to be of courtesy and of I invite myself affinch?alissero also they on that very small tribune. in realt?ra an extreme implorazione of aid per?perch?uelli just then they watched all from an other part and many had the eyes raise you to the sky like to scrutare, if, although the beautiful time, same in order not to come gi?n unexpected heavy shower to put out of order. Peppe Farfuglia, like never pi?n life its, is felt. Hour must unavoidablly speak to welcome to those soldiers who are l?pposta in order to listen to it, does not wait for other. The colonel watches it from the high of the horse, then takes apart lesto and the plant innanzi impettito in the luccicante uniform of decorative clasps, supported in fierce cipiglio to the sabre with tutt' and the two hands ace of the official, than it is just of forehead, to the same height of its, although it is on the footrest, with the two mustacchi and clear and strict look of under the visiera, d?a the feeling of having of forehead the King, that one of ritratto hung in knows it of the Council, come down of l? to feel tutt' ears. It did not have escape, hour had to open dry mouth, the language paralyzed between the teeth. Therefore with a sudden start of volont?con choked voice a po' pi?orte but, not its, than same he stranger hears:. Null it thinks and it feels that it joins it to all those persons who it are innanzi, to the reason of theirs come in country, nothing who suggest an idea to it, a phrase whichever that draws it of ipaccio. svincolato finally from that cold of the Colonel, erra on the chep? between canes of the guns that they enclose the public square thinks next to the man without money?' image of the dead women. Medioevale path that in part follows the distance of the roman way Minucia. roccione, hour commonly chia.mato "Castle", from which drift the part of the name of the country. Pizzelle, colustre, zeppole, scarselle, typical cake names of. In the dialetto of Rivisondoli to naire?nteriezione of stizza or Pescocostanzo has made part of the Diocese of Montecassino until 1977. Ferdinand of Borbone, King of the Two Sicilie, meeting itself in gen.naio 1821 with the representatives of the Alleanza Saint to Lubiana, of churches the military participation in order to re-establish in the reign the absolute monarchy and to abolish the constitution that, to se.guito of the carbonari motions of 1820, had been forced to con.cedere and to which, also, had juror fedelt?Ottavio Colecchi, philosopher and mathematician, been born to the 19 Pescocostanzo. Luigi Bonaparte, at first President of the French Republic and, then, from 1852, emperor of the French with the name of Napoleone III. ?icordato in a lapide in the palace of the Goat accounts in Viterbo. Laws emanated in Piemonte in order to limit privilege legal and economic. You behind make a step in the story. Who lived well did not put itself in extension. With pi?aturalezza, the shadow of a smile on the labbra: "Tenth Welcome dice. I am hunter taverna ours?a Tutulla, not there am niende from fa'. In the group the contesa cess? of the smozzicati ones:." they got lost in cold the winter air and riprese Panatella with turning of eyes that the guizz?effardo of under the folte sopracciglia. For passatella, this evening there?M?iannamico and Arthur, everyone with the traglia s?anno in turn for tries of the firewood and Carluccio and Matt?palano the snow and the same one to it for the houses to then try firewood portatela on the shoulders, inasmuch as you do not hold n?na slips, n?n ass for caricarcela. someone a tragliuccia and pulls it you to you in place of the ass while turns. Insomma give yourself to make all and capacities here how much pi?egna. Ce of wants a lot, senn?ll' auction does not make the moneies in order to pay. Antonio, the festivity does not succeed and I make one figure us of." conchiuse Panatella with scornful air, and its thin moustaches prolongedded in the folds pulled of the angles of the mouth figure of merda ce it make also all the Commission ago we ce, not." replic?amirro. but Panatella was gi?ndato via imprecando. must gives to us to make continu?amirro addressing to the companions while he sen'?to for the facts its ". facts its, if you do not know disse Tummasino. to it are that today the brother-in-law makes and it goes to house of the just sister in time for the lunch, when the?atta hard work and the pig have it gi?ppeso and cracked made its they are pure those that are not its started all for the begging of the firewood returned everyone pos?n earth its cargo and in the piazzetta form?n. Then the men began to make canes in the spiazzo freed from the heated and panted snow torn?llora like if until that moment had been engaged in a laborious job, and sure he wanted to make to believe it, but beautiful festivity smelled always one when s' accide the pig. Fulminando all with the look mugugn?n mute, like in order being heard from not passing that in that moment not there were: "that fi?che fi?che facete. beautiful it guesses logs to you and ramorelle. how many canes of firewood outside come cos?Se not the fairies under, in the stack, you will always make to make with the quatrali quatrali I them of coccia. the stacks were made, Panatella guard?on the misfortune: "Little, a firewood misery you have collected e fixing Zamirro. you are not good to niende. supported with firmness that look. they oed to the Zamirro wine cellar said slowly to Tummasino: "It remembers you that five and four to count and that Landladies must be Panatella, I Under. It wants to be always Landladies, and ' it is time Landladies is until. I, instead, of it do not drink not even one well, I go well, this pleasure you I make, but dimmi perch?un true man and I resist the wine si I said in Zamirro. heart I see little if that one of the wedding with the pig resists and that one of the passatella of this evening you drink and scaldati gli Panatella said, after, while they entered nella. cos?deve to once have that beautiful moglie. pens?ncora Panatella. other pair to us of times that the riaccompagno to drunk house that the husband has need of a caff?orte and I also accept it me offering? to also pu?ssere that the aid to make it, the caff?cantina was a dense air of smoke and of wine of the opaque looks they intercrossed those of the comitiva that entered and tried a free table makes counts it for who?adrone: Pe' strong Tummasino. Panatella when they were around to the table stiff in the intentional number, designing on the plan of the table bizzarra a geometry to new Inizi?a counts: twenty, not?entuno: the fingers were. comment?anatella. this evening you can drink. there was counts it for the Woman: tocc? Tummasino. wine had arrived on the table and the glasies were in a tray of full metal. Arthur them riemp?ino to the hem being careful not to pour." disse Panatella. raising and tracannando of a breath the first one said the companions nearly to the unisono, second risen of responsorio of ritual taking an other glass and stretching it to Zamirro. it said that it would have begun to drink after. The first glasies, with the permission of the Woman, it could give them from drink to who wanted had to decide of time in time if it wanted drink or he could not say that he would have jumped the wine passages three or five or how many of wanted. to a sure point tronc?a argument and was said of agreement with the point of view. Ci?on modified its purpose. a lot was therefore careful to make s?he the greater part of the wine glasies drank them the Master that Panatella pens?he Zamirro wanted ingraziarselo. glasies could drink them anyone, he in the comitiva did not have n?referenze, n?In realt?vrebbe also drunk some glass in order not to arouse suspiciones, but absolutely it did not want that its breath smelled of wine. Panatella begins? to insist that Under?otto also perch?eve drink, one look of understanding of Tummasino the aiut? to exceed the strettoia: to the successive one I invite of the Master to drink a glass, Zamirro stiff the arm in order to take it. but just then the Woman had an urgent wants of drink and the glass pass?i hand. All to along on the grugno laughed of Zamirro for that it was seemed a prank and it aiut?l game fingendosi. voice of Panatella had become pasted and roca when torn?ull' obligation of Zamirro of drink Zamirro then taken Panatella on one's word: "a man not. You have always said and this evening that t'?uccesso. just hour that we want to begin indeed to drink for scaldarci, ch?on that firewood there are kills, you to you contraddici and you do not want drink what for and then?resto, there?empo for drink all. the wine glasies passed of hand and came tracannati, or centellinati with sure riverenza cracking the language on the palate to the end of the glass (and this was music to the orecchie of the host, ch?n all the country not was wine that resisted the comparison with its) Zamirro went rimuginando the concept of the wine, and that?omo who it does not resist wine pensava. to pu?ssere genuine or traitor like all the other things of the life, of the rest, that they can be good or bad, true or false. You take this Panatella: outside?ome it, friend or enemy want to seem. but within, within?icuramente I march, bad one. Per?enza of he not would be the comitiva, not would be Commissione and Antonio would not make not even the festivity and, to say the verit?non would be not even those jobs that in the lean periods it succeeds to take to job and then spartisce with we. E' like the cheese pecorino when there are the worms: outside he seems normal and it has a good odore, you open it and ago schifo with those worms that brulicano and they jump, then, if it prepares it well, eats it and?na. Perci?una lesson I must give it to it: it the rooster goes it to make to. This I know it that?ino traitor just dumb to berlo. I would be made late, in the wine cellar were remained the two players of morra that they fixed dumb an empty bottle and a drinker hermit who slept with the arms. The host waited for that she went via the comitiva of Panatella in order to shake it from the sleep, to take it for an arm and to drag it outside from. Panatella, dipped in the meditation ebete of the sad drunkeness, had hour the extended folds of the face to have to go via, they had begun the negotiations in order to see who of the two had to accompany the other to house and therefore to salt on to drink a last glass for suggellare cos?raterna and a deep friendship would have been enough to it to move with the tip of the foot the stool on which was seated in order to make it to slip along extended under the table. It said to Tummasino that, seen the state in which s' was reduced Panatella, it touched to they two riaccompagnarlo to house also perch?arluccio and Matt?abitando respective one to the Covatta and the other to Saints Sings, the two opposite heads of the country, if n' they had gone via everyone on behalf its sicch?preso. high voice the soliloquio sad that it carried out in its mind and every a lot formulated, to one or to the other of the two companions, interrogated to you that they presupposed the assent unconditioned and convinced that, naturally, endured they were in the pressed ones of the house of Panatella, Zamirro said to Tummasino that hour could cavarsela alone carry on the friend (that they had been in two to it would have known all the country). of the favor that it had made it during the passatella, augur?a the good night and its headed with fast step towards house was rigid, the north wind was rise that had swept low clouds of the evening and the moon spread pennellate clear on the incontr?iannamico landscape and Arthur which standing an other proceeded for road zigzagando. it saw them to detach themselves from portone of the palace the Crickets, where they were supports in one pause to you of their way, and with uncertain steps, always pi?ccelerati for the slope of the road, to go to stop itself against one of the pillars of the Arc of the Slaughter house, after to have avoided in fortunoso way the Czech under house its guard?a window: it was buia. its moglie it had not waited for it, it had extinguished the lume and it had gone to bed had absolutely believed that it would have stopped of ubriacarsi when he was with that race of friends much less, then, if Panatella made part of. And, for the verit?fino then it had always had reason not. That time he glielo had promised in solemn way but, evidently, it was not successful to convince it: for the matter of the drink the confidence of its moglie had it just lost. in house without to make noise it wanted to know if its moglie slept truly or it did not remove of back the cloth cautiously and them poggi?u one far chair from the bed. Those smelled sure of wine, even if the wind for road had them. Ferm?poi, to listen to the breath of the moglie. sent?he it was wide awake and intu?he from when she had re-entered it had sharpened. Then accost?l read in Hush, making to believe them that it thought that it slept and you entr?iano. annus?orte the air, avvicin?i then devout? he and annus?ncora while you have drunk this evening disse. you indeed do not have drunk rough drafts of press, stetoscopio, bistoury, incunabulo, application of forcipe. words are in the familiar lessico, perfectly assimilated from the two children who attend the first classes of elementary cos?ome the archival concepts exactly bibliographical and of search: things to make with great attention and meticolosit?di pneumonia: serious disease with the "crisis" to the seventh door of the library does not have one handle in order to open it like the others. it is opened alone with the key that has the Doctor, or it opens it he from within with a push-button. He, l?tra walls completely covered from full shelves of books and books heap up to you everywhere?empre curved on old papers and it does not answer, but I come "and still writes with obvious disappunto.gli say ' the Ntramata' for nickname. the lunch the moglie asks the Doctor who "pain" had the woman who had called it to mattino. the devout husband any malaise? less acute here, to Pescocostanzo, they call it ' pena'. of puerperale fever draft, and not?i?na woman. the first years the thirty and Doctor it had decided to always reduce of pi?a its. Decision that did not represent for he the end of a career, n?na definitive, obligatory renunciation to the job, as of usual it happens to who?rasformato in sol a day, for a legal limit of ET? a biological limit of forces, from active and social useful individual in idle. The Doctor used to repeat, in fact, semel medicus, semper adapting to its profession that maxim on the sacerdozio. it would be remained until the last moment of its long life pre-eminent reason to indurlo in the decision to abandon the active profession, the Doctor not the precis?ai to nobody, n?orse same he if it she were. Sure a great passion for the historical studies and the relative archival searches had always pi?onquistato the mind its insatiable one curiosit?rovava in such disciplines a satisfaction that the relative limitatezza of the medical cognitions of those times and the daily ripetitivit?egli professional actions could not compensate a summit that concurred to it to embrace a wide panorama of world, through which s' the way of the its short life if it were introduced of end, made from many was snodato yesterday driven in crams to you to form a single day as soon as passed. but very along if of purpose it were engaged to remember in chronological succession places, men and facts. From those its observatory believed of being able to scrutare with good approximation the way still of completing and that it before did not have sembrargli. verit?eventi absolutely unforeseeable four or five years, they had been taken place in its life in that last one lasso of time and had added what commonly it is thought must make part integrating of the life of a man, if lived with fullness: a moglie and of the sons in fact, than to the end of years twenty, four its siblings of et?olto pi?vanzata of its, had riflettuto that their casato one would be soon. In fact, the grandsons still in et?i taking moglie did not show to have of some intention and those who had taken it had not been prolific. These four siblings (the greater one had been a high, austere magistrate and conserved intact the authority of its degree in the familiar within) all of et?ra the seventy and the eighty were revolts to he, that it was the last one, for chiedergli if it had had the intention to take moglie. this wedding would have name they universal heir would have assured continuit?lla they stirpe not?ato to know, n?oi perch?ale continuit?li same a lot to made heart is that they then won, for cos?ire, the mail in game. Doctor, to that point of its life, the idea to marry thought to have abandoned it instead hour riproponeva and in a sure unusual way: nearly as I invite to participate to a game to prizes in its case were not conditioned to the birth of a son male from the eventual wedding, it would be itself in sure felt way a usurpatore of such donations if the prole wished had not come had said: "If you you feel to take moglie. it alluded to the moral engagement that the wedding and those its wedding not rather involved or that physicist, with clear pi?iovane reference to its et?on. A provocazione, a reproach for its life of bachelor was that one of its siblings, perhaps than they they.blamed, or rather one they undue interference in facts its, of all. It could also be one demanded of aid, of comfort that the siblings plagued from solitudine in the extreme vecchiezza turned to it. Doctor had several feminine acquaintances and could have found moglie between these. but nobildonna about Sulmona a its friend, spregiudicata and gaudente in giovent?quanto devout and penitent in old age, had spoken some time to it before three myths, graceful and pi?iovanissime marriageable sisters living in that citt?figlie of knowing its the occasion did not carry out compiaciuta the duties of pronuba. nostalgic sequela, perhaps, or thin sensuale weft that red-establish the solitudine of its precise ones of the three sisters, organizz?ubito a reception in its palace for three sisters, between ventotto and trentacinque the years, was remained marriageable until that et?erch? parents, before, had prevented their weddings could only happen after that a greater sister, not much pretty. small ", nobody would have pi?hiesto the expecting large hand of, the perci?veniva one pretestuosamente rejected, less than he did not move on the first daughter its attention sisters rendered spaces their tried ones to you, than also there were, of resistance to such imposition, s?he the autorit?ei parents had in this field one absolute. After the wedding of the greater sister, than finally the previous year, the order of priorit?ei weddings to second had happened of the et?oteva is not pi?ispettato. Doctor incontr?l reception of nobildonna the sisters, unaware of that that day would have completed for one of they the game of the destiny showed less of their effective ET? the smaller sister, also ventottenne, conserved the attitudes that the small role of the family had to them. They very were made, slanciate, with eyes and dark hats in their ways were spontaneit?elata solo from a famous one of light mestizia. Doctor, perhaps for before the time in its life meeting one attractive woman, sub?on only the feminine fascination, but avvert?na pi?rofonda and complex feeling: that one deriving from sacralit?' the image of the genitrice brace that was in order to form. In greater of the three sisters intu?na pi?atura dolcezza, one disponibilit?i?onsapevole to the matrimoniale relationship, than of for s?omplesso, would sure have had in its case a particular one interlaces of feelings, of thoughts, of new to acquire and ancient habits celebrated in the house of the spouse in the summer of ventinove and the travel of wedding sorrentina was carried out in the peninsula and to Naples. Here the Doctor made a long visit the Archives of State, of which he was assiduous frequent visitor, making itself to accompany from the spouse after to have fortified it of newspapers and reviews, than she she had time to leaf through pi?olte while the husband lead its methodical searches, being confirmed cos?edelt?d a its scherzoso maxim: "Papers. a year nacque primogenito and the Doctor had is doctor for its moglie and its son: the suffering of the delivery lasted from two days and v' application of forcipe was the indication of necessit?er one to the partorient. This operation obstetrician it was familiar: steel the Longines clock that it always had in pocket was the gift that, to the first times of its profession in one lead of the Marsica, had intentional fargli a railwayman of the Net gratefulness to the fifth application of forcipe that it had practiced to the moglie, one for everyone of its difficult deliveries. The Doctor had not never thought, per?di to have to complete a day that operation on its moglie and its son. But not mostr?i living this event emotionally. the long custom with realt?ell' the sick man who attends aid once ferm?ncora feelings and emotions and acute suscit?ivo and the sense of the engagement and del. moglie, between the pains of the delivery. But it had to think to both second i. To lume of candle, perch?n temporal the that night he had left to buio the country, only helped from the levatrice and from the suocera that he had intentional to be beside the daughter partorient, she was doctor. Fifteen months after an other child was born walls of that house, after beyond cinquant' years during which s' a silent and methodical life was carried out, the vagiti ones of the small were heard and the ninnenanne sung from the mother and the other women of house chino on its books, reached through the rooms of the palace the vagiti ones and they had recited them sessant' years before voices of which it remembered the stamp and. Pervadeva then the feeling of the physical presence of a weft, of one continuit?iologica that proceeds independent, through men and generations concrete as a thread that dipanava from a disowned head and that hour it had stiff towards a ignoto, unimaginable future other that a pi?ottile filament of this weft to carry out itself through that desire of continuit?amiliare, is also indirect, manifested from its present, the daily paper for the Doctor was apparently calm. it added the esteem of how many encircled it and the friendship of picked men with which it was in correspondence for its historical studies its engagement in this field was then becoming pressoch?ssoluto with the collaboration, lend free of charge, to the compilation of the index of a ponderoso Corpus of antichi reporters, on behalf of the Historical Institute. Job that had engaged it for approximately eight years with having published other history documents native land and one of these jobs dedic?Le the interruptions of such study, than habitually lasted from the morning to the evening, was due only to those professional performances that could not avoid and to the not much time that dedicated to the two children to, narrargli. Very little they interested it the events political. to the fascismo that in those years celebrated its it makes you between the consent of the devout ones? Mussolini would be past, perhaps soon, without to leave long-lasting traces in the history and in the fantasy of the simple ones that also in that moment it had ignited cos?ome it was not passed in automobile on be them and people were run to see it and told then that Vi?io, with the fascist and the silver medal pined on the chest, s' was made to be worth and s' it was hoisted on the staffone of the presidential machine that v' was remained a piece ritto in the fascist salute and that Mussolini if n' it were compiaciuto. the radio that in those years s' always went pi?iffondendo, emphasized not new phenomena in the history. but the radio was enough not to acquire it and from newspapers it had to know to read between the lines the little reliable news thought that the history was life master: also if the vision of the?etrospettiva historian and does not concur some sure forecast not even of the immediate future, the historical conscience is worth however to avoid I dazzle it of many to grow of the sons, per?nuovi relationships also form put them head to he and Although naturally it was carried riproporre in the education of the sons the same austeri models of its times, the participation of the moglie that to ci?i its same ripensamento opposed and. promised to carry of the regalini to the sons to the return from one of its travels of study to Rome, had acquired of the giocattoli in a store to help in the choice from the store clerk to which it had said the et?ei children. While that one manifactured the package the Doctor saw between other giocattoli one. In its affior?ivo mind the memory of one its great infantile joy and the hard punishment that had it continuation: the father had carried it from Naples one of those nails head was still fresh the epic of Devout Door and it had endured itself felt radiosa bersagliere day of spring its siblings and its sisters, in comitiva glad, had gone in gita rustic to the forest of First Field, l?ove in Hush of go them risuonano the cowbells of the buoi, those of the filastrocca. It had not been able to participate to the gita one: it was a group of young manen and of Miss.s and he a child who would have gotten tired, made whims and. Useless to insist. the mother had been. It would be remained in house to make them company and it would have made to cook in the furnace to the bread of the pupattole of pandolce. would together not have gotten tired itself never would have always run, from true bersagliere for house. the mother was been busy in kitchen and attention, sure did not lend it that it could not exit outside. The portone it was closed and the chain with which the saliscendi was removed in order to open it had been for the note. In order to raise the saliscendi it had it are. It could not catch up in some way the legnaia, taken a branch to forcina, with that one the saliscendi s' raised taken the hat from bersagliere, torn?a low, apr?l portone and via of that, seeing it, called it and they asked they where he went perch?' had covered many times in gig with the father caught up the comitiva while cuoceva in a cauldron to the open the maccheroni. they only attended to he and for annunciargli the solemn punishment that attended it to. S' arrampic?ugli trees, race untiringly on the prati ones, tir?assi in contest with the contadinelli of the place of the siblings that s' incamminavano for the return heavy shower picked the comitiva. the hat from bersagliere, than the contadinelli they had envied to it and that it had made it to try with sussiego only for little moments, had become one poltiglia shapeless and the visiera of cardboard. Deprived of hope, avvert?ppena the two schiaffi that the father the said ones when reached house rest?invece, to cry to excessive for the pain of that loss in allocate where for punishment was locked up, zuppo of water com' it was, until when it was sent to bed, fast. Doctor felt well that she could not have inflicted them to its sons store clerk of the absorbed it store seeing in its thoughts had said: "the package for its nipotini?ronto. that premuroso grandfather has along arc of time from he gi?issuto before becoming father, played in one simultaneous, paradoxical condition of father and grandfather. the wedding, all its life had begun to slide like on a double quantity, divergent railroad: of giovinezza, for responsabilit?uove of head of one the rising family cui s' its exceptional validit?isica came to an agreement. and of old age, for the cumulus of years and affective experience gi?issuti. prisma of the human mind other faces showed it and the reason tried to formulate new ideas and new thoughts realt?ociale in those years had become (or that wedding and those sons gliela were showing) various from the antichi outlines. the conflicting but always pi?ncalzanti voices of war, than one new long-wave of the human vicissitude was next to frangersi in a gorgo that it would have sucked and swept up the old one. The symptoms of next, perhaps immane ones, catastrophe to times were clear to the eyes of the Doctor as those of a serious disease, of an infection of which the prognosis was impossible was not worth to camouflage them and to confuse them the voices roche of the loudspeakers and. Rome had seen exposed in the display window of a store gas masks for adults. The Doctor asked as she could have protect its family excluded the callback to the crews, that one was only one of the many impending dangers on the families putsches, of violences, invasions from part of foreign armies like that they were sweeping up the states of central Europe of every kind they were gi?ll' work and they tried to convince who thought money owner, to acquire gold, or lands the purchase of houses that could are bombed accustomed to one administration and saving, working life thrifty of one small propriet?motivo to lose the head and it entire its. The Doctor determined to only have available for the immediate future one strongly sum of liquid money, which in normal times its family would have spold in fifteen or vent' years pel rest not prest?recchio to councils that dark veil spread on the reason of the men, that serious crisis of. Having had sons, the cultural continuit?ivile and of its meant to assure not only the contituit?iologica but also. Deep Conoscitore of all the main libraries and arches you of Italy, it it was also of citt?degli the antichi quarters and monuments of. S' was proposed of condurvi the sons in instruction travels, to educate them cos?l cult of the art and the beautiful one, of how much?spressione of the human genius. It wanted that since adolescent they learned to appreciate the beauties of. Anticipating the joy of such travels and preparing them to they, it described to the sons the lights and the poetry of one walk in the villas of Ravello, the life of the feudatari in medieval maniero turrito, the short splendor and sfarzo of one the principesca of the rinascimento and the wonders of the guarded miniati codes. Once, during a travel to Rome, being useful for the custom with which it attended the Library Vatican, it wanted condurvi the two perch?edessero boys those only knows them splendid, accessible to little and elect students, di.le which had spoken many. The visit had place, but Prefetto of the Library, a monsignor was short perch?l its friend, s' accompagn?ubito to he holding constantly of eye the boys in timor the panic that, given vastit?ell' the classroom, you. Therefore mostr?oro a book with beautiful and colored figures and preg?' friend of condur via soon the two good boys. which they give to the song they, it watches to you with as well as of eyes those professoroni chini on the books that s' were not not even shrewed of their presence, kissed the hand to the monsignor, in tip of feet like were enters to you, if of it they went june of the forty the war declaration had extinguished in the mind of the every Doctor also weak person hope that the Italians could remain strangers. However for a three years the war for he was only to succeed itself above all of bulletins from the meant doubt and of news of. In the July of the ' 43 instead the full storm invest?n. Doctor was in those days about itself to go to Rome with the moglie for familiar commission, when one young, spiritata contessa that she vacationed in country and that from little days had known its family, learned the news of that travel, chiam? two sons of the doctor testualmente: "Prevented absolutely to the travel of your parents to Rome tomorrow sar?ombardata Rome and you you could remain orphaned by now adolescent, n?n its talk with the veggente contessa (which not pot? he did not want offrirgli elements of credibilit?valsero to distogliere the Doctor from the purpose of the travel. Punctually, instead, to mezzod?el successive day the train with which the spouses travelled was invested from a hurricane of outbreaks while it was entering in the station Terms Anglo-American strafing of Rome that hit the quarter and the port of call. Big waves of bombers happened impetuous and two spouses, divincolandosi between baggages, bodies and sheets, blind you and asphyxiate you from smoke, tried shelter between siepi of escarpment railway and Solo after two distressing days sons, that they had learned the news of the strafing while was still in course from the bulletin of war transmitted in the official notice radio of one afternoon, will receive a telegram that informed them that both, father and mother, were alive and incolumi. telegram that, as soon as joint, the mail official made to recapitare endured, affectionately open, to the boys. Quiet, as a little important page of the national history book had been turn with unconcern was scomparso in the null one, fallen in a trabocchetto like you threw down the host disliked during a reception to palace in one short feudale. tradition had been, cos?rispettata from the Savoia. this event, nearly was a weft warp in order every so often to increase to the sense of irrealt?he hour the pervadeva, had been preannounced the Doctor beyond. One its rich patient of the high quarters of Rome, in the course of a visit, had said to it with mannered unconcern: "Face its accounts." Which accounts had is made, he that never fine and icy rain had not been man of double entry fell from pi?iorni. window watched the fireplaces that alitavano tenuous intentional of smoke on the old roofs zuppi and lustri, and pi?ltre, in bottom to they goes, the low clouds knit to the black autumnal forests until the slopes of mounts rows of silent, soaked men of water, with hoes and attend them in shoulder, watch to you tutt' around, like the sheep from the dogs, German soldiers armed with. They were forestieri rastrella you chiss?ove and puttinges to dig from the dawn to the sunset trenches and ditches tank destroyer in the campaigns forehead had caught up Pescocostanzo and the country had to be evacuated within. The Doctor turned the look to its books crams to you in the massive ones. He examined backs of the bindings: those ancient ones in parchment, those of rare and valuable editions, those of the made volumes to bind from he, fortifying them of its former ones libris. the batteries of the books consult to you for last anchor on the tables and on the chairs it rambled in the wide space from the writing desk with the large consumed ink pot and the sfogliacarte from the use, to its seat with the pillow sdrucito to the edges for a long time. Those objects spoke a new language, than it did not succeed it to mean. All, all ci?tava for being stolen or destroyed cos?ome furnitures of house, those of common use and those that they furnished it knows them them of the advanced plan: tapestries, to specchiere, carpets, lampadari. these, always be from generations in those places, watch to you and used. but not faithful, intimate companions of its life like its books, its plichi papers of old papers bambagine rosicchiate in equal parts from the time and the rats, still to open from when a hand two or three centuries before had them. Not to imagine them those hands sacrileghe that they would have violentati and hastily scaraventati to earth the volumes from the shelves in order to see that what had been hidden behind. It had been alone, would be remained l?l its bureau, to die. But its moglie called it perch?' helped to tie two mattresses. at all costs it would have made them to load on the truck that had. "It remembers to you to wear a double mesh also you, like far?are to the sons other with we that these little fagotti. of the library the house were irriconoscibile. its moglie and its sons had frugato everywhere like to the search of objects that had the capacit?i proteggerli from the sfollati incognito of the life randagia of that it attended them. All ci?he it did not seem useful to such must came left where it had come between hand. to that it would be served to replace it to place. Doctor sent?l its mind to stretch itself to the spasimo, but proib?i porvi mind. Aiut? to manifacture the little baggages that hoped to carry via, entr?d usc?i house pi?olte for small commission and understandings with environs rincas?"sfollamento" of the citizen was for the successive morning. of those 3 November 1943 public square of the country would have been the last truck German military truck part?alla that as soon as it was made. The sky was serene and a light pale was reflected on the walls of the empty houses, with the black points of the doors and the windows opened wide, that I toast scomparvero to the sbigottiti looks of the departing travelers. Joints to Sulmona the Doctor picchi?orte on the cabin of the truck while." The driver rallent?poi ferm?l trucks and come down for dev' being carried in hospital, not to pu?roseguire the travel." it said, showing to the German a bracelet white man with the Red Cross and cross of Malta and a symbol with analogous symbols that had pined on. They were cimeli of the Great War, in which it had gone voluntary like doctor of the Order of Malta. did not make in time to go away of four steps from the truck, than this it was gi?uoto of men and baggages, passings in a flash in the alleys of the quarter. Sulmona the Doctor rifugi?on the family in the apartment of the suoceri that. The moglie and its parents had then a large one to make in order to organize the logistic particular of the new cohabitation: the drawing-room was taken apart, was acconciati of the beds R-di.fortuna, the mattresses legacies in a hurry returned of large utilit?anzi was indispensable. in a cape it remained all the immovable day in Hush, seated in a song of the divano, only piece of furniture of the drawing-room left to its place perch?i night served from bed for one of the sons had passed in its life not even a day in similar conditions of. But hour in the panorama that encircled it did not notice a single point to which to report its thoughts, when in the storm of the emotions and the feelings paralysis was also successful to formulate of some only seemed of being one of that sick to which one alloy the limbs and the favella leaving intelletto and the their spirit integral traluce from. But for they the world that?resente encircles them and assets in the cures that in kind they receive from the relatives interrupted, for important how much?olo the thread of the own direct and immediate communication not the favella, the vital functions, that they were integral, but entire its possibilit?i relation with the world were not interrupted perch?ra the world of the raziocinio, its world of the culture and intelligence to being victim of. Between the other worries, one it struck with lightning the mind at times:. It had gi?ompiuto settantacinque years, how much time living could essergli still remained like not understanding that it was in that poor way that would have ended its days years before, when instead it had put on family. What could make pi?ui for it, by now, beyond to avergli offered those gruzzolo of money from which the moglie and sons to the mattino reached before taking risks themselves to the search of the daily food in the campaigns of Go them Peligna. mind of the Doctor, therefore, were not born thought that was not buio, of pain. N? relatives could have serbare the memory of one in those days its various image, if nearly century after, the dumb man, wrapped in the cape were half not returned between they (if in order once?oncesso the figured sense of the words) in the dress, to pi?ongeniale he. Cos?ppare from the written ones, vergati in those days and finds to you or?olto, when the sons, learned the ritrovamento in Germany of a part of those its books, have frugato between the papers of that time issues of sheets protocol in which with clear and tiny handwriting, with not added and precisazioni the Doctor writes up, as travels over again with the mind the route its shelves, catalogue rising della. specifies the consistency, the editions of the works, the format of the volumes, the bindings, the rarit?egli exemplary, the existence of those analogous ones near other libraries indicates the testimonies of the students whom they give last had. (These papers will serve then for the recovery from. Rising of premonizione had the Doctor of or was the conscience of the historian, than soverchiando feelings, emotions and the dumb desperation, pushed it of night, while its relatives slept, to vergare to lume of candle in an angle of one the improvised writing desk, those memories. to render for future one testimony of. Doctor as soon as had dated "5 Decembers 1943" (to a month from the day of the evacuation of the country) and signed those notes, than circumstances of all the unforeseeable ones they had to give one new and long-lasting print to its life from the market (was the name that still was given to the little sporte of verdura in sale in a song of the great public square of Sulmona, where in other times kept two times to the week a colorful and noisy fair), the moglie, as soon as she was not on the uscio of house, begins? to call the Doctor concitatamente. but these, than s' of sure were also not moved from their room, did not answer room. in public square I have met an old one employee of my father, of when. and from that it has said must think to me, indeed they are sure, than many our furnitures have been capacities from the Germans just in." But the husband really seemed sordo and continued to rigirare. esclam?ui, like speaking to s?tesso. one about mine. A German, a German official?enuto here then?erto that ours roba?ui. Rifer?poi, other particular learned from the good man to. Costui, once sped up to speak about large the beautiful things that the Germans were carrying in its country, was profuse in tiny descriptions of all which had seen, feeling to make what appreciate the taken care mrs. who interrogated it and that it remembered spensierata and flourishing girl of the full furniture trucks that arrived to they came from the palace of an archbishop, perch?olte seats somigliavano to the chair that in church was classified to the bishop, when it reached to you for the That furniture was destined to furnish the villa in which the general had established the residence commander in head of all the region. When ce n' it was too much for such must, then the roba it ended distributed to right and to it lacks to the persons who with the German soldiers had confidenza. V' was large to specchiere with carved and golden frames, a carpet many large that in it of the general knows had been withdrawn to the edges, candelabri and tant' other things from large getlteman. To those descriptions it s' was felt venir.E the tapestry of the poltroncine?olor cream with small bunches in the large carpet is represents bunch to you of roses. But that he has seen also she to them these furnitures, the archbishop knows. la moglie begins? to chase the Doctor. Rintraccer?al German commando?n a palace here close. That German m' has made to mean that the parchment had taken it or however had in the kommandantur of this citt? moglie rendered account that in that moment would not have had the collaboration of the husband in order to difficultly formulate a plan of recovery of its furnishings, then, could be immediate perch?i would be dealt of. Pens?invece, than the information that its husband was successful to obtain on its books could be completed to vicissitude with that in the meantime it would have acquired for its account on the others not being able to follow all the vicissitudes of the family, as far as the fate of the furnitures which a lot held the moglie of the Doctor, baster?er all. Some days after the Doctor and its moglie in order to assess if it were l?lmeno a part of theirs roba. Come down, hardly outside for the country, from the gig that had them capacities asked to a distinguished getlteman who took a walk leaning itself for vezzo to an elegant stick if he knew indicargli the villa of the German general indic?ubito. were to an average kilometer of distance and gi?i l?i its stick noticed galantuomo indicated the villa heading in direction of it. Doctor and its moglie had cos?otto their esterrefatti eyes one of canes of India that made part of one they small collection of sticks. Doctor, now, accompanied the moglie and she before helped it in surveyings and then in tried you of recovery of the furnishings of the their house perch?l its state of mind radically she was changed from when the German she had given back to it. Perhaps from that moment he had not had pi?equie. was in time in order to at least save a part of its library succeeded to find someone that he attended the German commando and he could fargli from interpreter, not finding some solution for satisfactory he. He had to gain the ritrosia, indeed the true and own loathing that tried to dealing with the German officials, which, with the exception of what it it had rendered the parchment, than it had seemed well educated person, had all a way to make burbero and arrogant when. Mind was made, however, and an afternoon rec?l commando churches to the piantoni of being able to speak with the commander, said its name and said they one its paper from visit too much interested it the aim last of that encounter in order to let to be involved from an eventual hostile attitude of the commander who was l?er ringraziare ("quite I ringraziare they courtesy from an official who, in order to have fought in France, spoke one. From costui it knew that the importance of its library was famous to the German administration which, perci?s' was made right cargo to make to capture all how much had been thought of greater interest from the experts who had purposely inspected it other documents capture had made themselves to construct to you of the cases from a carpenter (which, traced then from the Doctor, conferm?ale circumstance) and had been sent and put to the sure one in Germany. It was remained outside, for one deprecabile svista, solo that parchment, and then, in order to avoid of the probable loss, it s' personally was interested to make it to give back it. Doctor churches endured that an attestation of the "endured withdrawal of money" was rilasciata it, but obtained only a dry "Nein. from the German, whose face immediately, even if for a moment, is frowned. Rendered account, then, than in that circumstance he could only try to engage the official, which representative l? for its part, of the love of the German people for the art and the culture, to fargli having disponiblit?i a truck and of lasciapassare in order to return to Pescocostanzo, house its and to put in but how many books could of that still they were remained German promised that it would have tried to please it. in grace of pressures exercised from other studious friends on the armed forces high commands. travel was completed from the old Doctor with to one of those friends whom in such circumstance it close had intentional essergli, with a German military truck, of night, perch?uella zone was under the shooting of the Ally artilleries. the day after from that gita, to the moglie that asked it particular minuteren for the conditions in which it had found the house, he only said highly summarized news and it did not want to say other if not that, in the chaotic disorder that was and with little the time to disposition, s' it had had to apply above all to indicate the soldiers that which books helped it to fill up cases, were from carrying via and making attention that those soldiers with their ways rozzi did not ruin ulteriorly those books that in order are also under the water, were become to you. Collected how many pi?lumi and papers it had been able, sped up to make soon from the soldiers who feared the resumption of the cannonade, the Doctor s' was intentional to bring also to see in which conditions was the Collegiata, that how much had beloved its same highly summarized house, not of rilev?sebbene the use of the church like dormitory and warehouse of materials of every kind of it had stravolto the familiar aspect instead, than the two ancient aquile of bronze that they were put like supporting in flight acquasantiere, removed from their place, they were in earth beside the door. Perhaps it was in time in order to prevent that they compissero a flight too much along perch?otessero then to return some. Chiam? two soldiers who were remained outside, in the truck with the ignited motor: "To come, to take disse they indicating the heavy ones aquile. to carry to Sulmona. The aquile endured after the end of the war returned to their place and is l?ertamente memori of those they only and healthy flight. to the north of Italy the forehead, the Doctor, without por time in means, torn?n. Poich?ra the many buildings seriously damages to you was also its palace, in order to lodge to take in driven in one of the little still habitable houses. in an afternoon of the summer incipient with a truck of the Allied troops, guided from a Canadian that had grandfathers abruzzesi. desolated and upset just of the immediate rears of one front line where the armies are face for months serpeggiavano horses to you of frisia and long rows of doors, ante of closets still fortified of mirror, shops and tavolame, plant in earth to make to you from shelter. Everywhere craters of outbreaks, casematte, carogne of. The skulls of the bovines scattered in the flat prateria, with the corna turned to the sky, had that of archaic and solemn. from rare and frettolosi passing, they were ingombre of fragments of furniture, objects of domestic use, rags, bossoli and of it projects them inesplosi. Tacevano the customary voices of the life of the same country that evening the family in the new and modest room, after one night insonne, the Doctor, to the first lights of the dawn rec? house its conditions of it, after the shipment made you with the German truck, were. The roof had been set afire, the fixtures totally removes to you, in all the spaces was often a layer of books and papers, than commisti to straw and to trash of varied nature, they had been strame for other images and memories that also urged it to the heart would have had immane sufficient forces in order to complete the job that attended it. They were only an old leak in a wall, a brandello of tapestry, an ancient spot of humid to fargli recognizing the space in which it was found. to dargli a reference that felt indispensable in order to re-enter in. Vag?elle rooms for day entire. To evening, while it was seated overwhelmed in a song ud?e voices of the sons who called it from the other head of the young house humid family were its only consolation of plant, asciug?e tears and was answered to the sons. The sons saw for before the time to walk curved. a little badly of kidneys, they have been the entire day chino on those heaps tomorrow we will help also we "said to you with the sons perch?' to?olvere, sudiciume, there?mido and there are airflows from tutte.Finireste to ruin those poor books." ribatt?l pi?iccolo, but one noticed that the ace of the father had become buio and and then zitt?vostra mother strict, instead, than of it the Doctor has indeed need from the months passed to Sulmona had noticed the sagacia and the great energy with which its moglie s' was engaged in the rescue of ci?he still was possible to recover of the familiar patrimony and in the reconstruction of it with that dedication and spirit of sacrifice of which only one woman. This ascertainment it was of particular comfort, lightened perch?entiva the weight of the logistic problems and economic of the familiar life that feared not to be able of hour innanzi sopportare. days succeeded to you sbarr?utte the entrances of its palace affinch?essuno could pi?amminare on those cumuli of books and allest?n one of the vain ones less blocks one risen than restoration laboratory: in it it arranged wide shelves, stiff ropes in order to hang to us like cloth of bucato the water sheets zuppi. mun?uindi of irons from I iron myself, of brushes, realizz?resse with of the weights and inizi?Chi it caught up it in that room (but the visits nearly were not never appreciate) in a rudimentale trust affisso on the architrave of the door could read: "COLLIGITE QUAE SUPERAVERUNT FRAGMENTA OF PEREANT. its hands, light as palpassero a hurting body, s' insinuated in the heaps of papers avoiding to still provoke a tear, still a manciata damage came capacity on the table, the careful eye frugava to recognize sheets. As the books and the papers came explained on the plans, the Doctor recomposed fragments, reconstructed images, memorizzava gaps from the new issues of the archives, the quinterni gathered spaginati goddesses lacking in every work and the pages lacking to every volume. Doctor picked in s?n motion of nearly infantile joy when it was successful then, species to who did not have familiarity with he, that it wanted to be isolated in every a sterile cult of cimelio of the human knowing and closing themselves in a world of. Its custom of life, always sobrio, had become austere. its effects a its state of changed mind. From that job hermit, in that house trasfigurata from the events until to being irriconoscibile, but that he could not in some way it are separated from clean, fixed, infinites personal memories. from those ruins of ci?he for an entire life he had been to I add of its thoughts and of its cures, he seemed strangely took to origin an indefinite sense to it of serenit?pensieri and even new ideas." sometimes one asked in the short pauses for its job, straightening kidneys and turning up the look like extremely far away fixing a point of its intentional life impartirgli in that way a pi?lta, even if hard, lesson rising of challenge to the man who wanted to think itself cultured pi?egreti and I excluded to you attends to you in its life, like hour between those ruins, was seemed to it of to being directed contact with viscere of the history. Such the pages of the books seemed to it to lacere and smeared from the passage of the foreign boots, than however from the leggibili lines stillavano the thought of a picked man, of a poet lived two, three, four or pi?ecoli before that hour of its life, if the mind had been serbata polishes, if a culture possessed it indeed, the anchor of the own identit?pirituale had to be in pi?icuri landings place of those blinked movements and from the political and social storms that imperversato, and that sure they would have continued to clear Sentiva in its mind that then in then its existence could not be come true in other way if not like intimate relationship. This was an inner surveying that demanded intellectual rigor in the search of the essential values and authentic of the human life perusal and elimination from the own interests of useless slags, of ci?he it turned out empty shape of contents, expression of mere material wealth or fatua Gloria mondana. disincantata and pessimistic vision of the societ?he pushed it to only ravvisare in the search and the culture the main thread of which the?ntessuta labile burlap of dignit?ell' the man. But such conception did not extinguish on its labbra the smile that expresses solidariet? who suffers, good auspice and hope in the presence of a n?minuiva child its innata one curiosit? its intellectual participation to novit?el the time did not see any to outside of the fields technical and scientific to the horizon they were gone equally outlining totalitarian and aberrant ideologies of those hardly pulled down, that they would have pushed once again to the end the pendular race of humor of the people. Sicch?oleva to often repeat, addressing to the sons: "Videbis spins me here parva sapientia regitur mundus. It would have intentional to instill in they a serene separation from the illusions and disappointments that unavoidablly accompany the life of the man this, than also it thought a substantial conquest of the spirit, had been perhaps possible (and very arduous) to he, to its ET? after many traversie. like transferring it, like inculcarne the idea in those young people without to extinguish in they the hopes and the illusions that are food of the juvenile enthusiasm for the life. Determined to catch up its scope with the example, pi?he with the words, too much. Mostr?quindi, never disconsolate and its attivit?isica and intellectual were not remained incessant in the time instead, for a ventennio still after the devastation of its library, pot?Nei summery months and of autumn it worked in its palace to the recovery of documents damages to you, taking famous of gaps and the damages that they had sub? and in the other months it tried to overwhelm those empty ones, to complete the heads lacking to the volumes with assiduous searches in the bookcases. In they it remained absorbed in the study for the entire timetable of opening, often forgetting the noon meal notes, comp?uasi without wanting it new searches and new studies and them pubblic?Superstite of pi?i one generation of students of incontr? it knew of the gloomy years of the war and of the post-war period, in the quiet and laborious climate for its family of years fifty, it saw the sons to grow, to become adults and laurearsi. sent?llora for before the time, after much time, less uncertain. Its name, famous in the circles of the historical culture, species in Abruzzi, attracted studious young people, assistants and graduating of the facolt?manistiche that asked it councils for their studies sorridendo, with the same mind with which many times were stopped to narrate the laborers that had finished the day of job in its palace in restoration, the historical vicissitudes of the country, the origin and the value of the many monuments that in. It fascinate the attention of those men with an anecdotal and elementary narration and while tried to inculcare in they the love and the cure for that common patrimony of civilt?consultavano offered the fruit of its searches, also if not still published, in long conversations that the Doctor did not appreciate that they were interrupted. What that, instead, happened when protrarsi of the talk in the passage of hours, interfered with the rhythms and the unexpected of the familiar life the interlocutor, somewhat to uneasiness, saw it that, without to interrupt its to say and without to lose the thread of the speech, rejected with a gesture of the hand the message that some domestic servant or a son tried of trasmettergli. fearing that a news, an historical concept fruit of one its long surveying, did not come very riposto and entrusted to an other mind opened to that culture transplanted in it perch?uel seed could sprout to you and to fructify for its memory left dumbfound the listeners: dates, places, bibliographical indications, news of the archives and studies of ancient or recent. of being able to record on tape those true and own lessons, in which also barren archival data assumed the heat and the tones of the human vicissitudes to." it insinuated to times stizzita the moglie, than from much wisdom and energy of the husband would have intentional returned to the family some "concrete" benefit. but it had pressoch?straniato itself from the management of the familiar economic interests and the moglie obtained in answer only a fine look of years fifty saw the sons to take moglie. one absolutely unimaginable hope before: that one to become grandfather feelings, desires that trent' years before had pervaso its siblings that had pushed it to the wedding, those laws, that biological weft were loaded in he with new, cakies and trepide emotions riserbo and the ritrosia for which of I shave esternava its feelings and its affections, they did not contain the filled up one of joy and true exultation when nacque. It wanted then that it grew in a hurry for potergli narrating he. Sicch?n occasion of the first birthday of the child, not essendogli close, not bastandogli the affettuosit? the express auguries for telephone to the parents whom they had made it to hear also the voice of the small that stuttered "nnonno", taken a sheet wanted scrivergli this letter: between two days you compirai a year, I you sar?icino with the thought, not being able it personally and with the thought you dir?utte all ci?he?ello bond, the pi?Vorrei things that the life you sorridesse always for many many years, lieto, just, honest dirti that every morning as soon as I open the taxes beautiful galletto ago chicchirichi and does not ask here me when you here come, perch?uol to know and Poi when I go in library the adjacent garden the beautifulst one cardellino, that sings divinely, you ask anch' it to me when you will come wants. Also a ciuchino ago to feel from far away its to i. and also it asks when you will come indeed he has said to me to write (giacch?on pu?arlo he that from child he did not want to go to school and cos?on impar? to read and to write and instead saw crescergli the orecchie and the tail) that when you come, you porter? horse as they make its siblings of Villa see again to us, therefore, soon beloved, beloved and grandfather racconter?ante you other beautiful affectionate kiss on the forehead and the hands from your old morning had concluded with succeeding the search of the author and the title it of one. It was successful, after many searches, to find of a copy in the library of a great abbey in the outskirtses of Rome where, by now novantacinquenne, s' its friend was made to accompany equally in automobile be fortunate the day after could have completed an other search in the library of Malta. Villa in order to go to us had gi?issato an appointment with one studious. The moglie chiam?l medical son: "Your father is badly, from half hour complains itself, he that not lagna never of null. a serious infarct to the heart. the pain resisted to the morphine and its strong fiber. After the first quarantotto hours, sedato the pain, lenito the malaise that accompanied it the Doctor wanted explanations from the son: which drugs meant somministrargli still which it was their composition and which the effects exactly of that what had been be a matter and that what found from the electrocardiogram that it made it cos?pesso, also hour that was son succeeded alone in part in celargli the nature of the evil, but any it was, the Doctor had said with tone that it did not admit argument, that never. In the days succeeded, feeling itself to you better, it begins? to preoccuparsi of the study appointments that it had lost to telephone to the friends with which would have had to meet, to make excuses itself to its name and while to fix the new appointments they were made in its presence to avoid that the sons engage to you in their neighbor to the bed, then, if it did not have alzarsi. that in that mind it polishes s' never did not point out the idea of the dead women turns had expressed, with the decision of an order, volont?da the much matured time, it are buried in the cemetary of Pescocostanzo: "Without pump." Sure in its mind he then see again the beautiful silver cross and of gold that they give child had carried many times in the processioni with the canonical uncle, bisticciando with the others chierichetti. medical son all the ci?embrava impossible et?el sick and Eight days after, the fatal crisis. Doctor scuotendo the medical son who it was next alert attention while s' he worried in the aids: a intravenous injection, an other, a fleboclisi, oxygen, the increase of velocit?i infusione.Ma the malore increased. an intense cold, ices invaded to it. The old doctor formul?llora one diagnosis, the last one of its life: "These are symptoms of shock to mine et?no. You remove those medicines disse. do not serve pi?sono. Your brother calls, instead, senn?on arrives in time. Before that one struggente leave, theirs, paradoxicalally, had been I consult of two doctors to the bedside of a sick one. the son tightened the hands and approached its ace the labbra to it, the father, as he had gained for before the time innanzi to the relatives the pudore of its feelings, with the expression in the face of who?nsioso to transmit last, important message, said: "Remembered, if ve you had not known it to demonstrate well before, that I have intentional always a lot to you, tantissimo. you, you six state the pi?traordinario and sweet Father who never could face of the father torn?ereno and the dead women fiss?uel mesto smile that it was. ?iuscito Vittorio to know it and hour attends the free one. Around there?uerra. but?uori, in the chest there?more. Italian language, Melina, but not servants: it speaks with the eyes. Vittorio and Melina the girl pi?ella of Samos. the pi?ella for all. Sublime sunsets, the cliffs to strapiombo on the sea and those black eyes and the wave narrate also other history of loves and wars in those contrade, but ancient, ignote to they, marmorei pebbles in the museums. Dicci all your history. we believe you without the tests of attests to you and On your ace one reads the verit?ei memories and of the facts, than they they are written or taciuti in documents and yours along sheet to register it had accepted makes that story us with order, an afternoon, sorbendo one. We knew some episodes of that history, learned occasionally during some gita in mountain, when it, conoscitore of every path and infaticabile binder of fungi, guided ours comitiva. an extraordinary history for the facts and the agile man of mind and body that had lived them, young recruit, during the second world war. I was not never exited from the light country hesitation, putting from a part the documents that had carried with s?er are pi?reciso, after forty years, in the narration of the facts when in the september of the ' 42 I left for Bressanone, enlisted in IX the regiment of of l?n along travel that, after a short stage to the Pireo, leads it in. E' to Samos gi?a some months when, the eight september of the ' 43, arrives the news of the armistice and the proclama of Badoglio. participates also he to the arrest of the little Germans who are on the island disembark English: enemies, friends, however masters the island is in order to fall in hand to the Germans. Turkey l?i forehead there?a coast: ight hundred meters of sea, isolotto and companions and one raft: ? little meters from the river little empty drums, legacies with telephone cable and for tolda a motor piece of parquet. and one squall: a corvette, tedeschi.Una the squall still and on the tolda?orte for five of they, two is seriously hurt and Vittorio?lleso. of the Germans: ' Italian traitor, kaput. military it skids you of all the crews of the Italian army, on the ship for Atene. attacked in sea from two English airplane but lacked from their bombs. of concentration of Jacodina near Nis in Yugoslavia blows, rags that bubble within the drums while men knots spidocchiano. The first hard little: Vittorio is placed side by side to a column of Bulgarian soldiers that returns indisturbata in native land, of it wears the uniform and after a night of march it catches up with they the border of Bulgaria. But l?iene uncovered from the Germans, malmenato and threatened of died that the execution is imminent when in a prugneto comes ahead pushed from the two Germans who escort it, like to dirgli: "you run, vattene. volter?ndietro in order to see that it happens to its shoulders and not scapper?sarebbe be the scorciatoia for the dead women." it thinks) and it goes ahead. the two Germans do not talk nonsense to it but the second attempt of escape is failed, but the third party has happened: while it works to the construction of a railroad with other prisoners, it supervises to you from the Germans with the mitra smoothed, there?n' aerial incursion. One gets confused with the population, it catches up the campaign and an old one that it plows. "If you had seen not to it you gave it a money. Vittorio that perhaps lives again that encounter instead?n partisan who rifocilla and the extension its machine gunner hidden in a siepe. contrada?ibera?nteramente controlled from the partisans appear two women who Vittorio seguir?er hours on impervi mountain paths until catching up, in one goes them, an enormous building where?l commando shakes it men the many Italian sailors. Vittorio must decide if it wants to go to work or to fight with the partisans of Tito. A squall tightens it the throat: it thinks the far family, to one immeasurable distance. to house its, its. A deep tangle of feelings?el of the heart. And if also to Pescocostanzo same succeeding those that it happens here of libert?il desire pi?orte?uello to return to house. Army, second division, third battalion, fifth Italian company. Two Italians command: Carl of Brescia, political commissioner and the other of the country of Mussolini ("seems said taken Forl?non.ho to me part to the combats for the liberation of various citizens, between which Uzice, Cacak, Bajina Enough, Dren, Sarajevo. Bajina Enough I have met two Italians who carried ammunitions near the Russian guns racconta Vittorio. Also Italian you a life without requie, of continuous movements and ambushes. from a mission the company is not found again where?asciata: ?tata. it remains block, must cavarsela only remember a word of order of a disowned language, of which they are begun hardly to learn first, elementary words to talk nonsense to us against between combatants of the same part during the story, seem to notice in its face an ancient enthusiasm in order to glielo do not ask, would be a foolish question. the vicinity of the Red Army, Vittorio decides of arruolarcisi: "M?e of I go with the red army and I am better. in place of being with these here, than once you are with one, once you are with an other. to pass to the troubles mine, perch?ure they, the Russians, carried to me in a field of from the morning to the official evening for three days commander, but the commanders did not acknowledge from the soldiers, ch?rano all dressed in the same way. Ce had it with the Italians perch?rano gone on the earth they, to Stalingrad, to bomb them. They drank vodka, but one vodka special with the pepper. to free it a greater one jugoslavo that it said the Russians that he, and also others who found l?erano partisans and had to be rilasciati. resume the mountain and the adventure: "Messengers, I was seen many and I did not have fear pi?i nothing and of nobody and della.Quando I did not arrive in a country I smoothed the mitra on the first one that me capitava and I asked to it if there were the Germans, and if not there were that it carried to me from the mayor or from that which I had to go, or that me it carried endured. When I had to catch up a place that I did not know (and I was not of l?che I could some know of the places, of those countries I put under with mitra the someone that I met and that one had to guide to me once tocc? a pregnant woman of seven months, made pain me: ' o.tar', I said, '?uro'. finds to me qualcun other to it to the place yours, than I leave you to go gone via all, than not there was remained nobody. and cammin?er four or five memories are multiplied: the infecting stink of the Red Army, the value and the ferocity of the multitude of women who of it make part. the inexhaustible flow of the troops of rincalzo, anch' they mostly constituted from feminine units, that they overwhelm endured the empty facts the battle impetuous being left over of the Russian wagons that crush anyone amico or enemy. they are found ahead: "they put all under, and via. Drina, than the Russians they carry out grabs hold of you to the tails of cows that they push ahead and that then, nearly they were trained, they return behind and they ferry other soldiers infagottati, the mitra on the head, "that they seemed bufali". the precious rags and the brandelli of skin vacca in order making ciocie, and the only pair of shoes possessed, taken to a Russian soldier dead man, and its cap crashs between various bands partigiani of Tito, Cetnici, Ustacia, Thracians. One condition of war of all against all. "Also the Christian religions are two, catholic and orthodox one, and double festivit?due Passovers, two News Year's Day. "Sure times I did not understand pi?iente. n?e I was with a n?e I was with an other by now has one single goal: its country, Italy. I went where capitava. m?ovevo to follow one and m?n other. and sure times, then, I left all and." The metallic voice of Vittorio, its to talk melted, that they denounce the vivezza of those memories, is hour accompanies you from a halting expression of the look, to turn of eyes as of who it must orientarsi. riemergono, perhaps, in he the uncertainty and the anxiety of the young man then, straniato from its atmosphere, swept up from thick events times to he of the all hour?ra friends, in the room spande the Forse and aroma caff?lo sorbisce slowly would be wanted to be asked our impressions to us on its story, but it does not make it and it continues with the less raw memories, these, perch?li we ask if. To Passover, pass?n train while we worked to repair the railroad and people us gett?ai windows of. An other time that I was starved I saw to pass some Russian soldiers who carried of the drums of roba warm, must be some good one zuppa, I thought. I approached myself with average zucca an empty one, ch?ltro container ce I did not have it: ' saint Ja gladan' I said to it, ' I have fame'. they I sank the average one zucca in the drum and me the full ridettero was polenta. a woman, an evening una girl was knitting, lavor?utta the night in order to end the pair and to give it al. memory to me of episodes of solidariet?mana attenuates the novellistic tension, the expression of its face returns that one accustoms them: serene and opened they chase other memories, the pi?mari: "To Belgrade, than by now it had been freed and it was in hand to the troops of Tito, while I crossed a road and I carried a shipping (ch?o, as I have said, the messengers I have made in my life partisan) I was hit from a sharpshooter: one squall of mitra to the legs me. I was collected and carried the Russian commando, l?i they interrogated in order much time: who I was, who I was not, that I made in that place, from where me avevano.e I was myself dissanguando, but to they gliene he did not import nothing. Finch?non having other to ask to me, carried to me in a hospital of Belgrade. Of the Russian doctors they have operated to me and cured. Then I was transferred to the hospital of Pancevo and there are remained seven months taught the language to us and I began to speak it well, nearly better. But also this fact fin?er to succeed harmful that hospital to me made of the conferences and I went to us very gladly, indeed me they carried to us in arm, like a child, inasmuch as the legs were out of service for the wounds and there was a species of grill that resisted to them said every day that Trieste had been occupied from the Fascists friend of Bitonto me spieg?llora (perch?o of schools of it has not made) that when was occupied Trieste the Fascists did not exist. The next day when the conference they asked who wanted to speak, I speak I, I said endured, and to the political commissioner I said: not?ero the one which you have said, that the Fascists have occupied Trieste, perch? that age the Fascists did not exist curse still that moment: after little minuteren that had been brought back to bed to the end of the assembly, two soldiers to its bedside arrive and they order it of seguirli. he she does not understand and she thinks at first to a joke, but those insist: ' mora', ' for forza', they say must by force go with. And, siccome it not to pu?amminare, carries it in arm in a near building, where, without no explanation the scaraventano in a cell basement. E' a sink of a meter for a meter and means of surface, deep three or L?imane for three days and only decreases to it of the bread and the water. It exits some with the worms in the wounds. or rather the affectionate warning, than when usc?a that said hole one university professor, moglie of a doctor of Ancona: "Italian, what you have." And, without to listen to the reasons that Vittorio wanted to expose, made to remove the present persons with a pretest: "Zitto: cutati. the ordin?e still, when it seemed to it that Vittorio wanted in some way senn?u ends an other time in the sink. ?n degree to walk Vittorio would have to catch up its unit that?i. But desire to return to urgent house?rmai. Incontrer?ncora unsurmountable obstacles and small overhongs of generosit?he will be per?eterminanti for the realization of its plan entrer?n illegal gamblings of which it ignores the mechanism. An empty yellow envelope, with a small mark, had with making mysterious and recapitata without to say word to ' Giovanna', dar?' start to the repatriation procedure would want to have a pi?ecente uniform, and it os to ask it to one Anglo-American representation that? Belgrade, but does not succeed to have it and, salted in the airport of that one citt?u a military airplane, it catches up Bariums with bag, it tears, and a cap with the red star in forehead. Its past does not seem n?rgoglioso of those, in which sure there were audacity and courage, n?ompiaciuto of the attention that. That adventure for he remains such not?Se wonder v'??uella that it expresses to s?tesso during the narration of the facts with involuntary esclamazioni: "Mannaggia Giudaccio. innata disponibilit?erso the others, to have made with that narration, one what appreciate the friends, collects the documents that had carried with s? them. Between they?n attested and a medal there that in 1971 Tito marshal confers in order to have participated to the liberation fight nearby day to it it sends us a basket of fungi years after this Vittorio story, than?empre the first one to catch up the summit of a mount and the pi?ioviale in the company?n a coach that door to house of the abruzzesi comitive that return from a pilgrimage also the Pope. In torpedone the lights they are colored blue, many sleep braces of comari speak driven in and every a lot they laugh, chetamente, in order not to disturb two fiancèes they are watched in the eyes and of the boys in the seat of cavano bottom from a guitar notes in mute and intonano submitted reasons of songs it exceeds the Plan of the Five Miles and firm beyond the road?l. Of the cars they attend the comitiva of Pescocostanzo. with the others there and crosses the road. The thread of the life for Vittorio?eciso. we remember its face laughing, still half century after, to the thought of a sick new that has intentional the first appointment of the day "said the nurse to Giulio that, worn with gesture express the shirts, was forming a number to the telephone," and there are of the telephone calls before the other visits now per?accio to pass to this mrs.. me it seems that it is truly male.(Lui instead seems a type scorbutico. to pass ", answered, was trusted its judgment. to times individuals quite with an infarct in action of other part were understood to it to you in the study in order to telephone to Clelia had need of a quiet moment of room entr?na elderly brace that showed to belong to one elevated social and economic layer. the husband turned the look around scrutando the furnishings lindo and works them of that study that null, per?concedeva to. Nearly he had intentional to make to find to have estimated the semplicit?ell' ambient, said that they were l?er council of one friend of the moglie. He had spoken much good about its doctor, and said the name of one become attached patient of Giulio, than the moglie intentional consultarlo. it had been gi?ottoposta to deepened controls ("true and own check up" ribad?in several clinics of prestige had with they turn out you of. In saying cosi mostr?na envelope rigonfia of reports and of." inizi?a moglie, which showed of having to trouble the preambles of the husband and of wanting to come endured to the hard one of its it disturbs corrected Giulio that went gi?saminando with the look the suffering aspect." resumptions it, but was the only time that the chiam?os?il tito it of university professor evidently had become them accustoms them in its encounter with the doctors. The history of the disease that the mrs. went continuously interrupted from the husband who thought of having some to rectify of the particular, with stizza mutual of the spouses leaving to speak the moglie, would have listened to after its precisazioni. haste of sbrigarsi for via of that telephone call to Clelia and also in order to remove itself of innanzi the hateful husband. but it had to give sick to the time that was necessary to them perch?osse sure to have made to the doctor one complete narration of its. When that one termin?le one or two particular churches confirmation that they were the only ones to interest it, made them of the questions that they demanded a precise answer and it said them to undress itself and to lie down itself on the lettino. convinced that a tiny objective examination of the patient would have concurred to it to orient itself in its disease and, perhaps, to characterize of the critical point it was the moment pi?ello of its job: the nature placed in front of its eyes a phenomenon, of the symptoms, the often conflicting indications and deceptive and it had to intuire the intimate mechanisms, the fisiopatologici intrichi that were concluded in the disease had to find of the cause and, if possible. Then he sharpened its five senses, touched to along the wrist of the sick one, its ear selected tones, breaths, rantoli with their infinites characters. The assessments, the analyses, the employment of the pi?vanzate and sophisticated technologies, came after, guided from those its examination, like extension of its senses, in answer to stages of its clinical reasoning. to confirmation or refutation of its diagnostic intuitions. That job it was piaciuto since the beginning just perch?atto of culture and art, critical thought and manualit?costantemente enriched from the scientific progress and spiritualit?el the relationship with the human pain talora not lacking in the rare fruit. It was proud to respect cos?pur after many years of professional exercise, the canoni of the clinical methodology proclamata in the lecture halls to the medicine students since the first years of theirs. By now the greater part of its connects when it had of new forehead a sick one, wanted in the first place to see the examinations, the analyses and limited the pi?ossibile, and often avoided quite, direct and the wrist "rimarr?olo a way to say devout? less archaic and the relationship of the locuzione with the medicine trover?olo in the etimologici dictionaries. However for null to the world it would have changed to its method of job patient therefore was meticulously observed. Giulio the ordin?i to cough, to breathe deeply, to make of the movements to eyes sluices, evoc?d esamin?Alla fine of the visit, when it thought to have formulated a its diagnostic guideline, said the mrs. to cover itself and taken vision of the examinations that the husband had shown to the beginning not you trov?peraltro, also between the many you execute yourself, the only one that to he interested pointed out the husband who that one had been before the time that had it that it had been given the possibilit?i to them to tell "nearly" all. Giulio prescribed the examination that thought necessary and, in attended of the result, precis?uali hygienic norms the mrs. had to respect perch?data the nature of the disease, was pi?a those that give the drug ingestion that the mrs. could have drawn giovamento. point the husband, nearly had intentional to take rising of rivincita in the comparisons of the doctor and of the moglie esclam?"Ma I m' waited for the prescription of a therapy who had rendered endured the forces to my moglie. I answered to it with coldness that not always the rich and poor biological laws make distinction between and conged?a brace therefore, to the nurse in order to say them to attend the end of one its telephone call before making to enter the successive patient but when that one came the rifer?he it had telephoned two times for he mrs. Clelia and the second one for dirgli that, having to exit in a hurry of house, the telephone appointment that they had was dominated from many days the thoughts of Giulio. it constantly saw innanzi to s?n that strange, surrealistic corporeit?he memory of the senses pu?enderci of one far person: it seemed of being able to tighten them the hand, perceiving the contact of its soft and fresh skin. of it it heard the clear voice complicit? of mystery. of it that woman felt the most tenuous scent represented gi?er he who, of was sure, in order before had tried it, in order before it had launch an imperceptible one, but sure she marks them of understanding when as soon as they had been known during anonymous crowding and. That woman, than in the shapes enclosed its ideal of feminine beauty, had evoked endured a memory far away but not lost in its memory: that one of one young and elegant mrs. who many years before, when she worked in one clinical of a new quarter of its citt?aveva pi?olte observed gentle note of color in the gray. Then he had not been able, n?orse intentional to know it, nearly in order not to break off light rising of incantesimo. then the time was passed and it was not pi?ndato in that clinical look intercrossed with she during the pause to a semaforo, it was remained alive. Perhaps it had been the perfect likeness between those two figures to have ignited its fantasy. or that fascinating woman that she had from little. Seven or eight years what can remove to one young and beautiful woman, or rather not add them than fascination and of mystery. Perhaps perhaps one risen social had lead it from the suburbio to the salotti of the high quarters, also she had in that quarter a job or a lover this, hour, what imported to it. He interested, instead, those that in he was. The passed sentimentale life was seemed to it of an empty feature and scialba, made of lukewarm innammoramenti, of short interludi, schermaglie lovings in which s' blow on blow was lost in rendering, in hurting and humiliating in order to be revenged when rising of crudelt?i replaces to the relationship. All ci?on Clelia was simply unimaginable had innanzi a maze of thoughts and of emotions that, if you smarrito within, head to two opposite escapes only put: that one of a cooking disappointment, than to its et?orse sopportato and that one of the radiosa joy, the complete union many times thought, yearned for and never caught up null it would have existed without love and solos in the idillio a passionate love would be burned desire and sensualit?prima of that union it would have been of the all lost one for they, ch?ell' intimit?egli amplessi would have lived again and combined also the antichi, previous personal dispel encounter occasions to us the emotion had prevented to Giulio to express to Clelia, with concise phrases, the flood of its feelings and the urgency that it had. but it had been felt partecipe with she of an exclusive understanding and deep that wrapped both in rising of breathtaking, light spiral and struggente. five days during which it would have been difficult to make to coincide just the free time from gi?resi engagements with that one of seemed Clelia. also she a lot occupied. For the successive day it was fixed one of the sitting conclusive of the jobs of the Commission of which he it made part and for the fine week it had to o to Pescocostanzo. had promised to its friend Gregorio to it when its strange telephone call had received one. Commissioners were seated in seggioloni the puttinges tutt' around to an immense table oval of dark wood and lustro with the inlaid rose of the twenty to the center. to head of the table the President assiso on the seggiolone of honor, from the imposing espalier of leather with gold impressions. Giulio, than of usual occupied one of the places that remained empty after that the other Commissioners had been based, trying everyone to be close the pi?ossibile to the President, that time was careful to occupy he one of those amb? scranni. first moment had thought about infischiarsene about that Commission. to how much convocazione letter was written nella, "in order to study shapes of prevention and cure" of some diseases of so-called social importance, it was I toast revealed for that it was: a pretest in order to create and to distribute. Then, in spite of the loss of time that gliene would be sure derived, ban to the egoismo, had decided to remain: perhaps it could riuscirgli make something that it returned of concrete utilit?nche for. It did not deprive of hope, in fact, to obtain the consent of the President when it would have enunciated the proposals of the participations that with great engagement it had of the President on the other members of the Commission was obvious: without to alter the composita expression of its face, always assumed to strict knowledge, it moderated with immediate effectiveness the tones of the contese that rose between the Commissioners for the partition of the future assignments and found accepted solutions of compromise without reservoirs from contendenti. the member of Sanitary a Granconsiglio High, was to the apex of the academic career, of the auriferous reputation of great clinician and also of its life for a mortal disease them of which also it had conscience it thought of being able to provoke in he at least a motion postaddle of human solidariet?erorando not a its personal interest, but that one of anonymous people becomes ill to you. the reunion churches the word in the moment that seemed pi?pportuno and parl?ivolgendosi to it directly to he enunci?n schematic and clear way its proposals and was also explicit in demonstrating the inefficiency for it sickens you of the l?revisti provisions end if such which had gone to effect therefore, in Hush the hostile one that had been created around, the answer del. then its look glauco, than to the beginning s' it was rested on benevolent he, to cloud itself for a cloud of suspicion, continuation I toast from an expression of. In its Giulio voice it picked a famous one of malcelata irony. The President fiss?ncora a moment, made curious, like in order assessing themselves of the exactitude of its judgment therefore, of new aware and strict torn? to moderate the contesa that it was risen in the meantime for the allocation of primariato to one or the other of two territorial areas limitrofe, respective of various infuence of the two contendenti. of the President, Giulio had perceived within of s?n violent collision, like had gone to give of cozzo against a wall one physical feeling of pain, of. Alz? usc?all' classroom in Hush like that, during a banquet, picked from unexpected nausea, circles to go away some without it are telephone call that it had received from Gregorio three days before had been laconica: "You come to find gli had said to me. perhaps you serve to me like doctor and still." It did not have intentional to add other. the anxiety shading that Giulio had picked in its voice was passing when it had promised. Gregorio of other song is six months that are not looked at to you here to Fish. Giulio was oing to that appointment for the game played from ' nazionale'. imagined the million fixed eyes on the screen television, the nerves thesis, ready urlo it of goooal. case of Victoria, the delirious outbreak of a nationalism that made it. It had an extended, nearly mechanical guide. its thought was elsewhere. S' was dismissed from little from the last patient of that day, cavalier the Rossatti Antonio ("forty years of honored service in Public Administration decision, but the words of the sick one returned to it insistent to the ear: "Eh gi?quelli is surgeons and wants to always cut before She, me council with She and far?olo what It says to me. Also my daughter, sa', once again thinks cosi. the end of skein to it of a life that was in order smarrir was in its. A life of nerves and blood in which hour the allampanata figure of the knight was incarnated, with its four cigarettes smoked secretly, with its engagement not to impensierire the daughter, ". ahead alone the house, nevertheless in office carries it all in palm of." and with quant' other, little in verit?rendeva it realizes he, Giulio, it had made how much could better not for the health of that man, little served to rasserenargli the spirit l?chiuso in the nside. The just and timely diagnosis, the prescription of sottoporsi to the rischioso only made surgical participation after to have meditated it and rimeditata, to have taken council, to have due to admit that not other was no possibilit?i cure for those malanno, they could be worth to satisfy it when he was with the shirts white man I wear, behind its writing desk, between diagrams and Hour did not succeed to remove the thought that, in case of failure of the participation, would not have been sure the words with which the surgeon gliene would have explained the technical causes to cancellargli the idea that that man left to its still chiss?uanti destiny could living other years. In the contrary case, here, it imagined it like if the same ones living, the scene of the unexpected malaise, the atrocious pain to the abdomen of the knight and the useless call of urgency case, insomma, in which stavolta on the crinale in the balance were the life of a man, also defined to its eyes in every particular and every premise, of which same it had been one of the determining elements, of l? little it would have been resolved in one of the two opposite ones probabilit? of they he remained alone arbitrator. To that what was uses its engagement, its breathlessness for the fate of question that Giulio s' was turned nearly unconsciously, said the start in its mind to one true cascade of interrogated to you and of doubts. to begin just from those sterile pi?stratti and: those metaphysicians, on the destiny of the men, as "who we are, donde we come, where. Interrogated and doubts to you to which it had decided for a long time that they had to answer, had to melt them or annodarcisi with, the philosophers, not sure he that he had always meant and he meant to remain with the feet on the earth was not affar its that one this was only a beautiful one to say that incautious question had inferto an other blow of ram to the dam that it tried every day for a long time to erect in its mind against spreading of the doubts, employing irremovibili the solid blocks and in kind of the dismissal to better time than decisions and judgments defined you and the malta tenacious of the good intentions verit?era that Giulio ravvisava everywhere reasons of perplessit? of doubt, even if the greater part of they took origin from the atmosphere of its job, from that one its particular entire profession, all societ?he it was around, like one sinuosa hank of ambiguit?ella which he was entangled and did not succeed in districarsi. moments also novit?i the scientific, technological nature, the social changes that seemed an authentic of the sort human progress on the road of the civilt? of the well-being, they showed to it, nearly was a sonorous one sberleffo of the history, the back of the medal, their double one you make which probable causes not gi?ttualidi catastrophes of every kind: ecological, social, moral, potentially. The contemporary historical vicissitude appeared to it, then, like the intermediate phase of a reaction biochemistry who would have had to lead to the new synthesis and pi?rogredite shapes of socialit?e in it, in that moment, had not been in order to prevail the enzymes, the catalysts of. Perch?candagliare the abysses, was asked then, perch?on to reject and to remove from s?uelle worries that, in bottom. But would be then successful to fortify, beyond that its assets, also its mind and its spirit of grates, of cancel, of could have distracted the own attention, to sopire the curiosit?stintiva and the new rising passions in the mind its this conduct could leave it calm anchor along. but it was that one that slowly, inavvertitamente that University professor would have lead it to the renunciation of how much?Quando, with irony, had given to it of the idealist, perhaps he did not have intentional dirgli that it was one foolish, a semplicione that would not have never learned living perch?se of had only been able, would have taken as an example he, that he had crossed the dominating life from and not even the idea of the dead women affievoliva hour its spirit of conquest indeed increased the value of the time that it remained innanzi and the sapore of the prede that still it would have torn to the life he, per?di to wear that mask of indifference, or true cynicism, for living without scrupoli, breathlessness without to watch pi?n high and. Just he that it thought to pick in the constant absence of a whichever glare of pure joy in the look of a man, the symptom of the disease of its social mind, of which cynicism and disengagement were not that sequele morbose. It that it had always refused the idea that the needle of its spiritual compass remained firm on a single point cardinal, that place to the center of immiserito I, gretto and spaurito. was he, per?per to judge the others. When the dress of the professional had been removed of back, that bourgeois of the social conventions, when it was remained knot to its same indagatore look, Giulio did not notice in the mind its also begins them cert>
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